indignation - Tradu��o em portugu�s – Linguee

Dicion�rio ingl�s-portugu�s

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Press reports about body scanners in the Dutch press have
[...] caused a torrent of indignation.
Comunicados publicados na imprensa neerlandesa sobre sc�neres corporais
[...] geraram uma torrente de indigna��o.
Christians feel
[...] angry and show their indignation.
Os crist�os est�o
[...] zangados e manifestam a sua indigna��o.
In the face of so many instances of serious injustice - often brought about by inequality, selfishness and a lack of social
responsibility - our exasperation, instead of being
[...] smothered under indignation and negativity [...]
is expressed in terms of action and planning.
Diante de tantas evid�ncias de grave injusti�a - geralmente ocasionada por desigualdade. ego�smo e falta de
responsabilidade social, nossa exaspera��o ao
[...] inv�s de ser sufocada por indigna��o e negatividade, [...]
� manifestada em termos de a��o e planejamento.
It is at them that our indignation should be directed [...]
first of all.
� sobretudo
[...] contra eles que a nossa indigna��o se deve dirigir.
I kept for myself my indignation and in stead of getting [...]
upset, I practiced my assertiveness.
Guardei para mim minha indigna��o e em lugar de enaltecer-me [...]
pelas e indignar-me, recorrei a minha assertividade.
In view of the outrage and indignation which this has provoked, [...]
not only among the lay faithful but among yourselves and
your religious communities, many of you feel personally discouraged, even abandoned.
Perante o ultraje e a indigna��o que isto causou, n�o [...]
s� entre os leigos mas tamb�m entre v�s e as vossas comunidades religiosas,
muitos de v�s sentis-vos pessoalmente desanimados e tamb�m abandonados.
The rest of the conversation forced me to be very present with a feeling
[...] of surprise, joke and indignation.
O resto da conversa me exigiu um exerc�cio conviver com essa
[...] mistura de surpresa, indigna��o e jogo.
The European Union deplores this loss of human lives, and
[...] whishes to express its indignation that this attack was [...]
directed against the very institution
that represents democracy and the rule of law.
A Uni�o Europeia deplora a perda de vidas
[...] humanas e manifesta a sua indigna��o pelo facto de este ataque [...]
ter sido dirigido contra a institui��o
que, por excel�ncia, representa a democracia e o Estado de direito.
17 Then the high priest rose up, and all those who were with him (which is the sect of the Sadducees), and they
[...] were filled with indignation
17 E, levantando-se o sumo sacerdote, e todos os que estavam com ele (e eram eles da seita dos
[...] saduceus), encheram-se de inveja
The Commission received during the last years a massive number of
letters and petitions on the issue
[...] expressing citizens' deep indignation and repulsion regarding [...]
the trade in seal products in such conditions.
Ao longo dos �ltimos anos, a Comiss�o recebeu grande n�mero de
cartas e peti��es nesta mat�ria,
[...] expressando a profunda indigna��o e repulsa dos cidad�os [...]
perante o com�rcio de produtos
derivados de focas em tais condi��es.
This created a surprise and some were filled with indignation within themselves and said: Why make this waste of money?
Esse gesto foi causa de surpresa e alguns dos convivas mostram-se indignados: Para qu� desperdi�ar tanto dinheiro inutilmente?
This fact stirs the indignation of popular movements [...]
until today, for which reason Candel�ria was transformed into a representation
of the struggle against violence in the city and the country' (Fernandes, Bernardo Man�ano.
Esse fato
[...] representa, at� hoje, a indigna��o dos movimentos populares. [...]
Por essa raz�o Candel�ria transformou-se na representa��o
da luta contra a viol�ncia na cidade e no campo" (Fernandes, Bernardo Man�ano.
The disbelief and indignation among the 53 million [...]
people who voted for Lula yielded to frustration at the lack of a political solution.
A descren�a e a indigna��o dos 53 milh�es de brasileiros [...]
que votaram em Lula deram lugar ao sentimento de frustra��o diante
da aus�ncia de solu��o pol�tica.
The passage begins in verse 17 talking about the
[...] Sanhedrin being "filled with indignation" and then we read about [...]
