any trouble - Spanish translation – Linguee

Dictionary English-Spanish

External sources (not reviewed)

There is never any trouble, as this sense [...]
of community makes it very safe.
Nunca hay problemas, porque este esp�ritu [...]
de comunidad hace que sea un lugar muy seguro.
If you experience any trouble using your headset, [...]
try the following troubleshooting instructions.
Si experimenta alg�n problema con los auriculares, [...]
siga estas instrucciones para solucionarlo.
Except for those first few weeks,
[...] Miren, you didn't give me any trouble in my whole pregnancy.
Aparte de aquellas primeras semanas, t�,
[...] Miren, no me diste ning�n trabajo durante todo el embarazo.
If you have any trouble breathing during the [...]
test, you should notify the scanner operator immediately.
Si usted
[...] presenta alguna dificultad para respirar durante [...]
el examen, debe notific�rselo al operador del esc�ner inmediatamente.
[...] you in locating and eliminating the cause of any trouble you may encounter after installation.
[...] SOLUCI�N DE PROBLEMAS" lo ayudar� a ubicar y eliminar la causa de los problemas que pueda encontrar [...]
despu�s de la instalaci�n.
When you have any trouble paying any debt it is important [...]
to let your creditor know as soon as possible.
En el caso de surgir alg�n problema en el pago de una deuda, [...]
es importante que se lo notifique a su acreedor a la mayor brevedad posible.
Once they finish their thesis, they tend not to have any trouble entering the professional world: in 2008, 96 % of them found a job within a year at the most.
Una vez terminada su tesis, la inserci�n profesional es mucho m�s sencilla: en 2008, el 96% de los doctores encontraron un trabajo en un plazo inferior a un a�o.
The Conference was held in a love and friendship atmosphere among Colombian Urantians,
[...] we do not have any trouble.
La conferencia se celebr� en una ambiente de amor y amistad entre colombianos urantianos,
[...] no tenemos ning�n problema.
For that reason, in every project, we keep an always-on hotline for our customers with permanent availability,
even on holidays and week-ends, to
[...] immediately take care of any trouble or concern that may arise [...]
as the project develops.
Por eso en todos los proyectos mantenemos con el cliente una l�nea de contacto con disponibilidad permanente,
incluso en festivos, para la
[...] inmediata resoluci�n de cualquier incidencia o duda que pueda [...]
surgir durante su desarrollo.
If you have any trouble at download or installation, [...]
please check the following documentation.
Si tienes alg�n problema con la descarga o instalaci�n, [...]
consulta la siguiente p�gina de documentaci�n.
Sometimes, in the middle of a meeting or at school, I felt a kick, always up high, but normally you moved when I was lying down, as if you didn't want to cause any trouble.
A veces, en medio de una reuni�n o en la escuela, sent�a una patada, siempre en la parte de arriba, pero normalmente te mov�as cuando estaba echada, como si no quisieras estorbar.
The person who directs the movement of the team is the guide, who knows perfectly each part of the river and has the
knowledge proceed in a risky situation; under his command, even a six-year-old boy can practise
[...] this sport without any trouble.
La persona que dirige los movimientos del equipo es el gu�a, quien conoce perfectamente cada parte del r�o y tiene los conocimientos
para actuar en una situaci�n de riesgo; bajo su mando, hasta un ni�o de 6 a�os puede
[...] practicar este deporte sin problemas.
However, the French representatives Jacques Chirac and
Lionel Jospin called for a stay of execution so that they can get through the presidential
[...] elections without any trouble.
Pero los franceses Jacques Chirac y Lionel Jospin exigieron una pr�rroga para presentarse tranquilamente a
[...] la elecci�n presidencial.
The manager wants to abort this trouble report (either because it was entered in error or because there
[...] is no longer any trouble condition).
El gestor desea abortar este informe de dificultades (porque se present� err�neamente o porque ya
[...] no existe la condici�n de dificultad).
If there is any trouble or defect with the technical equipment provided by the TV Turm GmbH , TV Turm GmbH will remedy the situation immediately.
