Jim James – “Here In Spirit” Video

Jim James – “Here In Spirit” Video

Jim James – “Here In Spirit” Video

My Morning Jacket frontman Jim James released his latest solo album Eternally Even a few days before the election, largely because the album is so politically charged. So goes the video for single “Here In Spirit,” directed by Andy Hines. Between shots of James singing in the forest and the city, a narrative plays out involving an older white police officer and a young black man who eventually hoists a Black Lives Matter sign. James shared a statement on Facebook:

so much confusion in the world right now…so much pain and chaos. in times like these its easy to get angry and direct our sadness into the empty space-time false reality vacuum of the internet. but we have to try and stay positive and continue to work and speak out for peace and love and equality-in the real world… right now. we need to reach out to those we disagree with and find common ground. we must fight the divide and conquer techniques that are working so well to hold us back from universal love. that is part of what inspired moments in this video – hopeful snapshots of what that world could look like if we chose love and understanding over fear and hatred. no one can afford to stay silent. we need every vote. we need every voice. all of us need to speak out now louder than ever before in an effort to bring about lasting peace and love. much respect to all those working so hard for peace and love right now. the world so badly needs and is grateful for your work. thanks for listening.

Watch below.

Eternally Even is out now on ATO/Capitol.

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