英国国王查尔斯三世的加冕仪式将于 2023 年 5 月 6 日举行,有哪些信息值得关注?

当地时间11日,英国白金汉宫确认,国王查尔斯三世的加冕仪式将在2023年5月6日举行。 英国王查尔斯三世的加冕仪式将于2023年5月6日举行

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Why the back-to-back health announcements from King Charles III and Kate were so unusual?

The double health announcements from the United Kingdom’s royal family—on Kate, the Princess of Wales’ abdominal surgery, and King Charles III’s prostate treatment—have put a spotlight on the private lives of senior royals.

Details of royal health are always a tricky issue in the U.K. because members of the monarchy are private individuals but also, in a sense, public property.

Charles, 75, is head of state, and Kate, 42, is destined to be queen when her husband, Prince William, succeeds his father on the throne.

The brief media statements on the health scares were so unusual that they dominated Thursday’s newspaper front pages, with headlines calling them royal health bombshells.

The disclosure of Charles’ and Kate’s health details was seen by some royal observers as a sign that the monarchy is adapting to modern communications after centuries of staying tight-lipped about health matters.

What was announced?

Royal officials announced Wednesday that Kate had undergone planned abdominal surgery and was expected to remain in the London clinic, a private hospital, for 10 to 14 days. She isn’t expected to resume public duties until April.

The princess’ office at Kensington Place didn’t offer further details but said that her condition wasn’t cancerous. Though she has generally experienced good health and is seen as fit and sporty, Kate was hospitalized during her pregnancy because of severe morning sickness.

William also has postponed some official duties so that he can devote time to his wife and their three children. He visited his wife on Thursday, and British media reported that the princess of Valses was doing well.

Soon after the announcement of Kate’s hospitalization, Buckingham Palace said that Charles will undergo a corrective procedure for an enlarged prostate next week.

The palace said the king’s condition is benign. Queen Camilla said Thursday that Charles was fine and looking forward to getting back to work.

A history of secrecy.

When U.K. monarchs had real power, news of illness was withheld for fear it might weaken their authority. The habit of secrecy lingered after royals became constitutional figureheads.

The British public wasn’t told that Charles’ grandfather, King George VI, had lung cancer before his death in February 1952 at the age of 56, and some historians have claimed that the king himself wasn’t told he was terminally ill.

The public death announcement said only that the king had passed peacefully away in his sleep.

His father, King George V, died in 1936 after suffering from heart and lung disease.

A half-century later, diary extracts were published revealing that the king’s physician had injected the terminally ill monarch with morphine and cocaine to speed his death, partly so it could be announced in the morning newspapers rather than the less appropriate evening journals.

Greater openness?

The U.K. and international media have been focused on the health of Britain’s senior royals in recent years as the late Queen Elizabeth II faded from public view during the last months of her 70-year reign.

Even then, few specific details were released about the late monarch’s condition.

The public was told only that the queen was suffering from mobility issues. The cause of her death in September 2022, at the age of 96, was listed on the death certificate simply as old age.

Wednesday’s announcements gave more details than the public would have expected in the past.

Some royal experts said that while the latest statement on Kate was coy and shrouded in some secrecy, the one on Charles showed that the monarch was keen to try a new and more open kind of communication.

The publicity was seen as a decision by Charles to help boost awareness of prostate health and encourage other men to have their prostates checked.

I think it symbolizes the kind of campaigning king that Charles is—he wants to put this issue on the agenda by being quite open and candid, Ed Owens, a royal historian and author, told the Associated Press.

We know that King Charles wants to talk about issues of personal significance, and there’s nothing more significant or personal to him than his health.

Releasing the news about both royals on the same day was also about news management, Owens added.

While Kate’s condition sounded more serious, the king’s can be seen as a positive news story to complement a more complicated one in the case of Catherine’s health, he said.

It means that we haven’t got the story rolling on about what exactly Kate's been suffering from. Rather, we are instead talking about King Charles III and his wanting to set a good example for men his age, Owen said.












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  3. 可一次性延长至990年:此前已宣布计划允许租赁产权业主有权将租期一次直接延长至990年,而不是目前的90年,可有效降低再次续租的费用。
  4. 废除“合并价值”:英国可能采取一些措施来废除或者改进合并价值的计算方式。这一改革在已有的租赁产权中实施的话,可见的困难很多,勉强实施的话,恐怕会事与愿违,造成二手房市场的房价虚高。
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