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Villains Fanon Wiki

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The "Sonic logo" in the VHS'
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Sonic and Tails! BEST FRIENDS!
~ Tails' first and most famous line.
What are friends for?
~ Tails' infamous catchphrase.
The everywhere is greeting you by showing you this sad shadow of yourself. Reflecting your majesty in this paltry waif, which is the best this meagre universe can produce, but there are many more Amy's out there. Most burn much brighter than this pitiful creature, but none who shine like you my dear. Not even close. Soon this will all be familiar to you. Your home away from home as you help us in our quest. You see, despite its wonder, all of this exists without order, without purpose. Pale immitations of ourselves grinding out meaningless existences, growing and striving only to DIE to fail to-
~ Tails's manipulative yet nihilistic speech about the many different universes - foreshadowing his true intentions.

Miles "Tails" Prower is the titular main antagonist of the 2016 video Secret History of Sonic & Tails, and the main antagonist of the web series There's Something About.., being the main antagonist of the first chapter and the overarching antagonist of the second chapter.

He is a psychotic, obssesive and delusional serial killer who wants to create a perfect universe for himself, and to find the "real" Sonic, at cost of destroying every universe that he goes into. Being marketed as "Sonic's best friend and sidekick" by Sega, Tails gone insane and deep into this role, killing anyone who tried to get close of him by utter envy; however, after being called out by Sonic himself, he now considers that the only "real" Sonic is the one who is only friends with him, and that all the others are impostors who deserve death, and then goes missing from his home universe. Travelling to TSAA!Universe, Tails kills his local variant and steals his identity, and then manipulates TSAA!Amy into killing hers Sonic and becoming as psychopath as him, and then getting hers help into his multiversal crusade.

He is voiced by Mick Lauer (better known online as RicePirate), who also voiced Raiden, Dr. Wily, and Dr. Thomas Light in the same series, as well as Husk in Hazbin Hotel, and by Eileen Montgomery (also better known online as EileMonty) in his "normal" form in There's Something About Amy, who also voiced Amy in the same series, Toad in YOSHZILLA!, and Toad in Dial L For Luigi.


In contrast to his personality in the original Sonic franchise, the Tails of the Mashed universe is an unhinged psychopathic sadist, who’s completely fixated on the idea that he’s Sonic’s only best friend and will murder anyone in the most brutal way possible if they try to be friends with Sonic. He claims to be doing this because Sonic's other friends are "impostors" - Tails claims to be Sonic's best friend. He is most likely a yandere due to his Sonic obsession, to the point where he identifies himself as Sonic's “best friend”.

He is also shown to be manipulative, using Amy and Sonic to make the former insane and kill the latter during a breakdown, knowing Amy's obsession with Sonic is similar to his.


Tails is a lanky orange fox. His fur is messier than the original Tails', his teeth are in terrible shape, and his pupils are very small. He is much more grotesque and bouncier than his original counterpart, and his expressions can change in a cartoonish manner. He becomes morbidly obese at the end of his debut video. His fur has turned brownish, and his teeth have turned golden yellow. He has stitches on his brow and a weapon made of a blow dryer, of all things.


Secret History of Sonic & Tails[]

When Sega noticed that Sonic The Hedgehog's popularity was diminishing, they decided to give Sonic a sidekick.

Tails, according to Amy, was always "hovering around." It appeared innocent at first, but when Amy discovered that murders/accidents were occurring, she suspected Tails was the culprit. Later, Sonic and Amy track down Tails and discover that he is the author of the murders. Tails claimed that he committed these crimes because Knuckles and Shadow were Sonic's fake friends, or "IMPOSTORS," as he refers to them. He continues, claiming to be Sonic's best friend. Sonic, disgusted and infuriated by this, yells at the deranged fox, saying that they are and never will be friends while calling him out for his sick behavior. Tails, instead of understanding that what he did was wrong and was the reason Sonic didn't want anything to do with him, comes to the following conclusion: "If Tails is Sonic's best friend... and I'm NOT YOUR BEST FRIEND... THEN YOU AREN'T SONIC!!" Amy's tampered hammer is then used to attack the two hedgehogs, with Tails going into hiding shortly after.

