Central America | Countries, Culture & Facts - Lesson | Study.com
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Central America | Countries, Culture & Facts

Amanda Ferguson, Jessica Whittemore
  • Author
    Amanda Ferguson

    Amanda has taught middle and high school social studies subjects for several years. She has a Master of Arts in Teaching degree, with specialization in Secondary Social Studies Education, as well as a Bachelor's in Psychology.

  • Instructor
    Jessica Whittemore

    Jessica has taught junior high history and college seminar courses. She has an M.A in instructional education.

Explore where Central America is and what middle American countries are. Learn facts about Central America regarding its tribes, people, culture and religion. Updated: 11/21/2023
Frequently Asked Questions

Is Middle America the same as Central America?

No, the terms "Middle America" and "Central America" are related but refer to different regions. Central America is made up of the seven nations between Mexico and South America, while Middle America refers to Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean, Colombia and Venezuela.

What countries are part of Middle America?

Middle America is comprised of the countries between the U.S. and South America, which are Mexico, the Central American countries, Colombia, Venezuela and the Caribbean nations.

What are the cultures in Central America and the Caribbean?

The cultures of Central America and the Caribbean are diverse and date back thousands of years in some areas. These regions were greatly affected by European colonization and enslavement, which began around the 16th century. As a result, local traditional cultures mixed with European cultures.

Is Mexico considered part of Central America?

Mexico is not considered part of Central America, but it is very close. Central America begins at Mexico's southern border and ends at the South American continent.

Is Jamaica in Central America?

No, Jamaica is not part of Central America. However, Jamaica is part of Middle America, as it can be found in the Caribbean Sea.

Central America is located in the Western Hemisphere and is the southernmost area of the North American continent. The countries of Central America lay between Mexico and South America. Central America is bordered by the Pacific Ocean to the west, with the Caribbean Sea to the east. Mountains and hills comprise much of the land in Central America, with swamps and/or lowlands lining the coastlines.

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  • 0:04 Central America
  • 0:53 History
  • 1:35 Culture
  • 3:42 Politics
  • 5:08 Lesson Summary

Seven countries make up the Central American region. These include Costa Rica, Belize, Guatemala, Panama, Nicaragua, Honduras and El Salvador. Central America is considered an isthmus, as it connects two larger land masses.

Countries of Central America

Map image of Central American countries

Central America with its countries

Map image of Central America with country flags

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