Andrei Smirnov | IFFR

Andrei Smirnov

Andrei SMIRNOV (1941, Soviet Union) is a filmmaker, screenwriter and actor. He graduated from the famous VGIK film school in 1962. Belorussian Station (1971) was a significant event in Soviet Cinema. It was considered one of the best war films at the time and won an award at the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival, where it was an audience favourite. As an actor, he is credited in more than 40 films and television productions and garnered several festival awards for his acting performances. He was the chairman of the radical union of filmmakers in the period just before the collapse of the Soviet Union, from 1987 till 1990. Smirnov also taught the Advanced Course for Screenwriters and Film Directors at VGIK – the oldest professional qualification in the cinematographic arts in Russia.


Ey, kto nibud!/Hey, Somebody! (1963, short, co-dir), Pyad zemli/The Earth’s Span (1964, co-dir), Shutochka/A Small Joke (1966, TV short, co-dir), Nachalo nevedomogo veka/The Beginning of an Unknown Era (1967, segment: Angel), Belorusskiy vokzal/Belorussian Station (1971), Osen/Autumn (1974), Veroy i pravdoy/With Faith and Truth (1979), Svoboda po russki (2006, doc, co-dir), Zhila-byla odna baba/Once Upon a Time There Lived a Simple Woman (2011), Frantsuz/A Frenchman (2019)

More info: Wikipedia, Andrei Smirnov

  • Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap
  • Gemeente Rotterdam
  • Creative Europe Media
  • Nederlands Film Fonds
  • fonds 21
  • Stichting droom en daad
  • De Volkskrant
  • Vrienden Loterij