It's stated that the previous situation was the last time anyone saw Tails. It's then shown that Tails, now morbidly obese, kidnaps people, makes them to look like Sonic, and then murders them, as shown with Gex, Cheese, Big the Cat, Pikachu, Yoshi, Mighty the Armadillo, and a random man.

There's Something About Amy[]

At some unknown point, Tails would enter another dimension, kill that version of himself, and replace him. He would later manipulate both Sonic and Amy by exploiting their love for each other as well as their insecurities in order to achieve his goal of turning Amy insane like him. After Amy begged him to help her be with Sonic, Tails experiments on her and convinces her to go to Sonic's house by telling her that Sonic will love her after the changes Tails has made to her body. Sonic, on the other hand, is repulsed by her appearance and insanity and wants nothing to do with her. Amy has a nervous breakdown after realizing that everything she did and went through was for naught, and she beats Sonic to a bloody pulp with her hammer.

Amy goes to Tails for assistance after realizing what she has done, only for the latter to pull out two shovels and bring Sonic's corpse into the forest to be disposed of. He then sadistically reveals his true nature to Amy, telling her how he used her and Sonic's emotions against each other and how he killed his counterpart from this dimension. Amy, furious, tries to strangle him to death, but Tails tells her that they can find the real Sonic. This drives Amy insane once more, and she accepts his offer. The two are last seen passing through a portal built by Tails.

There's Something About Knuckles[]

While not physically seen, it's stated he provided Amy with all the gadgets she used to manipulate Knuckles.


  • Knuckles the Echidna: Rigged his smartphone with an explosive, blowing off half of his face.
  • Shadow the Hedgehog: Tampered with his hover boots, causing them to short-circuit as he crashes into a wall and splatters into a gory mess.
  • Unnamed Individual: Strapped into a chair painted in blue before being torn to pieces by Tails’ torture device.
  • Big the Cat and Froggy: Dismembered and had their pieces stored in a fridge.
  • Pikachu: Crucified on a plank of wood with Poke Balls painted to look like eyes shoved down his eyeholes, and a chain piercing his tongue.
  • Mighty the Armadillo: Disemboweled with rings filling his hollowed belly, as well as chains piercing and stretching his facial features.
  • Cheese (Debatable): Had his limbs ripped off and reattached with painted chains to look like Sonic.
  • Gex: Crucified on a plank with a chaos emerald shoved down his throat.
  • Yoshi: Chained to a plank of wood and painted in blue to look like Sonic (debatable if he truly died or not because there is no damage done to him).
  • Alternate Dimension Tails: Killed by an explosion that charred half of his body and then decapitated.
  • Alternate Dimension Sonic (Indirectly): Emotionally manipulated Amy into accidentally beating him to death while in a mental breakdown.


Amy: There he is!
Sonic: Why…?
~ Tails explaining why he killed Knuckles and Shadow.
Amy: Tails, please! Just give yourself up! You need help!
Sonic: You have never once, ever could be, or ever will be my friend! EVER! You sick, twisted, F-CK!
Tails: ... That's it. I get it now. If Tails is Sonic's best friend, and I'm not your best friend...
Sonic: Oh no...
~ Tails' villainous breakdown after Sonic justifiably lashes out and tells him he was never, nor will he ever be his friend.
~ Tails revealing himself to Amy.





