Clayne Crawford tells "What REALLY Happened On The Set Of Lethal Weapon" : r/Lethalweapon Skip to main content

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Clayne Crawford tells "What REALLY Happened On The Set Of Lethal Weapon"

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Yeah I just listened to the tape of him yelling, and that really is next to nothing. He doesn't say anything threatening at all, he just says the AD needs to quiet the set in some colorful ways. Definitely shouldn't have done it but to hire extra security over it seems silly.


They'd been shooting that same scene for over 8hours in searing heat, and LW & WB had paid for a closed set. It shouldn't have even been open. Of course he shouldn't have lost it how he did, however it is understandable why he did. It also shouldn't have been Clayne who had to say something. My children have been watching a lot of BTS videos of the Disney shows they watch and on them you can hear the ADs constantly tell everyone on the set to shut up as they're about to roll. The actors didn't have to say anything once because effective management was already there.

On the subject of extra security, extra security was rehired week 2 of S3 filming because of problems on the set, there has already been 3 incidents last week alone when they were filming on long beach (the car crashing into the pole when the zip wire was suspended too low, the car being stolen from right under their noses, and a smaller incident when Lucifer was filming on same location and asked LW nicely to move their truck, they refused).

e subject of extra security, extra security was rehired week 2 of S3 filming because of problems on the set, there has already been 3 incidents last week alone when they were filming on long beach (the car crashing into the pole when the zip wire was suspended too low, the car being stolen from right under their noses, and a smaller incident when Lucifer was filming on same location and asked LW nicely to move their truck, they refused).

Four, there has been another one yesterday. Police and emergency services were called for an injured crew member


Yep. Four now. Allegedly, the injured crew member was also told it was their own fault for not paying attention...

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Not only that, but if you listen to CC on drinkin bros, DW was being an absolute cunt on scene while an extra was giving his ALL to the scene.

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Clayne's work ethic, charisma and integrity. That sums up this incredible conversation. Wow!
Damon was SHAMELESS in his sabotage of the show. How does he even sleep at night?

Did y'all catch? Jordana Brewster and Andrew Creer have left the show as well.
Both supported Clayne and are out... along with 70+ members of the crew.

Listening to him talk, you know Martin Riggs is gone forever. It's just irreparable. :(

I found it really interesting when you look back over DW career. He has been in control of literally everything he has done as either creator, writer, or producer. The two things that stuck out to me were "Last Boy Scout" and "Lethal Weapon". The two biggest things of his career that he wasnt in control of and there was on set drama between him and the co-star in both cases.


Sidenote. Allegedly in The Last Boy Scout, Willis hated DWs ass too and also called him a pussy.

The bit about them hating each other is on the imdb but the pussy thing is not.

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u/donutpower avatar

Yea, the whole problem is all because of Damon's unwillingness to play ball and to higher ups that are either no-shows are just cater to Damon's ego.

I'd say Crawford is better off not having to deal with that guy anymore.

It is interesting that Clayne said he doesn't blame Damon, that fault lies more with the higher ups.

u/donutpower avatar

I mean I can relate to how he thought it was a certain type of show that was the selling point that got him to sign on, and it ends up being something else entirely. I can understand how hes probably there feeling miserable each day cause he doesnt want to be there. At the same though, he could have chosen to not treat his co-star like shit.

If you had the higher ups there to reign Wayans in and keep him a team player, then yea there would be less to no problems. As he said though, they would 'reward' Damon when he would continue with his poor behavior. So feeding that man's ego is the major detriment to the show.

If I was the showrunner or the exec producer, I wouldn't give a crap about having a big name tied to the show. The quality to the show is with the lesser known actor. You let go of the actor with the ego and send him off on his way. You recast and continue to make a good show.


What I can't understand is that he got let go for being verbally abusive, yet DWs verbal abuse (telling CC to suck his d**k) and his apparent physical abuse (let's be honest the fact DW hasn't flat out denied this and MM new six figure deal sort of speaks for itself). Can you imagine any other Job where your boss told you you had to apologise to the person who'd assaulted you to keep your job?

u/donutpower avatar

LOL! Well he did mention that Hollywood is like high school. Doesn't seem too far fetched Looking at all the crap thats gone on with the whole Weinteins debacle, and this whole sexually mistreating child actors thing...its like yea I believe a lot of crap like this is let happen because of whoever has more "star power" or connections.

That's why I can't say that Crawford should have given in to keep his job on the show, cause it seems like he would be in a much worse situation if he had. I assume that now Sean Wiliam Scott is gonna be the kind of nice guy that just goes with whatever Wayans wants, rather than stand up to him and tell it like it is. The way Crawford described how they wanted him to look and act as far as the character went, thats now how Scott is portrayed in the promo stuff. So, I can almost guarantee that the show is now gonna be exactly what Crawford and McG fought against. It's gonna be a generic cop show with lots of over the top action sequences and plenty of humor, but no drama or depth.

