Online Spiritualist Church Service. Live Streamed from the UK

Online Spiritualist
Church Service

Join us on social media for special live streamed events.

Every Sunday we broadcast an Online Spiritualist Church Service at 6.30pm on Facebook Live and YouTube.

Everyone is welcome to join us and there is no fee.

The objective of these Live Streams is to keep connected with our congregation and promote the principles of Spiritualism in accordance with our Church Constitution.  

The online broadcasts have generated a wide reach with people from anywhere in the world being welcome to join and participate through the Facebook and YouTube comments.

The structure of the online service follows as closely to a Divine Service as possible.  Some hymns/songs have been removed for music licensing reasons.

The first part of the service is broadcast from our Church in Thundersley, Essex, where there is also an In-Church Divine Service taking place with a congregation.

Later in the Service, we join our guest medium in their home for a spiritual address and clairvoyance readings from spirit.

Check our Facebook Page and YouTube Channel for Upcoming Live Streams.


Please Note: Facebook and YouTube are public forums, much like attending a Church service but with a wider reach.  The medium will only read those who comment to show they are willing to receive a message from Spirit.  Please consider your privacy before commenting on the stream.