  • This character was supposed to appear as an antagonist in the Friday Night Funkin' mod titled: Vs. Sonic.EXE update 3.0, but it was scrapped due to the mod's cancellation.
    • He does, however, appear in the mod named "Secret Histories", where Mick Lauer reprises his role as the character's voice actor for voice clips and sound fonts.
  • The official Sonic the Hedgehog YouTube channel responded to Tails' introduction video, praising the animation and concept, while also commenting how disturbing and terrifying it was. However, the response was later deleted.
  • Tails can act similarly to Naraku from InuYasha, where he created a love triangle and used both Inuyasha and Kikyo's emotions against one another, causing them to hate each other until Kikyo is reincarnated into Kagome. And discovered the truth, that he was responsible for her death as a result of his wish being denied, saying that he wanted to be with her but that due to his actions, he couldn't be with her in the next lifetime or the one after that.
  • Tails' abilities of brainwashing and shapeshifting might imply he isn't a true fox, or even a natural organism.
    • Mick Lauer, Tails' Voice Actor, neither confirms nor denies the theory, though he does comment that it's not too far off. [1]
  • Tails might be faking his insanity, evidenced by his relatively collected demeanor around Amy, and outside of his own dimension compared to his behavior around Secret History Sonic. Another piece of evidence is the differences between his personality in Secret Histories and There's Something About Amy. In Secret Histories, he is constantly screaming and spouting unhinged rants. In There's Something About Amy, he seems considerably more calm and shows more intelligence, gaslighting Amy and only utilizing his supernatural abilities when alone with her and there are no other witnesses.
  • It was once speculated that Tails may have also been the version of Tails from There's Something About Knuckles, given the entire fact that when he suggests killing the Kaiju to Knuckles after revealing Sonic had become a part of it, he seemed to be grinning, not to mention he previously tells him "What are friends for?"
    • However, this was all disproven in the final part of the chapter, as the Tails in that universe would be killed by Knuckles possessed by the Kaiju. It would also be revealed that Amy was the voice inside Knuckles’ head, and not Tails like most people thought.
  • It's implied Secret History Tails isn't alone, as when he's monologuing to Amy in The Everywhere during TSAA Part 4,, he says that Amy will "help us on our quest." Who they are is currently unknown.
  • He's the current mascot of the wiki's Spoilers template.



                 EvilRedCrownHeadlinedFeatured VillainsEvilRedCrownHeadlined
Evil Connie
Game over
Bête Noire
Tails (SH)
           Mashed Logo-removebg-preview Mashed logo   Villains

Stand-Alone Videos
Mario (Luigi's Nightmare) | Kirby (Blood Suckers) | Svitlana Volkov | Link (Even Trees Hate Link) | Toad (YOSHZILLA!) | Yoshzilla | Mario (Goombageddon) | Sonic Clones | Thomas the Tank Engine (GRAND THEFT LOCO) | King Dedede (The King’s Gambit) | Talking Flower (Floweratouille) | Dalek Bronze (Dalek Who)

Secret History
Mario | Harry Potter | Raiden | Evil Wizards | Dr. Wily | Dr. Thomas Light | Imposter | M. Bison | Tails | Cuphead & Mugman | The Devil | Jerry | God Omnic

Cartoon Nightmare
Bob the Builder | Walter Sidney | Doctor Octopus | Venom | Postman Pat

Mario and Luigi: Super Anime Brothers
Gooigi | Bowser | Luigi

There's Something About
Amy Rose | Tails | The Kaiju | Baron Robotnik | Knuckles the Kaiju

The Cursed Cap Saga
Waluigi | Wario | Iggy | Wario-PD | Mario

Luigi's Lament
Bowser | Luigi | Princess Peach | Yoshi

Dial L For Luigi
Mario | Wario | Princess Peach | Bowser | Toad | Diddy Kong


           Image-removebg-preview Villains

Cuphead and Mugman | The Devil | Dr. Thomas Light | Jerry | Mario | Raiden | Tails | The Wizards

See Also
Mashed Villains

            Sonic the Hedgehog logo Fanon Villains

Amy Rose | Baron Robotnik | Tails | The Titan

SnapCube Real-Time Fandub
Actual Satan | Dr. Eggman | Memphis Tennessee | Rouge the Bat | Shadow the Hedgehog

Sonic Legacy
Eggman's Forces
Dr. Eggman | Omelette
Jade Syndicate
Rouge Arsène

Eddie Lebron
Dr. Robotnik | Badniks

Sonic David
Sonic | Tails | Nine

Black Doom | Black Arms

Archie Sonic Online
Dr. Eggman | Ixis Naugus | Dimitri

Schlouden06 Sonic Villains
Dr. Eggman | Mephiles the Dark | Infinite

See Also
Five Nights at Sonic's Villains | Mashed Villains | SnapCube Villains | Sonic.exe Villains | Sonic For Hire Villains | Sonic Pulse Villains | Sonic and the Powerpuff Girls Villains | Super Mario Bros. Z Villains
