15 Farm Dogs: Best Breeds for Living on a Farm - Parade Pets Skip to main content

In the heart of rural life, where vast fields stretch as far as the eye can see and the sweet scent of the countryside lingers in the air, dogs have always held a special place. Farming is not just a profession; it's a way of life, a deep-rooted connection to the land. And in this setting, farm dogs become more than just pets—they are integral members of the farmstead, tirelessly working alongside their human counterparts, providing unwavering loyalty and invaluable assistance. 

Parade Pets
spoke with senior dog expert and veterinarian Monica Tarantino, DVM, all about the 15 best dog breeds for living on a farm. Dr. Tarantino informed us that many different breeds thrive with farm life and living on acres of land. But what you pick as a farm dog will truly depend on what specific qualities you are looking for.

Dr. Tarantino urges you to ask the important questions: "Is there livestock to protect and guard, or is the need mostly for herding and helping move livestock to appropriate areas? Are you looking for a pet dog that would do well with farm life and perhaps help some? What kind of weather is there and what kind of predators are in the area?"

Related: The 11 Best Dog Breeds for Hunting, According to a Dog Training Expert

What Are Farm Dogs, Exactly?

Farm dogs are essential partners in the day-to-day operations of a working farm. These dogs possess the intelligence, strength and instinct to help with a wide range of tasks—from herding and guarding livestock to keeping pesky pests at bay. Their unwavering dedication and adaptability make them indispensable members of the farming community.

"Many farm dogs are classified as livestock guardian dogs and bond with the livestock they are keeping safe. These dogs like to be close to their flock to protect them and keep a vigilant eye out for them," Dr. Tarantino says. "Others are great herding dogs and use cues from owners to gather herds or flocks and help move them to different areas. Others may help keep the property safe." 

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What Is the Best Dog To Protect Chickens?

Examples of the best dogs to protect chickens would be Great Pyrenees, Anatolian Shepherds and Kangal Shepherds. After all, although there is no one best dog breed to protect chickens, Dr. Tarantino explains that livestock guardian dogs do an excellent job of this when trained. 

"Training them to protect chickens is key, as it's not necessarily a natural instinct for many dogs," said Dr. Tarantino.

One important thing to keep in mind is that all farm dogs need training to a certain degree. Though many of these dog breeds will have great instincts for farm life, you still have to take action like socializing them, teaching them to respond to commands and getting them properly accustomed to chickens or livestock.

Do Labs Make Good Farm Dogs?

Labrador Retrievers rank at number 11 on our list of the best dog breeds for farms, and that's because labs are so versatile. They are smart, trainable and have good hunting instincts. 

"Labs are used for so much—from search and rescue dogs to hunting partners and more," Dr. Tarantino says. "They can be excellent farm dogs, but you want to hone in on a breeder that specifically focuses on developing their working or hunting dog traits depending on what you're looking for."

15 Best Dog Breeds for Farms

1. English Shepherd

"English Shepherds are an overall good farm and family dog. They love herding and having a job to perform!" Dr. Tarantino tells Parade Pets.

Australian shepherd

2. Australian Shepherd 

Prized for their strong herding instinct, exceptional intelligence and boundless energy, Australian Shepherds are an invaluable key in managing and controlling livestock on the farm. These dogs form deep bonds with their owners—tirelessly working long hours while remaining alert and watchful, providing both companionship and an added layer of security. 


3. Collies

Collies are exceptional farm dogs due to their unparalleled herding instinct, high intelligence, boundless energy and agility. Their alertness and adaptability to different conditions enhance security and their suitability for varied farm settings. Their versatility, coupled with their exceptional problem-solving skills and trainability, allows them to excel in numerous roles on the farm. 

4. Border Collie

"Highly intelligent, they have an immense need for mental stimulation and physical activity, and because of that, these dogs make excellent farm dogs as they want and need a job to do!" says Dr. Tarantino. 

Sometimes when kept as family pets, Border Collies can develop behavioral issues if not supplied with enough mental and physical stimulation, so being a farm dog is ideal for this breed.

Akbash farm dog

5. Akbash

Originating from Turkey, this dog breed is renowned for their ability to guard livestock against predators such as wolves and coyotes. These large and powerful dogs are independent thinkers, making them excellent at assessing threats and taking necessary actions to protect the farm animals.

Great Pyrenees

6. Great Pyrenees

Dr. Tarantino has plenty of positive things to say about Great Pyrenees being great farm dogs! 

"We see so many of these as family pets, but I feel where they thrive is in their function as livestock guardian dogs. This breed does a great job of bonding with their flocks or herds and helping keep them safe. Their size is a great deterrent from predators as well."


7. Kangal Shepherd

Kangal Shepherds are large, powerful dogs with a calm and composed demeanor. Their primary role is to protect livestock from predators such as wolves, bears and other threats. Their natural guarding instincts make them effective at deterring potential threats and ensuring the safety of farm animals.

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Anatolian shepherd

8. Anatolian Shepherds

"These are very large dogs that do excellent livestock guardian work on farms," Dr. Tarantino says. 

Anatolian Shepherds are known for their adaptability to various climates and terrains, making them suitable for a variety of farm settings. They have earned a well-deserved reputation as top-tier livestock guardian dogs and are an excellent choice for farm owners seeking reliable protection for their livestock.

german shepherd sitting in grass

9. German Shepherd

While German Shepherds are not traditional livestock guardian dogs, they offer various benefits for farm life. Their loyalty, obedience and protective instincts make them effective watchdogs. German Shepherds are versatile workers, excelling in various roles such as search and rescue, tracking and obedience tasks.

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Maremma Sheep Dog

10. Maremma Sheep Dog

Maremma Sheepdogs are known for their abilities as livestock guardian dogs, particularly when it comes to protecting sheep and other livestock. Their thick white coat serves as an advantage, camouflaging them among the flock while simultaneously providing protection against harsh weather conditions. 

Labrador Retriever

11. Labrador Retriever

A Labrador Retriever’s intelligence, versatility and eagerness to please make them effective at tasks like retrieving, which can be handy on a farm for tasks such as retrieving game, tools and other objects. Their friendly disposition and sociable nature make them great companions for farm owners, offering emotional support and a sense of community. 

Australian cattle dog

12. Australian Cattle Dog

Australian Cattle Dogs have the full package: herding instincts, intelligence and high energy levels. Their alert and vigilant nature helps them manage livestock efficiently and protect them from harm. 

"These dogs are so hardy and smart, they can really thrive on the right farm with the right owner," Dr. Tarantino explains. 

Old English Sheepdog

13. Old English Sheepdog

The Old English Sheepdog's shaggy coat and friendliness make them stand out amongst this mighty list of farm dogs. They excel at herding and can assist with the management of livestock such as sheep and cattle, using their natural herding instincts and agility.

14. Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Though they are small, they are mighty good farm dogs. Pembroke Welsh Corgis are known for their herding instincts and agility. While they may not have the physical size to handle large livestock, they can effectively manage smaller animals like poultry or herd cattle and sheep with proper training.

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bernese mountain dog panting outside

15. Bernese Mountain Dog

Bernese Mountain Dogs have a strong, sturdy build and calm demeanor and can be trained to help with a range of farm tasks. Their size and strength can assist in tasks like hauling and pulling, and their good-natured temperament makes them suitable for interactions with both animals and people.

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