Christians who are "filled" with
the Holy Spirit, "filling" and entire city with the gospel!
A passagem come�a no vers�culo 17 falando sobre o
[...] Sin�drio sendo "cheio de indigna��o", e ent�o n�s lemos sobre [...]
Crentes que s�o "cheios" com
o Esp�rito Santo, "enchendo" a cidade toda com o evangelho!
The high number of deaths from
pneumonia has, according to Radio
[...] Programas del Per�, aroused indignation because the Health [...]
Ministry's reaction is seen as tepid
compared to its recent vigorous response to just 30 cases of the A/H1N1 virus.
Conforme a Radio Programas del
Per�, o alto n�mero de mortos por
[...] pneumonia provocou a indigna��o de diversos setores [...]
devido � aparente indiferen�a do minist�rio
em compara��o com a aten��o recebida pelos 30 casos da gripe A (H1N1).
This apathy is transformed into
[...] conformity; in this way, indignation dies.
Essa apatia se transforma em
[...] conformismo e assim morre a indigna��o.
A massive number of letters from concerned
citizens have been sent to the Commission during recent
[...] years expressing deep indignation and repulsion regarding [...]
this trade.
Nos �ltimos anos, a Comiss�o tem recebido um
grande volume de cartas de cidad�os
[...] preocupados, manifestando indigna��o e repulsa profundas [...]
relativamente a este com�rcio.
It expressed its deepest indignation at the attacks which [...]
have been mounted on humanitarian personnel, church members and human rights defenders.
O Conselho frisou que � da m�xima prioridade p�r termo � grave
situa��o humanit�ria e manifestou
[...] a sua mais profunda indigna��o pelos ataques desencadeados [...]
contra pessoal humanit�rio,
religiosos e defensores dos direitos humanos.
These and, above all, images from Abu
Ghraib prison personalize the suffering and
[...] heighten the sense of powerlessness and indignation that many Muslims feel.
Essas e, acima de tudo, as imagens da
pris�o de Abu Ghraib personalizam o sofrimento e
[...] intensificam a sensa��o de impot�ncia e indigna��o de muitos mu�ulmanos.
That stance has fueled indignation among different groups [...]
both inside and outside Argentina.
Esta postura aumentou a indigna��o em diversos setores dentro [...]
e fora da Argentina.
Choler, anger, indignation, rage, desire for [...]
c�lera; zanga; indigna��o; raiva; desejo de vingan�a.
Those who are intoxicated with hate are still the minority, much as it only further
[...] increases their indignation to tell them so.
Aqueles que est�o intoxicados com �dio ainda s�o uma minoria, mas
[...] dizer-lhes isto s� aumenta a sua indigna��o.
Literary tastes tainted by filthy
[...] lucre fill him with indignation, and he commends an [...]
author who published at his own expense, a certain Marcel Proust.
Gostos liter�rios contaminados pela s�rdida
[...] gan�ncia enchem-no de indigna��o, e ele aproba um autor [...]
que publicava �s suas pr�prias
custas, um certo Marcel Proust.
The funeral of a poor
[...] kid reveals the pain, indignation and strength of a father [...]
and a mother surrounded by misery.
O vel�rio de uma crian�a
[...] carente revela a dor, indigna��o e a for�a de um pai [...]
e uma m�e, envolvidos em mis�ria.
Nele Deprez, of the Guatemalan organization Ceiba, told Tierram�rica that "the
[...] conflict and community indignation (about the Marlin project) [...]
Nele Deprez, da organiza��o guatemalteca Ceiba, disse ao Terram�rica
[...] que "o conflito e a indigna��o social (pelo projeto [...]
Marlin) persistem".
His three friends had spoken their minds and had become silent
after Job made his long speech in defence of himself, and
[...] Elihu had spoken out his indignation at Job's criticism of God.
Seus tr�s amigos haviam falado o que pensavam e silenciado depois
do longo discurso de J� em defesa de si mesmo; Eli�
[...] havia declarado a sua indigna��o com as cr�ticas de J� [...]
feitas a Deus.
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