50 Facts about the movie The Great Gatsby - Facts.net
Dorelle Bash

Written by Dorelle Bash

Modified & Updated: 01 Jun 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett

Source: Variety.com

The Great Gatsby is a classic novel written by F. Scott Fitzgerald in 1925, and it has since become one of the most popular and enduring works of American literature. In 2013, director Baz Luhrmann brought the iconic story to life on the big screen with a star-studded cast. The film, also titled The Great Gatsby, captured the glamour and decadence of the Roaring Twenties, drawing audiences into the opulent world of Jay Gatsby and the mysterious allure that surrounded him.

With its captivating storyline, stunning visual effects, and unforgettable performances, The Great Gatsby movie quickly became a cultural sensation. In this article, we will explore 50 fascinating facts about this cinematic adaptation, shedding light on behind-the-scenes details, cast and crew trivia, and the impact it had on popular culture.

Key Takeaways:

  • “The Great Gatsby” movie captures the glitz and glamour of the 1920s, with Leonardo DiCaprio’s captivating performance and a fusion soundtrack, making it a timeless and visually stunning adaptation of the iconic novel.
  • Baz Luhrmann’s direction, the dazzling visuals, and the tragic love story in “The Great Gatsby” bring to life the timeless themes of love, longing, and the pursuit of the American Dream, making it a must-watch for all movie enthusiasts.
Table of Contents

Iconic Literature Adaptation

The movie “The Great Gatsby” is a beloved adaptation of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s iconic novel of the same name.

Leonardo DiCaprio as Jay Gatsby

Leonardo DiCaprio brilliantly portrays the enigmatic Jay Gatsby, capturing the essence of the character from the pages of the book.

Baz Luhrmann’s Direction

Baz Luhrmann, known for his visually stunning films like “Moulin Rouge!” and “Romeo + Juliet,” directed “The Great Gatsby” with his signature style.

Tobey Maguire as Nick Carraway

Tobey Maguire delivers an exceptional performance as the film’s narrator, Nick Carraway, taking us through the glamorous and tumultuous world of the 1920s.

Carey Mulligan as Daisy Buchanan

Carey Mulligan portrays the complex and alluring character of Daisy Buchanan with grace and elegance.

Captivating Visuals

The movie dazzles with its stunning visuals, from extravagant parties to opulent mansions, capturing the excess and grandeur of the Roaring Twenties.

Hip-Hop and Jazz Fusion Soundtrack

The film’s soundtrack blends hip-hop and jazz, creating a unique fusion that adds a modern twist to the 1920s setting.

Beautiful Costume Design

The costumes in “The Great Gatsby” are meticulously designed, reflecting the glamorous fashion of the era and adding to the overall visual splendor.

A Tale of Love and Longing

The movie explores themes of unrequited love, longing, and the pursuit of the American Dream, which are central to the original novel.

Spectacular Party Sequences

The film showcases extravagant parties, filled with excess and luxury, immersing viewers in the lavish lifestyle of the characters.

The Roaring Twenties

The Great Gatsby” captures the essence of the Roaring Twenties, a time of economic prosperity, social change, and cultural vibrancy in America.

Dazzling Production Design

The movie’s production design recreates the opulence and grandeur of the 1920s, transporting viewers to a bygone era.

Intense Chemistry between Actors

The on-screen chemistry between Leonardo DiCaprio, Carey Mulligan, and other cast members adds depth and authenticity to the relationships portrayed in the film.

The Green Light Symbolism

The iconic green light across the water, representing Gatsby’s eternal hope and longing, is a powerful symbol in the movie.

Immersive Cinematography

The cinematography in “The Great Gatsby” draws viewers into the story, capturing the emotions and nuances of the characters.

Ensemble Cast

In addition to DiCaprio, Maguire, and Mulligan, the film features a talented ensemble cast that brings depth to the supporting characters.

A Story of Illusion and Reality

“The Great Gatsby” explores the contrast between the illusion of wealth and happiness and the reality of human desires and flaws.

Critically Acclaimed Soundtrack

The movie’s soundtrack received widespread acclaim, merging modern music with the spirit of the 1920s.

Jay-Z’s Involvement

Rapper Jay-Z served as the executive producer for the film’s soundtrack, infusing it with a contemporary edge.

The Elegance of the Jazz Age

The Great Gatsby” showcases the elegance and sophistication of the Jazz Age, with its luxurious parties and extravagant lifestyle.

Symbolism of Eyes

The recurring symbol of eyes in the film represents the idea of being watched, judgements, and the search for identity.

Tom Buchanan’s Astounding Wealth

In the film, Tom Buchanan, played by Joel Edgerton, flaunts immense wealth, emphasizing the stark class divide of the time.

Struggles of Social Mobility

The movie delves into the struggles of social mobility and the desire to transcend one’s perceived station in life.

Jazz Music’s Influence

The Great Gatsby” reflects the significant influence of jazz music on American culture during the 1920s.

Golden Age of Literature

The 1920s was considered the Golden Age of Literature, and “The Great Gatsby” is a prime example of the extraordinary works produced during that time.

Joel Edgerton’s Complex Performance

Joel Edgerton delivers a compelling performance as Tom Buchanan, portraying the character’s arrogance and entitlement with precision.

Gatsby’s Mysterious Origins

The film explores the enigmatic origins of Jay Gatsby, adding an air of mystery to his character.

Themes of Betrayal and Deception

“The Great Gatsby” delves into the themes of betrayal and deception, highlighting the consequences of dishonesty and hidden agendas.

