initial point

(redirected from Point of Origin)
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initial point

1. The first point at which a moving target is located on a plotting board.
2. A well-defined point, easily distinguishable visually and/or electronically, used as a starting point for the bomb run to the target.
3. airborne--A point close to the landing area where serials (troop carrier air formations) make final alterations in course to pass over individual drop or landing zones.
4. helicopter--An air control point in the vicinity of the landing zone from which individual flights of helicopters are directed to their prescribed landing sites.
5. Any designated place at which a column or element thereof is formed by the successive arrival of its various subdivisions, and comes under the control of the commander ordering the move. Also called IP. See also target approach point.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
References in classic literature ?
Some two thousand must have passed at a rapid run, when the stream ceased, but I was not sure that all had been rescued who had not passed the point of origin of the flames, and so to assure myself that no poor devil was left behind to die a horrible death, unsuccoured, I ran quickly up the gallery in the direction of the flames which I could now see burning with a dull glow far ahead.
Starting in April, Volkswagen will be collaborating with Minespider to trace the supply chain for lead from the point of origin to the factory.
* Via Blumentritt - Rizal Avenue, straight ahead Blumentritt up to Isagani Street, right Isagani Street, right Cavite, left Blumentritt to point of origin.
As such, he says customs officers waste goods on the ground to check them one - by - one before billing retail importers, disregarding receipts and invoices from point of origin.
Scientists who studied nine patients' cancers traced tumours to their point of origin for the first time.
A user can select a point of origin for their shipment and destination and select Get Freight Estimates to see a quote.
is positioned in the white space of tomato products with the tomato's point of origin as the primary point of difference.
In their discussion of sustainability issues pertaining to logistics and supply chain management, Grant, Trautrims, and Wong take a holistic view across the supply chain from point of origin through point of consumption and back through the reverse logistics chain.
In response to the increasing prevalence of seafood fraud--a report from marine advocacy group Oceana found that one in five samples of seafood tested worldwide was mislabeled--the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) issued a final rule requiring that certain seafood species must be tracked from their point of origin before they can be imported into the United States.
Rechargeable Battery Association, RECHARGE, the European Advanced Rechargeable and Lithium Battery Association, the Global Shippers Forum and the International Air Cargo Association have all called for lithium battery safety regulations to be enforced at the point of origin including the initial shipper and the battery manufacturer.
Keep an eye out for rose suckers growing on rootstocks from below ground level, dig the soil to find the point of origin and pull cleanly away.