Callao: 5 tourist places that will leave you with your mouth open

Located half an hour from the center of Lima, the First Port of Peru brings together magic, gastronomy, history, beaches and tradition that can be enjoyed all year. If you are in the Peruvian capital and are looking for a place to escape the city and surround yourself with a peaceful atmosphere, Callao is the best option.


The Chalaca province is the gateway to a world of experiences: learn more about the republican history of the city through its museums and fortresses, enjoy a quiet walk and rest on the shore of its beaches or spend a cultural afternoon visiting its galleries and exhibitions in the Callao Monumental neighborhood. As you can see, fun and pleasure are lived there.



Real Felipe Fortress

The Spanish ordered its construction in 1747, but the work was finished 29 years later. Its purpose was to protect the city of Lima from possible pirate attacks, especially its most famous port. From there, a large number of ships and galleons used to leave for Spain. Years later, during the Combat of May 2, it would be part of the Peruvian defense against the Spanish.


Currently, it is the headquarters of the Museum of the Army of Peru. During the tour, you will see old tanks and cannons, a gallery with three exhibition rooms and the Governor's House. You can also observe its labyrinths and traps until you reach the viewpoint, where you will have an impressive view of the entire port. The fortress is located in Plaza Independencia, and can be visited every day.


Inside the Real Felipe Fortress. Credit: Fernando López / PromPerú.


The Callao islands

In front of the coast of Callao, there is a set of charming desert islands: Palomino, Cavinzas, San Lorenzo and El Frontón. There are tourism agencies that organize tours that depart from the Callao pier or La Punta. It is a pleasant journey of approximately four hours, full of fauna and history.


San Lorenzo Island is the largest in the Peruvian sea. In it archaeological remains have been found that indicate that it was formerly used as a religious center. Also, in ancient times, was occupied by pirates, which gave rise to many fantastic stories and the nickname of 'Mysterious Island'. Remains of Chilean soldiers who fought in the Guerra del Pacífico (War of the Pacific) were also found.


The Palomino Islands are made up of two islets. The first is inhabited by a large number of sea lions. In its surroundings, you can enjoy the spectacle offered by these curious animals when bathing near the rocks. The second is known as 'The Hospital'.


The Cavinzas Islands are home to a wide variety of birds like pelicans and guanayes. Another of its attractions are the natural caverns. El Frontón Island is known for having served in colonial times and until well into the 20th century as a political prison for characters such as Viceroy Blasco Núñez de Vela, among others. Nowadays, it is uninhabited.


In front of the coast of Callao, there is a set of charming desert islands: Palomino, Cavinzas, San Lorenzo and El Frontón.
Credit: Carlos Ibarra / PromPerú.




This is another historical site; here the village of Piti Piti was established, which was inhabited in ancient times by the Collas. Years later, it became a town of Italian and Spanish immigrants. Today, it is a picturesque Genoese-style district, with wooden houses painted of bright colors and large windows.

It is a bridge between Callao and La Punta, where you can enjoy an excellent view of the sea and a gastronomic fair on Sundays. It has a beautiful plaza, ideal for taking photos with sculptures of various characters like Miguel Grau, who lies comfortably seated on a bench. In front of the plaza, there is a museum where you can learn about Callao's history through old photographs.


Chucuito is a colorful Genovese-style seaside town, with wooden houses painted in bright colors. Credit: Shutterstock.


La Punta


It is one of the most attractive and charming places that the city of Lima has, very visited during the summer season by national and foreign tourists. Here, you can enjoy a refreshing swim in its calm waters. You can also take a pleasant walk along its boardwalk surrounded by old republican houses, facing the sea full of yachts and boats, and then have lunch in one of the many restaurants that are in La Punta.


It is one of the most attractive and charming places that the city of Lima has. Credit: Carlos Ibarra / PromPerú.


Callao Monumental

It is one of the main neighborhoods of Callao and nowadays one of the current cultural and artistic hubs of the port. Galleries and art exhibitions, independent artist shops, concerts and open-air music festivals are part of the cultural manifestations in this neighborhood. The offer of restaurants and cafes also add value to this place.


Callao Monumental is positioned as a small atmosphere that concentrates, through its colors, culture and activities, the history of Callao; a charming and picturesque place where you can live freely and without limits, and only breathe respect and tolerance between neighbors and visitors.



Sources: Monumental Callao / Perú 21 / Redbus / El Comercio / La República



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