38 Facts about the movie Mimic - Facts.net
Bernardina Abarca

Written by Bernardina Abarca

Modified & Updated: 29 May 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett

Source: Primevideo.com

Mimic is a thrilling science fiction horror film that has captivated audiences since its release in 1997. Directed by Guillermo del Toro, the movie takes viewers on a suspenseful journey filled with mystery, intrigue, and spine-chilling moments. Set in the dark underbelly of New York City, Mimic introduces us to a new species of deadly insects known as the Judas breed, created to combat a deadly disease spread by cockroaches.

In this article, we will delve deeper into the world of Mimic and uncover 38 fascinating facts about the movie. From behind-the-scenes trivia to the film’s impact on Guillermo del Toro’s career, we will explore the various aspects that make this film a standout in the sci-fi genre. So, buckle up and get ready to discover some intriguing tidbits about the movie that brought nightmares to life.

Key Takeaways:

  • “Mimic” is a 1997 horror film directed by Guillermo del Toro, based on genetically engineered insects. It showcases del Toro’s unique visual style and explores themes of manipulation and control.
  • Despite initial mixed reviews, “Mimic” gained a cult following and remains a notable entry in Guillermo del Toro’s filmography. It blends horror, science fiction, and thriller genres, captivating audiences with its eerie atmosphere and practical effects.
Table of Contents

“Mimic” was released in 1997

The American science fiction horror film “Mimic” was released in 1997, directed by Guillermo del Toro.

It is based on a short story

“Mimic” is based on the 1942 short story of the same name by Donald A. Wollheim, which appeared in the science fiction magazine “Astounding Science Fiction.”

The concept revolves around genetically engineered insects

In the movie, scientists create genetically engineered insects called “Judass bugs” to combat a deadly disease, but they soon evolve into larger, more aggressive creatures.

The film stars Mira Sorvino

Mira Sorvino plays the lead role of Dr. Susan Tyler, an entomologist who helped create the Judass bugs.

Mimicry is a central theme

The film explores the concept of mimicry, both in terms of the insects imitating humans and the humans imitating the insects to survive.

The movie features a talented ensemble cast

Alongside Mira Sorvino, “Mimic” also stars Jeremy Northam, Josh Brolin, Charles S. Dutton, and Giancarlo Giannini.

It is known for its atmospheric visuals

Guillermo del Toro’s signature visual style is evident in “Mimic,” with its dark and moody cinematography creating a haunting atmosphere throughout the film.

The film was a commercial success

“Mimic” grossed over $58 million worldwide, surpassing its $30 million budget and solidifying its place as a profitable venture.

Guillermo del Toro had creative differences with the studio

Del Toro clashed with Miramax over the final cut of the film, resulting in a compromised version being released in theaters.

A director’s cut was later released

In 2011, a director’s cut of “Mimic” was released on Blu-ray, which restored del Toro’s original vision for the film.

The movie was met with mixed reviews

Critics had a varied response to “Mimic,” with some praising its atmosphere and visual effects, while others felt it lacked depth and originality.

It spawned two direct-to-video sequels

“Mimic 2” was released in 2001, followed by “Mimic 3: Sentinel” in However, neither sequel was able to replicate the success of the original.

The film has a cult following

Despite its initial mixed reception, “Mimic” has gained a cult following over the years, with fans appreciating its unique blend of horror and science fiction.

The insects were brought to life through practical effects

Instead of relying heavily on CGI, the insect creatures in “Mimic” were primarily created using practical effects, adding to the film’s tangible and eerie atmosphere.

“Mimic” showcases del Toro’s fascination with monsters

Guillermo del Toro has always had a deep affinity for monsters, and “Mimic” allowed him to explore this theme in a unique and terrifying way.

The movie delves into themes of manipulation and control

Underneath its creature feature exterior, “Mimic” explores themes of manipulation and control, as the insects mimic their prey to gain an advantage.

The film’s production faced challenges

The production of “Mimic” was plagued with various issues, including budget constraints, demanding set designs, and last-minute script changes.

The movie incorporates elements of Gothic horror

With its dark and atmospheric setting, “Mimic” draws inspiration from Gothic horror, creating a sense of dread and unease throughout the film.

It showcases del Toro’s attention to detail

Guillermo del Toro is known for his meticulous attention to detail, and “Mimic” is no exception, with every frame filled with intricate design elements.

The film’s score is composed by Marco Beltrami

Marco Beltrami composed the haunting and atmospheric score for “Mimic,” effectively enhancing the tension and fear in key scenes.

