Contact Us

Contact Us

You have multiple options to contact us: call us as per the number below or chat with us - our Molli chat bot can help you 24/7 and our agents are available 7 days a week (see the opening hours for agent support below). In the other helpful information tab, we have also included a number of useful links to forms that should help you navigate the things we are most frequently asked about.

Let’s Chat


Call Us - UK

All Countries Contact Details


You have multiple options to contact us: call us as per the number below or chat with us - our Molli chat bot can help you 24/7 and our agents are available 7 days a week (see the opening hours for agent support below). In the other helpful information tab, we have also included a number of useful links to forms that should help you navigate the things we are most frequently asked about.

Let’s Chat


Call Us - UK

All Countries Contact Details


Ryanair ChatBot offers 24/7 support. Also, our Customer Care agents are available to support if you need further assistance.

Our agents are available:
Monday to Friday 09:00 - 22:00 CET
Saturday 09:00 -19:00 CET
Sunday 10:00 - 19:00 CET

Chat now

If you prefer, you can contact our social media team on Facebook:

Monday-Friday from 8:00 to 22:00 CET
Saturday from 9:00 to 19:00 CET
Sunday from 10:00 to 19:00 CET

To access the Facebook page, click here.

To help us effectively deal with your query, you will need to call us from the mobile phone number used while making the booking. If you are unable to call from the mobile number used to book your flight, you can update this in the contact details section of your booking when logged into your myRyanair account. Please have your booking reference number ready in advance.

If you are trying to contact us more than 30 days in advance of your flight departure, we would be happy to assist you via Live Chat by clicking here.

Remember that reservations or changes to reservations made through our Contact Center will incur higher charges if the reservation or change could have been made online.

Our phone lines are open:
Monday - Friday: 09:00-22:00 CET
Saturday: 09:00-19:00 CET
Sunday: 10:00-19:00 CET

+44 113 868 4151 Calls are charged at local call rates.
*Calls from mobiles and other networks may cost more.

Please note that calls can be recorded for both formative and qualitative purposes. Call records are kept for at least 90 days.

To help us effectively deal with your query, you will need to call us from the mobile phone number used while making the booking. If you are unable to call from the mobile number used to book your flight, you can update this in the contact details section of your booking when logged into your myRyanair account. Please have your booking reference number ready in advance.

If you are trying to contact us more than 30 days in advance of your flight departure we would be happy to assist you via Live Chat by clicking here.

Remember that reservations or changes to reservations made through our Contact Center will incur higher charges if the reservation or change could have been made online.

Our phone lines are open:

Monday - Friday: 09:00-22:00 CET

Saturday: 09:00-19:00 CET

Sunday: 10:00-19:00 CET

Available Language: English, German

+35316971368 Calls are charged at local/international call rates depending on your location.

Available Languages: Italian, Spanish, French, Polish & Portuguese

+35312555212 Calls are charged at local/international call rates depending on your location.

*Calls from mobiles and other networks may cost more.

Please note that calls can be recorded for both formative and qualitative purposes. Call records are kept for at least 90 days.

Registered Address

Oracle Solicitors

Aviation House
125 Kingsway
London, WC2B 6NH
United Kingdom

This address is provided for correspondence only. It is not provided for the service of proceedings. Ryanair does not accept service at Oracle Solicitors, except in respect of compensation claims brought under Article 7 of Regulation 261/2004 where GTCC15.2 has been complied with.

Data Protection

We recommend using the online forms in the below questions to exercise your Data Protection Rights.

You can request to be removed from our marketing mailing list by clicking below.
To learn what we use your personal data for, why, and for how long, visit our Privacy Policy.

Opt out

If you wish to access personal data we hold about you other than what is in your myRyanair account, then you can use our webform available below.

Visit our Privacy Policy for further details on submitting your application.

Data request form

You may ask us to delete or remove personal data, where we have no legal basis to continue to process it. This includes deletion of the myRyanair account linked to the email address provided and/or used in booking a flight. However, we will retain the personal data that relates to a contract between you and Ryanair (flight booking) to perform the contract, defend or pursue our legal rights and meet our obligations towards regulatory or governmental authorities.

You can request erasure by clicking below.

We will make every effort to erase data where this right has been exercised by you and we no longer have a legal basis for processing same but some personal data sets are impossible (or infeasible) to edit or remove (e.g. server backup or microfiche).

Visit our Privacy Policy to learn more about erasing your data.

Data erasure request

Useful Information

The below options may assist with your query:

  • If your query is about documents required for travelling, click here. This will direct you to our Help page where you can find all the country specific travel restrictions information. Please note that our contact centre agents cannot confirm the entry restrictions that may apply to you as these are country specific. Please check your destination government website;
  • If your flight has operated or is due to operate, note there is no reimbursement of either a voucher or cash due, as Ryanair tickets are generally not refundable (unless Article 10 of Ryanair’s General Terms & Conditions of Carriage applies);
  • If your query relates to a Refund or Covid-19 Travel Voucher, please click here where you can find helpful information on Ryanair Wallet and Covid-19 Travel Vouchers;
  • If you booked through a third-party online travel agent, please click here where you can find everything you need to know about online travel agents.

If the above options do not answer your query, please click here to visit our Help Centre where you may find additional information.