AG Kurzfilm | Film Search | Der Sonne hinterher ? Follow the Sun

Der Sonne hinterher ? Follow the Sun
Follow the Sun

film type experimental film Production Country Germany production year 2006 runtime 3'00
screening format Super 8 aspect ratio 1.37:1 sound format Stereo languages Deutsch Subtitles Englisch

I get my best ideas when Im in the open or under flowing water. What about an open air shower?! When youre in the mood for travelling and moving on, being wooed by foreign countries, wanting to leave A and go to Z. I went to the most south-western tail of Europe. Beyond, there is nothing for a long time and then: America. I try to get fished by the sun.

director Dagie Brundert Schnitt / Editing Dagie Brundert Bildgestaltung / DOP Dagie Brundert Drehbuch / Script Dagie Brundert Tongestaltung / Sound Design Dagie Brundert
Filmfest Osnabrück - Festival des Unabhängigen Films, Germany
Open-Air Filmfest Weiterstadt, Germany
  • Dagie Brundert
  • Boeckhstr. 39
  • 10967 Berlin
  • Dagie Brundert
  • Boeckhstr. 39
  • 10967 Berlin
  • Dagie Brundert
  • Boeckhstr. 39
  • 10967 Berlin

Dagie Brundert

I studied visual arts / experimental film in Berlin. Fell in love with my super 8 camera (Nizo) in 1988. 
Since then I try to be a particle-finder, a wave-catcher and a good story-teller. I try to absorb weird beautiful things from this world. Chew them and spit them out again.

1988 23 Barbiepuppen kippen um
1992 Die 6 Astronauten
1994 Bruder & Schwester im Schnee
1996 Zeitpunsch
1998 Schmetterlingsküsse
2002 Milchwolken Liebe
2005 Counting cats counting sheep
2008 X O – A Hug and a Cookie
2009 Nightlight
2012 Lake-O
2013 Alvarado / Sunset
2014 Judith, bring mir Pommes!
2017 Wie ich einmal nicht durch ein Wurmloch kam
2019 Kicherlotto
2020 Mjuk
2021 Solstickeflickan