“Mimic” features memorable set pieces

From the underground subway system to the dilapidated tenements, the film’s set pieces play a crucial role in amplifying the sense of claustrophobia and danger.

The movie explores the consequences of playing God

Mimic” delves into the ethical implications of genetic engineering and the potential consequences of humans tampering with the natural world.

Guillermo del Toro considers “Mimic” to be his most compromised film

Due to the creative conflicts with the studio, del Toro considers “Mimic” to be the film where he had the least control over the final product.

The film’s title refers to the insects’ ability to mimic their environment

The title “Mimic” perfectly encapsulates the central theme of the film, highlighting the insects’ ability to imitate their surroundings to survive.

“Mimic” is a blend of various genres

The film combines elements of horror, science fiction, and thriller genres, creating a unique viewing experience for audiences.

The movie showcases del Toro’s love for practical effects

Guillermo del Toro has always been a proponent of practical effects in cinema, and “Mimic” reflects his dedication to this art form.

The concept of insects taking on human characteristics is unsettling

“Mimic” capitalizes on the inherent fear and unease people feel towards insects, amplifying it by giving them human-like traits.

The film’s production design captures a decaying urban landscape

The production design of “Mimic” effectively creates a bleak and decaying urban environment, further highlighting the threat of the insects.

The movie’s success helped launch del Toro’s career

“Mimic” marked Guillermo del Toro’s first big-budget Hollywood film, paving the way for his future success in the industry.

The film’s marketing campaign emphasized the horror elements

The marketing for “Mimic” focused heavily on the film’s horror aspects, enticing audiences with its terrifying creature design.

It contains tense and suspenseful sequences

“Mimic” keeps viewers on the edge of their seats with its well-crafted suspense sequences, heightening the overall tension of the film.

The movie explores the fear of invasive species

Mimic” taps into the fear of invasive species, presenting the notion of genetically modified insects overpowering their natural habitats.

The film’s lighting enhances the eerie ambiance

The lighting in “Mimic” creates a sense of unease, casting shadows and illuminating the monstrous creatures in a way that intensifies the horror on screen.

“Mimic” is a testament to del Toro’s imaginative storytelling

With its unique premise and distinctive visuals, “Mimic” showcases Guillermo del Toro’s ability to create immersive and imaginative worlds.

The movie explores the boundary between humans and nature

“Mimic” blurs the line between humans and the natural world, questioning the idea of dominance and control over the environment.

The film’s special effects were praised by critics

Despite the production challenges, the special effects in “Mimic” were widely praised for their realism and seamless integration with the story.

“Mimic” provides social commentary

The film subtly comments on societal issues, such as the dangers of unchecked scientific advances and man’s impact on the natural order.

It remains a notable entry in Guillermo del Toro’s filmography

“Mimic” holds a special place in Guillermo del Toro’s filmography, demonstrating his ability to create compelling and visually stunning genre films.


In conclusion, “Mimic” is a thrilling and captivating movie that combines elements of horror, sci-fi, and suspense. Directed by Guillermo del Toro, the film takes viewers on a dark and gripping journey as they encounter a new species of deadly insects. With its atmospheric setting, imaginative storyline, and well-executed special effects, “Mimic” is a must-watch for fans of the genre. Whether you’re a casual moviegoer or a die-hard horror enthusiast, this film is sure to leave you on the edge of your seat. So, grab some popcorn, dim the lights, and prepare yourself for a suspenseful ride into the world of “Mimic.”


1. When was “Mimic” released?

Mimic” was released on August 22, 1997.

2. Who directed “Mimic”?

“Mimic” was directed by Guillermo del Toro.

3. Is “Mimic” based on a book?

Yes, “Mimic” is loosely based on a short story of the same name by Donald A. Wollheim.

4. Who are the main actors in “Mimic”?

The main actors in “Mimic” are Mira Sorvino, Jeremy Northam, and Josh Brolin.

5. Is “Mimic” a horror movie?

Yes, “Mimic” is classified as a horror film due to its intense and suspenseful nature.

6. What is the runtime of “Mimic”?

The runtime of “Mimic” is approximately 105 minutes.

7. Is “Mimic” part of a series?

No, “Mimic” is a standalone film and does not have any direct sequels.

8. What was the budget for “Mimic”?

The budget for “Mimic” was around $30 million.

9. Where does “Mimic” take place?

The majority of “Mimic” is set in New York City.

10. Is “Mimic” a critically acclaimed movie?

“Mimic” received mixed reviews from critics, but it has gained a cult following over the years.

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