The Tragic Hero

Jay Gatsby is a classic example of a tragic hero, driven by love and a desire to recapture the past.

Adaptation’s Faithfulness to the Source Material

Baz Luhrmann’s adaptation stays true to the essence of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel, maintaining the spirit of the original story.

Spectacular Art Direction

The movie’s art direction captures the extravagant and ornate style of the 1920s, adding to the visual richness of the film.

Decadence and Excess

“The Great Gatsby” portrays the decadence and excesses of the era, exploring their impact on the characters’ lives.

Themes of Loneliness and Isolation

The film examines the themes of loneliness and isolation, highlighting the emptiness that can exist beneath the surface of wealth and glamour.

Exquisite Set Design

The movie’s set design meticulously recreates the lavish interiors of the mansions and settings described in the novel.

The American Dream on Display

“The Great Gatsby” explores the concept of the American Dream and the lengths people will go to achieve it.

Fitzgerald’s Social Commentary

The novel, and subsequently the movie, offer a scathing social commentary on the excesses and moral decay of the time.

A Tale of Unfulfilled Love

The film captures the heartbreaking nature of unfulfilled love, as portrayed through the tumultuous relationship between Gatsby and Daisy.

Symbolism of the Valley of Ashes

The desolate and symbolically significant Valley of Ashes serves as a stark contrast to the glamour of the world inhabited by the wealthy characters.

Mia Farrow’s iconic portrayal

In the 1974 version of “The Great Gatsby,” Mia Farrow delivered an iconic performance as Daisy Buchanan, leaving a lasting impression on audiences.

Timeless Themes

“The Great Gatsby” explores timeless themes such as love, longing, and the human desire for meaning and fulfillment.

Life of Excess and Recklessness

The film immerses viewers in the life of excess and recklessness that characterized the Jazz Age.

Symbolism of West Egg and East Egg

The contrasting settings of West Egg and East Egg symbolize the divide between the newly rich and the established elite.

A Wistful Romantic Narrative

The movie tells a wistful and romantic story, tinged with a sense of longing and nostalgia.

Impact on Pop Culture

“The Great Gatsby” has had a significant impact on pop culture, inspiring fashion trends, music, and other forms of artistic expression.

Themes of Class and Privilege

The film explores the themes of class and privilege, revealing the stark disparities between the haves and the have-nots.

Timeless Characters

The characters in “The Great Gatsby” have become deeply ingrained in popular culture, with Gatsby himself being an enduring symbol of aspiration and reinvention.

Dreamlike Visuals

The movie incorporates dreamlike aesthetics, reflecting the illusory nature of the American Dream and Gatsby’s fantastical vision.

Critically Acclaimed Performances

The performances in “The Great Gatsby” have received critical acclaim, with DiCaprio’s portrayal of Gatsby earning him a Golden Globe nomination.

Tragic Love Story

The film tells a tragic love story, encapsulating the complexities and consequences of love in the face of societal pressures.

Enduring Legacy

“The Great Gatsby” continues to leave a lasting impact on audiences, cementing its status as a truly timeless and unforgettable cinematic experience.


In conclusion, The Great Gatsby is a remarkable movie that captivates audiences with its dazzling visuals, compelling storyline, and exceptional performances. It beautifully depicts the decadence and grandeur of the Roaring Twenties, while also exploring themes of love, wealth, and the pursuit of the American Dream. With its stunning cinematography, lavish costumes, and mesmerizing soundtrack, the film truly transports viewers to the extravagant world of Jay Gatsby and his enigmatic quest for love and acceptance.Director Baz Luhrmann’s bold and vibrant interpretation of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s classic novel breathes new life into the timeless tale, making it a must-see for both fans of the book and newcomers to the story. The Great Gatsby is a visually stunning masterpiece that immerses audiences in the glitz and glamour of the Jazz Age while exploring the allure and tragedy of the human condition. It is a film that will leave you mesmerized long after the credits roll.


Q: Who directed the movie The Great Gatsby?

A: The Great Gatsby was directed by Baz Luhrmann, known for his visually extravagant films such as Moulin Rouge! and Romeo + Juliet.

Q: When was The Great Gatsby released?

A: The movie was released on May 10, 2013.

Q: Who played the role of Jay Gatsby?

A: Leonardo DiCaprio portrayed the iconic character of Jay Gatsby in the film.

Q: Is The Great Gatsby based on a book?

A: Yes, The Great Gatsby is based on the classic novel of the same name written by F. Scott Fitzgerald.

Q: What is the main theme of The Great Gatsby?

A: The main themes of The Great Gatsby revolve around the pursuit of the American Dream, wealth, love, and the decay of the Jazz Age society.

Q: Are the costumes in The Great Gatsby historically accurate?

A: While the costumes in The Great Gatsby are visually stunning, they are not entirely historically accurate and instead mix elements of the 1920s with a modern twist.

Q: Where was The Great Gatsby filmed?

A: The film was primarily shot in Australia, with various locations standing in for the settings of the story.

Q: Who composed the soundtrack for the movie?

A: The soundtrack for The Great Gatsby was curated by Jay-Z and features a mix of contemporary and classic songs.

Q: Did The Great Gatsby win any awards?

A: Yes, the movie won several awards, including two Academy Awards for Best Production Design and Best Costume Design.

Q: How long is The Great Gatsby?

A: The runtime of the movie is approximately 2 hours and 23 minutes.

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