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    Captain Charles T. "Chuck" Baker

Chuck is a 50-year-old human astronaut who gets stranded on Planet 51.

  • The Big Guy: He is the biggest main character in the movie.
  • Decoy Protagonist: He is first billed in the opening credits and top-billed on the DVD cover, but the real protagonist is Lem.
  • Humans Are Ugly: Chuck is quite handsome and has had his likeness posted on many Earth magazines. However, by Planet 51 standards, he's hideously ugly and is assumed to be a threat because of this.
  • Token Human: He's the only human character in the entire film. There is no sight of Earth nor any other humans besides him.

Voiced by: Justin Long

Lem is a 13-year-old who works in the planetarium. When he first meets Chuck, he agrees to help him stop his spaceship. When Chuck is captured by Kipple, he leads a group of friends on a rescue mission to save him and help them stop the ship.

Voiced by: Jessica Biel

Lem's 15-year-old neighbor and crush, which she actually reciprocates.

    General Grawl 
Voiced by: Gary Oldman

General Grawl is a 69-year-old general who relentlessly pursues Chuck.

  • Anti-Villain: While he's relentless in his pursuit of Chuck, it's because he's under the mistaken belief that he poses a danger to his planet. Once he relizes that Chuck isn't dangerous, he orders his men to stand down and parts with Chuck on friendly terms.
  • Big Bad: He is falsely the main antagonist of the film and Kipple working for him is all part of his Evil Plan.
  • Big Bad Duumvirate: With Kipple.
  • The Dragon: To Kipple.
  • Laughably Evil: Of the Comically Serious variety.

Voiced by: Seann William Scott

Skiff is the 14-year-old best friend to Lem and a friend of Eckle's.

Voiced by: Freddie Benedict

Eckle is Neera's 8-year-old brother who speaks in a British accent.

    Professor Kipple 
Voiced by: John Cleese

Professor Kipple is an 80-year-old scientist who helps General Grawl to get rid of Chuck's brain. He is Grawl's henchman. At The Stinger, he is revealed to be the Big Bad of the movie.

  • Badass Bookworm: He is smart, but evil.
  • Big Bad: He is the main antagonist of the movie.
  • Big Bad Duumvirate: With Grawl.
  • The Dragon: To Grawl... or so it seems. It's revealed that he accepts Grawl's help as part of his evil plan.
  • Evil Chancellor: He is the main henchman to General Grawl.
  • Evil Laugh: He has one at the climax of the movie when he prepated to take Chuck's brain out of his head.
  • The Napoleon: He is four feet tall and has quite a bad temper.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: He was last seen during the final battle getting presumedly killed by Lem. He reappears in the post-credits scene, having survived and is revealed to be the true Big Bad of the movie.