Si se presentaran fallas o defectos en los aparatos t�cnicos proporcionados por TV Turm GmbH, �sta resolver� de inmediato el problema.
Alisply Circular was used for the circular digester and Alisply
Universal allowed the implementation of columns up to 11 m high which were
[...] concreted in just one go without any trouble.
Se utiliz� Alisply Circular para los digestores
circulares y el Alisply universal solucion� pilares de hasta 11 m de altura, llen�ndose de
[...] una vez, sin ning�n tipo de problema.
Did you ever have any trouble with a prisoner?
Se ha encontrado alguna vez en dificultades con los detenidos?
We do not want
[...] to expose him to any trouble; that is why we [...]
decided not to give his name.
No queremos exponerlo a problemas, por eso hemos decidido [...]
ocultar su nombre.
If you meet any trouble during installation or normal use of [...]
your drive, please refer to the following information.
Si se encuentra con cualquier problema durante la instalaci�n [...]
o el uso normal de su unidad , consulte la siguiente informaci�n.
When the police arrived, they asked these men to leave the Embassy, which they did
at once, assuring the police that they had not
[...] intended to cause any trouble and had only come [...]
to ask for an appointment.
La polic�a, al llegar, les pidi� que abandonaran la Embajada, lo cual hicieron de
inmediato, asegurando a la polic�a que no
[...] pretend�an causar ning�n problema y que s�lo hab�an [...]
ido all� para concertar una cita.
The circulation of fully deaerated water
allows the systems to work
[...] under optimal conditions without any trouble of noise, corrosion, local overheating [...]
and mechanical damage.
La circulaci�n de agua
[...] completamente libre de aire asegura el funcionamiento ideal del sistema, [...]
sin ruido, corrosi�n, sobrecalentamientos
localizados ni da�os mec�nicos.
Then, the impact assessment and cross-border problems - how the new approach could go in the right direction: I think this is exactly what the new approach is
targeting, but, unfortunately, I do not have a recipe
[...] as to how we can avoid any trouble and make implementation [...]
go smoothly.
(EN) Adem�s, las evaluaciones de impacto y los problemas transfronterizos, de qu� manera puede ir el nuevo enfoque en la direcci�n correcta: creo que esto es exactamente lo que busca el nuevo
enfoque, pero por desgracia no tengo la
[...] receta para evitar todos los problemas y asegurar una aplicaci�n [...]
sin contratiempos.
All the areas have worked very
[...] well, without any trouble".
Todas las �reas de gesti�n han funcionado
[...] plenamente y sin dificultades".
In addition, if you show
[...] evidence of jaundice or any trouble with your pancreas, you [...]
should seek medical attention immediately,
which should include testing for gallstones.
Adem�s, si muestra
[...] evidencia de ictericia o cualquier molestia en el p�ncreas, debe [...]
buscar atenci�n m�dica inmediata, la
cual debe incluir una revisi�n de c�lculos biliares.
Those polled
[...] were asked to recount any trouble they had experienced in [...]
getting health care in one of five areas over the
prior year: medical or surgical care, prescription medications, mental health, vision care and dental care.
Se pidi� a los
[...] encuestados que relataran cualquier dificultad que hubieran experimentado [...]
para recibir atenci�n de la salud
en alguna de cinco �reas durante el a�o anterior, atenci�n m�dica o quir�rgica, medicamentos recetados, salud mental, cuidado de la vista y atenci�n odontol�gica.
We apologize for any trouble caused, and for requesting [...]
that all projects be re-registered in order to be included once
again in the Map of Higher Education Initiatives.
Nos disculpamos por los problemas ocasionados y pedimos [...]
vuelvan a registrar sus proyectos para incluirlos en el Mapa de
Iniciativas de Educaci�n Superior nuevamente.
Swords, damascene work, ceramics, leather articles, embroidery& In Toledo
[...] you won't have any trouble choosing a present.
Espadas, damasquinados, cer�micas, objetos de piel, bordados&
[...] En Toledo no hay problemas cuando llega el [...]
momento de pensar en los regalos.
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