Acadia Antlers: Highest Quality Moose Antler Dog Chews
  • Dog Enjoying A Healthy Moose Antler

    Acadia Moose Antlers Quality you can trust


Acadia Moose Antlers Quality you can trust

Our Process

Male moose shed their antlers annually

Every winter, moose naturally shed their antlers to make room for new growth. Moose antlers are bones, not horns making them very rich in calcium and healthier for your pup.

Our dogs find the shed antlers

Our dogs are highly trained in locating shed antlers through the forests of Maine.

We clean and cut to perfect size!

Cleaning and cutting the antler is an important step to ensure that your pup has the best antler to chew for hours.

Benefit of our moose chews


The right size antler is important for your dog

Every dog is different and picking the right size Acadia Antler is important for a great chewing experience.

We strongly suggest sizes based on the weight of your dog (and their corresponding jaw strength). If your dog is a non-stop chewer, please move up a size for a longer lasting chew.

If you have more than one dog and they share their chews, buy the bigger dog's size. Smaller dogs can always chew a bigger antler, but it is not safe for a larger dog to chew a smaller antler.

It is time to take your dog's antler away when it is small enough to fit in their mouth, as it may become a choking hazard -- and always supervise your pet while chewing.

Power Chewers (over 60 lbs)

Extra Large Dogs (Over 60 lbs)

Large Dogs (Up to 50 lbs)

Medium Dogs (Up to 40 lbs)

Small Dogs (Up to 20 lbs)

Extra Small Dogs (Under 10 lbs)

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