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Books Franchise

The Windwalker is a large Tidal Class dragon that first appeared in the game, School of Dragons.

Official Description[]

While some dragons can be as bold and courageous as a Deadly Nadder, others tend to be more attuned to the gentler and cautious side — but that doesn't mean these kinds of dragons aren't daring and tenacious in their own way! Even the WINDWALKER will have you know that it's not afraid to step up to the plate when the time calls for it, especially if it means protecting their own young from grave danger. This was definitely something Heather learned after being challenged to a seemingly innocuous race.
It was on her way back to Dragon's Edge with Windshear, when what Heather hoped to be a peaceful return trip quickly changed, as she and Windshear found themselves challenged by this seemingly playful Tidal Class dragon. Enticed by the desire to experience the thrilling adventure of a race between two nimble creatures, Heather chose to accept the challenge and let the two dragons tango through the air — right up until she realized that the dragon was actually leading them to a different island altogether!
Quickly returning to a more guarded approach, she and Windshear fell back to watch where this dragon headed, and they soon found themselves engaged in a mission to help their new-found friend rescue its eggs before trappers came back to collect their bounty. And because of this slight change to their return trip, now all Vikings on campus have the chance to train this lithe and incredible creature of the skies!
Are you prepared to watch the magnificent transformation of the WINDWALKER unfold? Then head to campus to begin this bonding experience of a lifetime today!
  School of Dragons  
Windwalkers are very gentle, kind natured creatures, but are willing to defend their flock at the drop of a helm. Never get between a Windwalker and her eggs.
Windwalkers howl into battle with gale force winds.
  Dragons: Rise of Berk  

Physical Appearance[]

Windwalker egg


In School of Dragons, Windwalkers have smooth, oval-shaped eggs. They are reddish orange in color, with thin, lighter colored stripes, also some small purple dots add to the array of details on the egg.

In Dragons: Rise of Berk, Windwalker eggs have a stripped model, which gives the impression of being covered in plates. They have a dark colored base which fades into a lighter, almost white, top.

Hatchling to Adult[]

The Windwalker is a four-legged, spiny dragon that has a snout like a gharial. This dragon has a long thin neck, and a horn on top of its snout. Several spine-like flaps run down its body. This dragon is pink with a yellow under belly.

Titan Windwalker

Titan Wing[]

Titan Wing Windwalkers increase a lot in size. The row of spines on their necks, backs and tails becomes double and bigger. Their colors are much darker and their wings turn from pale yellow to dark purple. The horns on their heads grow longer, giving the dragons a devil-like appearance.


Water Blasts[]

The Windwalker is shown in School of Dragons to be able to produce blasts of water, thus being placed in the Tidal Class.


Just like the Skrill and the Night Fury, the Windwalker is able to absorb lightning from storm clouds and use it to create an electrical shield around its body. This ability can be adapted for other uses, such as detecting weather changes as Galeguard does.


In Dragons: Rise of Berk, the Windwalker is capable of shooting concentrated balls of fire.

Phosphorescent Wing Patches[]

The wings of some Windwalker individuals, such as Mistroll, possess phosphorescent patches that can reflect the light from a starry night sky. Windwalkers are skilled enough in reflecting this light that they can even make shooting stars appear on these patches, with legend claiming that any wish on one of the shooting star reflections will come true.

Behavior and Personality[]

The Windwalker is a kind and gentle, yet brave dragon that will stop at nothing to protect its vulnerable young. It is said that they like spending more time in the air than on the ground. It is also said to be tenacious and daring.

Windwalkers are sociable creatures that live in flocks. They will protect others of their species at any cost, especially the eggs and hatchlings.



School of Dragons[]

Originally from the original Book series, the Windwalker was introduced in School of Dragons.

Dragons: Rise of Berk[]

The Windwalker as a species was introduced in this game in the Valentine update of 2019. However, the individual Skykarver was introduced in the game two years earlier.


  • The Windwalker is a more book accurate than most dragons that were adapted from the books. It seems to be based on the one on the cover of How to Steal a Dragon's Sword.
    • The Windwalker has the same crocodile-like snout and spine placement.
    • However, there are no feathers and fur on the School of Dragons Windwalker, unlike the book counterpart. The absence of fur and feather, however, allows this rendition to stay in line for the franchise canon, as no franchise species have fur or feathers.
    • They also both have a connection to lightning, as the book Windwalker shoots lightning while the franchise Windwalker can create an electrical bubble.
  • In School of Dragons, inside the Hidden World Annex players can see a wild Windwalker flying in around without its glow textures.


Windwalker (Franchise) uses Creative Commons Licensed content from the Dreamworks School of Dragons Wiki page Windwalker. The list of authors can be found on the page revision history (view authors). SODWikiLogo
Windwalker (Franchise) uses Creative Commons Licensed content from the Rise of Berk Wiki page Windwalker. The list of authors can be found on the page revision history (view authors). ROBWiki Logo

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