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I think it's very telling of CC that he says he doesn't hate DW too. I certainly would!

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Yes BluSly I have known/suspected about AC for a while as there were rumours and I shared about JB on here the other week.

FYI. When KS was asked on Insta where JB was in the cast promo photo she replied that she was in s3. Which she is. Just not for long.


Riggs was gone forever anyway. Rumours are he dies in S3e1 and his truck is blown up too.

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Starts at 10:40 of the podcast episode, jesus the guy does a lot of ads.


I'm listening to it right now .

That comment about Hollywood 😂

Edit : if Damon didn't want to be in the show.. he should've quit and they kept Clayne instead


DW couldn't without breaking his contract.


He will be known as Diva Wayans from now on.


Ha. He already is.

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u/donutpower avatar

Sounds like it was a brutal experience for the people trying to do their jobs. Like the host said, it never comes across that the two leads had a dislike for each other, cause on-screen they had chemistry that worked.

Seems like its very much going to be a show where Wayans calls all the shots and Sean William Scott is gonna be Damon's little puppet that just does whatever Wayans says to do.


It still is, apparently DW went AWOL all last week forcing crew to do double ups all this week to catch up. But remember, everything is good in the public eye.

u/donutpower avatar

not surprised.

seems like now that theres no more Crawford hassling people to show up or actually do work, now its Wayons doing whatever with no discipline or remorse.

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u/briancarknee avatar

Favorite part was when the host asked if he'll watch season 3 and Crawford says something like "I won't even be watching Thursday Night Football." Dude is bitter as hell but I don't really blame him.

Part of me is really curious to watch at least the first episode of the new season but it just won't be the same. You can really tell from this interview how much of the tone of the show and the voice of Riggs was due to Crawford really putting his heart into a project that he didn't even care that much about at the start. Without someone like him on set it'll just turn into what the show was meant to be before Crawford took charge: a shitty cash-grab with lazy writing relying on a brand name and a washed up actor to sell it.

If you wanna watch it, wait a while.

Wait a week or two or... use alternative means, so it won't count towards the ratings.

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No access here. Any summary of what he said anywhere by chance? I understand if not since it seems to be a podcast here.

If you google drinkin bros podcast, you should get a bunch of different ways to listen to it. Hopefully one will work. Its about an hour and a half long.


Plenty of media rags are running it Joshers. Including, ironically, deadline.

I'll keep an eye out then. Thanks.

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u/NachoMarx avatar

I really hope this is referenced to cast and execs who try to tweet or damage control for S3.


They're not bothered Nacho. They've been actively trolling since May. KS and her husband have been constantly trolling him and the fans. JP, (was in the man's house with his wife for thanksgiving) is actively telling fans to clear off his social media feeds with comments about Clayne whilst actively commenting on a CC fansite promoting S3. MM doesn't give a toss because in her own words "she's securing the bag" (this is her big break). Damon Wayans deleted his account again because its promo season and they cant have such behaviour up that the sponsors are not going to be happy to see. Only people who come out of this looking the mature ones are the kids such as Chandler Kinney etc. I'm glad JB is being written out of such a toxic show too. The rest are just pathetic who deserve everything that's coming to them.

u/Seaofinstability avatar

Who is JP?


The man who plays scorsese.

JP and the other female detective have blocked me from Twitter , I was clearly making a positive comment about Clayne , seems like they are NDA too or sellouts at least.


Nothing to do with NDAs with those two. They will say it's because they're blocking any negativity but it is because they don't want attention to be brought to the CC situation on their LW gigs during promo season (mainly it's because MM doesn't like being called out for lying on stuff she wasn't there to witness). CC spoke highly of Michelle back in his hellblazer podcast back in April but that didn't stop her from going after Crawford on twitter (which she later deleted) and whoever BTS is, tried outing them with 'you know me girl' and 'we ALL know who you are!". (No-one knows who they are, not even Clayne but Variety did verify them).

Re JP, he should know CC isn't the man he's being portrayed as. Him and his Wife went to CCs for Thanksgiving last year. Note this was after the infamous pool incident, if he was truly that difficult to work with, I couldn't think of anything worse than spending Thanksgiving with him yet JP still chose to. thinkemoji

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You should be able to listen to it directly off Twitter: r/


Am I the only one curious about how they filmed Riggs' death without Clayne wondering?


Do you mean how did they shoot Clayne's death w/o him? Let's just say stunt doubles come in helpful sometimes.


I thought he died facing the camera, maybe I repressed the ending.


No. If you watch the ending again you'll see he was still breathing and the shot wasn't too close to his heart. The plan was always for it to be a cliffhanger, for Riggs to survive the shooting S3 and they'd explore his PTSD further this season with the help of Cahill (and yes for those of you who shipped them there was talk of a storyline of both Riggs and Cahill being together by the end of season 3).

