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Fakin' It is one of the games featured in The Jackbox Party Pack 3.

There are two goals, one for the five players, and one for the Faker. The players must uncover who the "Faker" is in their group, while the Faker must try to blend in with the other players and not get caught.

Because this game relies on being able to see the other players, it's a very hard game to stream or play through screenshare, making this one of the very few Jackbox games that can only be played in person.


The final round, titled "Text You Up," instead requires the players to text their answers to 3 question prompts. The Faker is given prompts only slightly similar to the ones given to the other players, making answering a little more complicated and strategic instead of straightforward. Like the first few rounds, the other players are given 3 chances to catch the Faker, with each chance revealing another question and its respective answers. Votes still have to be unanimous in order for the Faker to be caught.

Task Categories[]

Hands of Truth[]

The first question type, and one that is automatically selected if the tutorial is watched. "Hands of Truth" involves the players and the Faker raising their hand, or not, depending on your answer to the secret task. The Faker must decide whether or not to raise their hand, not knowing the task. The Faker has a 1/2 chance of getting caught.

You Gotta Point[]

"You Gotta Point" involves the players and the Faker pointing at another player in the game. The Faker must decide which player to point at.

Number Pressure[]

"Number Pressure" involves the players and the Faker holding up a certain number of fingers, usually from one to ten. The Faker must decide a number of fingers to hold up to avoid detection.

Face Value[]

"Face Value" involves the players and the Faker making a weird face that applies to the task. The Faker has to make a facial expression that hopefully makes sense with the task given to the other players.

Text You Up[]

"Text You Up" is the question type that serves as the final round in the game. Each player, which also includes the Faker, is given 3 question prompts. The players all have the same prompt, except the Faker. The Faker is given questions slightly related to the questions the others were given. The Faker has to try and strategize their answer further than the other players need to since they won't know how similar or how drastically different the real question was compared to the question they got until it shows up on the screen.


  • World's Greatest Detectives – Catch the Faker on the first vote.
  • Deep Cover – Faker gets through three tasks in a row without a single vote.
  • 2 Fake 2 Five-ious – Play five games of Fakin' It in a row.
  • Pointilism – Play 40 You Gotta Point tasks.

Promotional Art[]


  • Excluding the Faker, the orange guy is the only one of the 6 characters to not have their own category in the game.
    • However, it's speculated that their category was going to involve making a sound in regards to the prompt on your device due to an unused category sprite featuring the character.
  • In 3-player games, it is practically guaranteed to catch the Faker. 4-player games also have an extremely high chance.
  • The orange guy - only person in the this game, which appears in the another game, namely The Devils and the Details.
  • Some of the characters were reused for Monster Seeking Monster.
  • In the introductory tutorial for the game: it's revealed via their device that the red guy's name is Owen.
    • This is also the name of the game's artist, Owen Watson.
  • Fakin' It is referenced in Fibbage 4 during the "Cookie Plans a Heist" episode. The title is used as an available category name for a question about forgery.
  • The colorful cast of characters shown during cutscenes and representing tasks have public beta designs, which show some characters who would later swap color palettes, a more pudgy version of the Faker, and even a dog that went completely unused in the final product.

Early Fakin' It character designs.
