

Animated posters // (click to enlarge)

(via keybladesoras)

Black and blue. God versus man, day versus night. The red capes are coming.

(via keybladesoras)


Oh what a day, what a lovely day!


What if my problem wasn’t that I don’t understand people but that I don’t like them? What if I was the kind of person who was obliged to hurt you for this? I mean physically. I think you’d have to believe afterward, if you could, that agreeing to participate and then backing out at the critical moment was a mistake. Because that’s what I’m telling you, as clearly as I can.

Just Amazing !


Favorite french films → LES PETITS MOUCHOIRS

“C’est quoi être ami? C’est laisser votre pote tout seul à l’hosto pendant quinze jours parce que vos vacances et votre petit confort c’est plus important?”


We have learned more in the past d e c a d e from genetics than a century of digging up b o n e s.
A whole new frontier has opened up.
We have our f i r s t genetically modified h y b r i d.

                               There’s been an awakening…
                                                                            h a v e    y o u    f e l t    i t ?


Star Wars VII - The Falcon Flies Again.


J’ai créé un monstre et maintenant, je dois vivre avec (x)

Saint Laurent - Bertrand Bonello




this film was a masterpiece

bottom left is just fucking hilarious

Say what you want about the original Spider-mans but this was a treasure

(via gruessenachnahundfern)


The top 10 highest-grossing films of all time. (As of April 21, 2014.)