BARBARA BACH Full Filmography

This filmography is organized chronologically. Barbara's filmography includes appearances in 24 feature films and TV movies. There are 24 Movie Image Galleries with hundreds of promo pictures, posters, stills, lobby cards, photoshoots, film premiere photos, screencaps and more. Copyright by respective production studio and/or distributor.  Please click on the thumbnails to enter galleries.

1.- Odissea. TV Series
2.- Mio Padre Monsignore
3.- La tarantola del ventre nero
4.- La corta notte delle bambole di vetro (1971)
5.- Un Peu de soleil dans l'eau froide (1971)
6.- Maschio Ruspante
7.- L'ultima chance
8.- Paolo Il Caldo
9.- Il cittadino si ribella
10.- Il Lupo dei mari
11.- The Spy Who Loved Me
12.- Ecco noi per esempio
13.- Mask of Alexander Cross.
  (1977). TV movie
14.- Force 10 from Navarone
15.- L'isola degli uomini pesce
16.- L'umanoide
17.- Jaguar Lives!
18.- Il fiume del grande caimano
19.- Up the Academy
20.- The Unseen
21.- Caveman
22.- The cooler. short film
23.- Princess Daisy. TV Miniseries
24.- Give My Regards to Broad Street
This site has been created for the enjoyment of Barbara Bach fans. No profit or copyright infringement intended.
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