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creeps {plural}

creeps (también: aversion, disgust)

English Spanish Ejemplos contextuales de "creeps" en Español

Estos enunciados provienen de fuentes externas y pueden ser poco precisos. no es responsable de su contenido.

It is at this point that the nuclear lobby creeps surreptitiously through the back door.
Es en este momento cuando el grupo de presión nuclear se introduce sigilosamente por la puerta de atrás.
It saddens me that far too much nationalism still creeps into discussions in Serbia.
Me entristece que el nacionalismo esté aún excesivamente presente en los debates que se desarrollan en Serbia.
I should like to clear up a misunderstanding which sometimes creeps in when we talk of the pace of negotiations.
Quiero poner de relieve un malentendido que a veces se cuela cuando se habla del ritmo de las negociaciones.
old age creeps up on you
We all know that frequently, perhaps unwilling, a protectionist element creeps in behind what apparently is protection of this or that regional situation.
Todos sabemos que, a menudo y quizá de forma involuntaria, tras lo que aparentemente es la protección de una u otra situación regional, se esconde el elemento proteccionista.

English Cómo usar "creeps" en una frase

Thus, the top layer of resist is quickly ejected from the wafer's edge while the bottom layer still creeps slowly radially along the wafer.
The car creeps through this room, maneuvering another crooked grade.
It creeps over the reader the uncomfortable feeling that this book tour of the interior view of a delusion similar 2.
When the back stress is the same magnitude as the applied stress, the material no longer creeps.
Turrets are capable of interfering with and slowing down creeps, in addition to damaging them.

English Cómo usar "creep" en una frase

One of the reasons was that each subsequent expansion of cards greatly overpowered the previous sets (see power creep).
Scope creep, where the requirements or targets rises during the project, is common.
Around this same time, the earliest signs of generalized dystonia began to creep into his body.
Slowly, greed, envy, hatred and violence creep into their contented lives.
There is evidence in the text that other copies existed, and that it was old enough to allow of variant readings having crept in.

English Cómo usar "creeping" en una frase

But evidence is building that soil toxicity is a major problem that's creeping into the food supply.
Those who came of age in the '80s and '90s now span the demographic that's exiting college or creeping into their 30s.
The use of shadows and light create a creeping, stalking atmosphere of unease.
To previous generations of doctors, a creeping rise in blood pressure, for example, was considered normal with each decade of life.
Was it a misunderstanding or a sign of creeping secrecy?

English Cómo usar "grima" en una frase

De momento me da un poco de grima pensarlo.
Pagamos 1,5 billones en peajes por usar carreteras que dan grima.
Más que tranquilidad, lo que me daría es grima pensar que hay un ser ahi diseñando y perfilando un mundo tan...
Si te dieran tanta grima los asesinos te la darían más los grandes asesinos, pero no es así, porque sufres eso que se llama sectarismo.
Me interesa la publicidad (o comunicación de marca, si os da grima llamar a esto publicidad) que la gente sí quiere ver.

"fear creeps" en español

fear creeps
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Estos enunciados provienen de fuentes externas y pueden ser poco precisos. no es responsable de su contenido.

Sinónimos (inglés) para "creep":