The 'anonymous' leaks to deadline, firing CC and the subsequent meltdown from DW however meant plans had to be quickly changed. The ending just made it more convenient to rewrite. The last scene CC wrapped on was the graveside one, any footage after that will not be him.


Thanks, I figured it was an incorrect memory, Truly messed up how they did Clayne. I give LW half a season, tops. Worst part is being 'replaced' by Stifler.

Edit: Spelling 😏


I don't know. I actually have it on good authority that SWS does these roles rather well and I'm sure he'll do a good job. Most peoples problem isn't with the new lead (FGS don't call SWS the new lead in front of DW - he'll have SWS booted off too). Their issue is with DW, CC had been dismissed by the time of his twitter rant, there was no need or logic behind it other than to trash his rep in the industry, if it wasn't for the success of Lethal Weapon that both leads brought to the table, DW would still be an 'unemployed Actor' too.

u/CommonMisspellingBot avatar

Hey, APPR3NTIC3, just a quick heads-up:
truely is actually spelled truly. You can remember it by no e.
Have a nice day!

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u/myheartisnothere avatar

Thanks for sharing,

I saw it. I hope someone makes a show for Clayne Crawford. He himself is a very entertaining guy but I would have been happier if he kept it silent. It is very obvious that something like this had happened but now all this is just bad blood between all of them.

I am trying to rewatch the first season but I can’t - I constantly think of this drama.

Feel sorry for DW as I read that also his wife is filing for divorce this last week.


CC said in the interview: "I'm doing this now only to give all the crew (over 70 people) that got fired a voice". (Because they've signed NDAs and can't speak out). No one should ever have to stay silent about being blackmailed into not raising issues with their coworkers, ever, especially when Cali has some of the toughest labour laws in the country.

I don't feel sorry for DW at all. He tried to publicly blackball his co-star who he knew didn't deserve it, he's allegedly that bad to work with his own reputation precedes him in the industry to the point all other actors approached to replace CC said "no" outright.

CC & DWs wife have something in common. They're both better off without DW whilst he hopefully gets his shit together.


Jesus I didn't think about the crew and a NDA, this makes the BS story about how DW and the crew we're angry at CC, to the point of them talking about him behind his back even more screwed up.


NDAs make sense in relation to plotlines etc but they shouldn't be used as ammo to scare workers into speaking up.

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u/myheartisnothere avatar

And what actually is going to be different? They would rehire back these people? Clayne Crawford would return? If any of this in some miraculous way happen is anyone going to feel good working on this set after all this? So all that is left is to throw some garbage to each other which to me is tiring and not nice.

I understand feeling frustrated but this interview doesn’t do any good at this point.

MrsSnow400, I get what you mean but slow a bit down. DW is just a human being. It is a bit harsh to say that about someone no matter how difficult this person is.

I think why this interview matters for the crew that got fired is so they don't have a black mark against them as they look for more work. As well as trying to shed some light on what sounds like still dangerous and un healthy work environment that still exists on the LW set for all those still working there.


Most definitely.

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myheartisnotthere firstly, no I wouldn't want Clayne Crawford or the crew to return to such a toxic environment if they begged them. No one should have to work in those conditions, whether you're an actor or a crew member.

Re DW I have stated countless times in previous posts that I was a big fan of DW, DW was the reason I tuned in to Lethal Weapon when I heard he'd been cast in it. My Wife and Kids was the first thing I'd put on when I came home from work. His and Claynes chemistry was the reason I stayed and DWs behaviour after the fact is the reason I'll be checking out. (none of which was necessary to get rid of CC by the way - he'd already been dismissed at this point.) No garbage would be thrown at each other, CC categorically stated in that interview that he neither hates nor blames DW. If other people choose to that's their choice.

In my opinion, demanding the whole SFX crew are fired for a simple accident however, goes a little beyond being a difficult person.

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u/OrochiClaymore avatar

If his wife is filing for divorce, it shows how difficult he is behind the scenes, not just on LW. He should get his act together because he's throwing everything away.

Clayne needed his version out, now that's your opinion if you think this didn't do him justice, at the end of the day his name is still being used to promote their show.


Thankyou OrochiClaymore, that's exactly my point. DW is, well was a legend and when all this stuff played out someone said to him "Sir, you've just destroyed your own longevity" and I think that was very true sadly, like I say loved the guy he's why I started watching but I'm not going to act like DWs innocent in this mess because he isn't. I hope he eventually gets it together too. As stated previously both CC and DW acted up but only one copped to it. (pun not intended) and if the leadership was there to lay the smackdown on them both from the start it'd have never have got this bad.

Yes Clayne needed his version out, now both sides are out people can make an informed decision and hold whatever opinion they wish on the matter, I'm all for free speech after all. Re his name still being used to promote the show, ignoring CC for a minute; this is SWSs first network show, he's a great actor who has way more starpower than his predecessor, and it's incredibly disrespectful to SWS more than anything to not have his face and name all over the promo articles. They shouldn't need Claynes name to 'sell' it.

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