The Meaning Behind The Song: It Stoned Me by Van Morrison - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: It Stoned Me by Van Morrison


The Meaning Behind The Song: It Stoned Me by Van Morrison

Title It Stoned Me
Artist Van Morrison
Writer/Composer Van Morrison
Album Moondance
Release Date February 28, 1970
Genre Rhythm and Blues, folk rock
Producer Van Morrison

Van Morrison’s “It Stoned Me” is a song that takes you on a nostalgic journey, evoking feelings of joy, wonder, and a deep connection to nature. Released in 1970 as part of his iconic album “Moondance,” the song remains a timeless classic that captures the essence of Morrison’s artistry.

The lyrics of “It Stoned Me” paint a vivid picture of a young boy’s adventure on a rainy day. The opening lines, “Half a mile from the county fair, and the rain keep pourin’ down,” immediately transport us to a specific time and place. The boy, identified as ‘me’ in the song, is joined by his friend Billy as they stand in the rain with their fishing rods and tackle. Despite the wetness and discomfort, they find solace in the sheer beauty of the moment.

As the rain continues to fall, the chorus repeats the phrase “And it stoned me to my soul, stoned me just like Jelly Roll.” The metaphor of being ‘stoned’ here refers to a sense of being deeply affected, almost intoxicated, by the experience. In this case, it’s the rain and everything that comes with it – the smell, the sound, the feeling – that envelops and mesmerizes ‘me’ and Billy.

The imagery in the lyrics transports the listener to the scene, inviting them to feel the same sense of wonderment. The water becomes a central motif throughout the song, symbolizing both the natural world and the power of rejuvenation. Whether it’s the rain pouring down or the mountain stream where the protagonist gets water, the presence of water represents a cleansing and transformative force.

Personally, “It Stoned Me” has always held a special place in my heart. Every time I listen to this song, I am transported back to my own childhood, growing up in a small town with my closest friends. I recall the simplicity and joy of spending rainy days outdoors, exploring the world around us, and finding beauty even in the most unexpected places.

The joyful tone of the song takes a poignant turn as the rain subsides, and the sun begins to shine. “Then the rain let up and the sun came up, and we were getting dry,” sings Morrison. Their luck takes a turn for the better as they are offered a ride in a pick-up truck. The driver’s friendly gesture symbolizes the shared humanity and connections we can make with strangers. The sense of community and kindness in this moment amplifies the overall message of the song.

The encounter with the man from across the road adds another layer of depth to the song. The loneliness of the man living alone in his own little home contrasts with the vibrant companionship ‘me’ and Billy share. But through his offering of water from a mountain stream and a great big gallon jar, he bridges the gap between his world and theirs. His simple act of kindness creates a sense of belonging and reminds us of the interconnectedness of all people.

As the song concludes, the chorus repeats, reinforcing the transformative power of water. Morrison’s soulful delivery and the soothing melody make the listener reflect on their own experiences of being stoned by life’s magical moments. It’s a song that invites us to slow down, appreciate the beauty that surrounds us, and find solace in the simplest of pleasures.

In conclusion, “It Stoned Me” by Van Morrison is a song that captures the profound beauty of ordinary moments. Through vivid storytelling and captivating imagery, Morrison reminds us to cherish the simple joys of life and find meaning in unexpected encounters. The song serves as a reminder to slow down, embrace the present, and find solace in the world around us.

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