Letrozole and Vitamins - Macmillan Online Community

Letrozole and Vitamins

  • 9 replies
  • 310 subscribers

Good Morning everyone :)

I'm taking Letrozole and am suffering with the side effects of aches and pains ..ouch !!

I was wondering about taking a combination of Vitamin D/Cod Liver Oil and Glucosamine to help my poor old bones out. I was wondering if any of you were taking vitamin suppliments to help with the lack of oestrogen ?

Lovely weekend to you all xx

  • Hiya  Cat,  Ask your onco team about getting yourself a DEXA bone / joint density scan. It's a scan to detect the onset of osteoporosis caused by the lack of oestrogen. Don't let them fob you off, you are obviously suffering because of this and it will only gradually get worse if you don't get it sorted as your oestrogen levels drop further. WD40 smells nice but doesn't work on knees, ankles and elbows  LOL

    The scan itself is a pice of cake ( no, not literally ) nice though that would be  :-)
    Jackie had one about 3 months into Letrozole and it came back  showing signs of early osteo probs.
    She is now on Adcal D3 and Sun-Vit D3 (one a day of each )  which replaces lost vit d and calcium and also has Alendronic Acid 70mg tab only one tablet once a week. They have helped a lot but take a while to get into your system. She's having regular blood tests and is due one next week to check calcium levels etc and they use the data to adjust the dosage.  She still has a few aches first thing in the morning,  but once walking about she's fine.  

    Hope this helps, best wishes,  George n' Jackie.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Dreamthief

    Hi George and Jackie

    Thanks for info and names of tabs. I did have a bone scan just prior to starting Letrozole (January this year) and I didn't hear anything back so assumed all was OK ?

    Funnily enough, I have a memory foam mattress topper and I think this may be making things worse..I've taken it off and will see if that makes any difference !

    Seems there are different strengths for Sun-Vit..which one is Jackie taking ?

    Thanks again for great advice..much appreciated :) xx

  • They say no news is good news,  but I would ask for a copy of the scan results so you have some figures to check out yourself. Your bone structure may have got worse while on the Letrozole so a comparison scan may help. You may have been borderline then, but have now tipped over the edge.
    They may ask you to stop taking the Letrozole for a month or so to see if things improve, if so, they may switch you onto dif tabs, that will come with dif side effects  :-(     Either way it's a balancing act.

    As for the memory foam, never tried one,  but don't like the sound of a mattress which memorises your sleep position as everyone moves about a lot whilst asleep so I can't see how they can work effectively.
    Some more joint pain replies from Maccyland Angels may help,  anyone ???

    Good luck with it,  joint pain is a bummer.  G  n'  J 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Cat, I am taking Letrozole and my knee pain was unbearable. I started taking cod liver oil and glucosamine back in Feb and now am virtually pain free. I also take hair/nail/skin supplements as I feel that these have suffered a bit with the combo of RT and Letrozole! So I rattle a bit with all the pills!!

    Hope this helps xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thanks Janet..that's really helpful :)

    I've been thinking about suppliments for a bit now..they can't do any harm surely ?? My aches are in the shoulder/arm area. My right boob is also still painful after lumpectomy. Had no pain prior to surgery/rads so I'm blaming them totally !!

    Dreamthief..what strength Sun-Vit does Jackie take..? there seem to be 3 different ones.

    Thanks for all the info you lovely people xx

  • Hi  Cat - The strength of these Sun-Vit D3's is 1000 i.u.  (units)  Supplements seem mostly ok,  just check that there are no contradictions with whatever you are taking regularly. If Janet's stuff works for her maybe you could benefit too  :-)

    G  n'  J

  • FormerMember

    Hi Cat - I am on letrezole and have the accompanying aches and pains. My dexa scan showed no sign of osteoporosis so I wasn't prescribed any calcium / vitamin D etc.

    I am always wary of taking supplements for long periods of time (back in the day I was a nutrition manager so I have a knowledge base) - what works best for me is a calcium rich diet - dairy products, leafy green veg and fish (tinned fish with bones is really good). I walk every day -the dog, the grandchildren - weight bearing exercise is key to bone health - and lots of sunshine - well walking helps with that but I do spend a lot of time outside at the stables as well. Once I start moving the pain eases - getting off my horse after an hour in the saddle is proving a problem so if anyone has a solution to that? (no, i'm not trading her in for a camel).

    The BC nurse said that even with this osteoporosis could start because that is what letrezole can do.

    Personally I would go back to your oncology team or your GP and ask about the dexa scan - make sure you understand where you are. Also find out how often they will repeat the scan through your 5 years on letrezole - that is more important that anything in identifying the start of osteoporosis so it can be treated - I can't remember if Alison said it was annual or every 2 years.

    when all else fails I try cava - not sure it makes it any better but it's nice.

    Good luck


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi do you know if you can take collagen with Letrazole xx

  • Hi, I take Claritin (generic name Loratidine) anyway as I had osteopenia even before the Letrozole, and had already had a good 3 years on Alendronic Acid (the once a week tablets) and the Claritin helped. 

    I have a calcium rich diet anyway ( well, a good balanced diet!) and as AdcalD3 proved to cause indigestion asked GP if I could just take D3, as I’d found a supply to buy. He agreed and helped me with correct dose.

    after the aches began  with Letrozole I asked if glucosamine with chondroitin would be ok, BCN said yes so I take them too. 

    I also added some multivitamin 3x a week which my surgeon approved. 

    Hugs xxx
