- Neon Maniacs - Trading Card Scene?

Neon Maniacs : Trading Card Scene?

Trading Card Scene?

Where the fisherman finds the NEON MANIACS Trading cards... WTF?

why would they get those, have them printed and then just leave them out? Who did they have print them? did they outsource them to a local printer? who did they hire to do the graphic design on them? something doesnt add up...

Re: Trading Card Scene?

it seems as if the neon maniacs are robotic. remember, Tomahawk's arm comes off on the bus and begins smoking? there must be some mad scientist somewhere in SF who has created these maniacs, and in the process, developed a series of cards representing his/her creations. just a thought!

boy would i love to get my hands on the original set of cards used for the movie!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Trading Card Scene?

That would explain it best, otherwise whatever artist they hired would likely not work on spec. and then theyd have to at least pay him 50% up front. I doubt they have credit cards to charge the job to.

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Re: Trading Card Scene?

That would have been a great sequel. The neon maniacs hit it so big, that they begin merchandising. only to kill their production managers, floor supervisors at the factory and anyone who threatens to unionize.

Re: Trading Card Scene?

I dont think the maniacs were robotic as they melt when touched by water,exept for juice of course,id love to know more about the trading cards sadly we'll prob never know as this movie barely just made it as it is,a real shame cause its such a good film but with many plot holes that will never be filled.

Re: Trading Card Scene?

Too bad there wasn't a commentary on the DVD with the filmmakers.

No pulse, no heartbeat. If condition does not change, this man is dead.

Re: Trading Card Scene?

If I had to guess, then I THINK the little one-eyed Godzilla-like monster was supposed to be the creature behind the whole thing, perhaps an alien or some kind of demon, and it used the ideas from the trading cards it found when creating the monsters. The cards themselves were probably nothing but macabre Garbage Pail Kids-like trading things that the monster just happened upon.

Who knows... the DVD had no commentary track and the movie did such a piss-poor job explaining itself guessing is all we will ever be able to do.

Re: Trading Card Scene?

The one eyed monsters were the scavengers,they hook the freshly killed and return them to the lair,god knows why one of them hooked archer though,might just have been instinct when he fell they instantly hooked him.

I'm running this monkey farm now frankenstein!!!Captain Rhodes

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Re: Trading Card Scene?

Re: Trading Card Scene?

Completely forgot about the cards!
They were cool. Maybe they are demons/aliens who found these horror trading cards and took on the shape of them.

Re: Trading Card Scene?

The neon maniacs were total narcissists, so that's why they had those trading cards made of themselves.

Woody Anders is the birthday man/ Hey Laddy Laddy La / He does it because it's his jam/ Hey Laddy Laddy Lo