Intelligence-Gathering Disciplines (OSINT, IMINT, GEOINT, etc.) | by Chad Warner | OSINT TEAM

Intelligence-Gathering Disciplines (OSINT, IMINT, GEOINT, etc.)

Chad Warner
Published in
2 min readJun 20, 2023


If you spend any time in the intelligence community (IC), whether traditional intel (government/military) or cyber intel, you’ll run across various intelligence-gathering disciplines. They’re usually spelled in all caps and end with INT for intelligence. Below is a quick reference. Some of these disciplines overlap.

If you know of any others, please let me know.

Photo by Donald Giannatti on Unsplash

BLOCKINT: Blockchain intelligence: Involves data about cryptocurrency transactions as recorded on a blockchain. A type of FININT.

COMINT: Communications intelligence. Involves data gathered by intercepting signals between people. A type of SIGINT.

CRIMINT: Criminal intelligence. Involves data about criminal activity and criminals, often gathered by law enforcement.

CYBINT/DNINT: Cyber intelligence/digital network intelligence. Involves data gathered from computer systems and networks.

DARKINT: Darknet intelligence: Involves data gathered on a darknet (e.g., Tor, I2P, Freenet). A type of OSINT.

ELINT: Electronic intelligence. Involves data gathered by intercepting signals between electronic systems. A type of SIGINT.

FININT: Financial intelligence. Involves data about financial activity, often acquired from financial institutions.

FISINT: Foreign instrumentation signals intelligence. Involves data gathered by intercepting signals between foreign electronic systems. A type of SIGINT.

GEOINT: Geospatial intelligence. Involves geographical data, typically from satellites.

HUMINT: Human intelligence. Involves data gathered by observing and talking to people.

IMINT: Image intelligence. Involves data from photos or other images.

MASINT: Measurement and signature intelligence. Involves measurement and signature data from sensors (radiofrequency, optical, magnetic, etc.).

OSINT: Open-source intelligence. Involves data from publicly available sources (social media, public records, search engines, metadata, etc.).

SIGINT: Signals intelligence. Involves data gathered by intercepting signals between people or electronic systems.

SOCMINT: Social media intelligence. Involves data from social media. A type of OSINT.

TECHINT: Technical intelligence. Involves technical data about equipment, technology, and weapons.

TELINT: Telemetry intelligence. Previous name of FSINT.

You may run across mentions of RUMINT, which is rumor intelligence, and involves data based on rumor. It’s a humorous play on HUMINT, not a real discipline.

You may also run across mentions of TRASHINT, which is trash intelligence, and involves data collected from garbage or recyclables (“Dumpster diving”). It’s a humorous play on the other INTs, not a real discipline.

Thanks to Sean O’Connor and Stephen Anderson for suggesting additions to my original list.

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Web Strategist at OptimWise. Cybersecurity & privacy enthusiast. Bookworm. Fan of Tolkien & LEGO.

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