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The film[]

  • The first lines of the movie are pretty funny if a bit foreboding.

  Ben: Typical of Victor Von Doom to build a 30 foot statue of himself.

  • Ben's reaction after finding out that he's working under Johnny.

  Ben: I cannot take orders from the underwear model.

  • Reed walks away from Ben after Ben tries to point out (again) that he and Sue are meant for each other.

  Ben: Do I have to do everything myself?

  • After Johnny falls off his snowboard and lights on fire, melting the snow around him into water. The scene ends rather "suggestively".
    • Later Johnny's walking around wearing (almost) nothing while showing off his new fire powers.

  Now picture that... But everywhere! I mean... Everywhere!

  • Ben sitting on the Brooklyn Bridge moping.

  Ben: Oh yeah Ben, few days in space, it'll be great, what's the worst that could happen?

  • When Johnny, after failing several times to get Ben to slap himself in the face with the hand covered in shaving cream. Then he finally succeeds.
  • The scene when the gang is watching Johnny on TV at the Moto-X Games.

 Reporter: So, what are your superhero names?

Johnny: They call me the Human Torch. Ladies call me Torch.

Reporter: What about the rest of the team?

Johnny: (shows a picture of Sue) That's the Invisible Girl.

Susan: "Girl"?

Reporter: What about your leader, Reed Richards? I hear you call him Mr. Fantastic.

Ben: Could've been worse.

Reed: I guess.

    • Reed does get a little upset about Johnny's next comment.

 X Games Reporter: Is it true what they say about him? That he can expand *any* part of his anatomy?

Johnny: Well, I've always found him to be a little limp.

  • Ben enters the lobby and bumps into Johnny.

 Johnny: Hey! Look what the marketing guys did! Look, check it out, listen, listen, you'll love this... (holds up a little Thing doll that says, "It's clobberin' time!" in a squeaky voice)

Johnny: It's catchy, right?

    • Sorry Johnny, but Ben doesn't agree with your assessment.
  • From Rise of the Silver Surfer

 Ben: (gets smashed into the wall by a large concrete slab) OK. That one hurt.

Susan: Where's Reed?

Reed: (muffled) Back here!

Ben: (steps out from the wall to reveal a flattened Reed) My bad.

  • After Doom shows the Four a video of the Silver Surfer

  Ben: I liked the part where he knocks you on your ass.

  • Early in the film the Four are forced to fly coach and Ben is wedged into a tiny seat. He looks out the window and sees Johnny flying beside the plane.

 Ben: I hope it rains...

  • Before the wedding:

 Alicia: Hey, Johnny. (turns head slightly in his direction)

Johnny: (taken aback) Wow. Does that always amaze anyone else? How did she know it was me? I didn't say anything!

Alicia: Well, to be honest, you kind of smell like ash.

