A Long Road To Dao — Larry Groupé

A Long Road To Tao

Feature Film

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*In theaters and streaming July 3, 2020.

This is a journey. The elements of water/sea, wind/silence, fire/cleansing is explored via a connection to the Tao. My objective with this score was to combine the elements of travel both physically and spiritually with music and orchestrations that are vivid and at times almost supernatural. Epic in scope but intimate within the heart.
— Larry Groupe´


Inspired by a true story of best friends (Dayne and Lance) who mysteriously lose touch, then reunite when Dayne discovers that Lance is dying of AIDS. A journey ensues as spiritual enlightenment unfolds through sea, sand and nature, embracing acceptance of the inevitable death of his best friend and the rising of consciousness. A Long Road to Tao will encourage audiences to reach a depth of becoming water, facing fears and accepting the flow.

- Written by Alex Carig and Michael Allen