Video: Snowboarder Kevin Pearce, From the Crash to Giving Back to Carrying the Torch

ByMary Anne Potts
February 07, 2014
4 min read

A few days ago snowboarder Kevin Pearce, one of our Adventurers of the Year honorees, arrived in Russia to help carry the torch to the Sochi Olympics. This is his first Winter Games. Kevin was destined for Olympic podium glory until a crash on the half pipe left him with a traumatic brain injury—just before the 2010 Vancouver Olympics. Over the last four years, Kevin has had to relearn how to do everything, including snowboarding, which he now does for fun. His journey through recovery inspired him to give back start Love Your Brain, an organization to help support current TBI survivors and prevent future ones. Here he tells us a bit about carrying the torch.

Adventurer of the Year honoree and snowboarder Kevin Pearce carries the Sochi Olympic torch adorned with a Love Your Brain sticker; Photograph @KevinPearce on Instagram
Adventurer of the Year honoree and snowboarder Kevin Pearce carries the Sochi Olympic torch adorned with a Love Your Brain sticker; Photograph @KevinPearce on Instagram

Adventure: This torch has been a lot of places! Up into space, to the bottom of the world’s deepest lake, and to the North Pole in an almost 40,000-mile journey. Where and how far will you carry the torch?
Kevin Pearce: I’m not sure the detail on how far I will be carrying the torch. It’s pretty amazing where it has been to thus far and I am honored to get to be apart of this.

A: Are you excited about the new skiing and snowboarding sports?
KP: I’m really excited that they included slopestyle this year. I think it’s gonna be an amazing addition and were gonna get to see some really cool stuff.

A: Will you be doing any commentary during the snowboarding events? Do you have a favorite snowboarder?
KP: I am unfortunately not gonna be doing any commenting this year, but Danny Davis is for sure my favorite without question.

A: What’s it like to attend a Winter Olympics but not compete?
KP: It’s going to be really interesting to be at these Winter Games and not competing. It was always a dream of mine to compete in the Olympics, so this will be weird to attend but not ride.

A: What are you looking forward to about being in Russia? Please eat some borscht for me!
KP: I’m really excited about the borscht for sure. I’m not to familiar with Russia, but I have heard some interesting stories and am really excited to experience everything they have to offer.

A: Will you bring the LoveYourBrain message to the Olympics?
KP: YES! I will mos definitely will be sharing the LOVE YOUR BRAIN message with everyone I can in Russia. I think its so important to teach people about loving there brain, being mindful, supporting rehabilitation and promoting brain health.

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