Still So Excited!: My Life as a Pointer Sister by Ruth Pointer | Goodreads
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Still So Excited!: My Life as a Pointer Sister

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Ruth Pointer’s story for the first time—and in her own words
Still So Excited!: My Life in the Pointer Sisters offers an engaging, funny, heartbreaking, and poignant look at Ruth Pointer’s roller-coaster life in and out of the Pointer Sisters. When overnight success came to the Pointer Sisters in 1973, they all thought it was the answer to their long-held prayers. While it may have served as an introduction to the good life, it also was an introduction to the high life of limos, champagne, white glove treatment, and mountains of cocaine that were the norm in the high-flying '70s and '80s. Ruth Pointer’s devastating addictions took her to the brink of death in 1984. Ruth Pointer has bounced back to live a drug- and alcohol-free life for the past 30 years and she shares how in her first biography. Readers will learn about the Pointer Sisters’ humble beginnings, musical apprenticeship, stratospheric success, miraculous comeback, and the melodic sound that captured the hearts of millions of music fans. They will also come to understand the five most important elements in Ruth’s story: faith, family, fortitude, fame, and forgiveness.

256 pages, Hardcover

First published February 1, 2016

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About the author

Ruth Pointer

3 books2 followers
Ruth Pointer is an American R&B singer best known as the eldest member of The Pointer Sisters.

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Displaying 1 - 27 of 27 reviews
Profile Image for Maya B.
509 reviews60 followers
April 23, 2016
Great read. Ruth Pointer kept it real and honest. I gave it 4 stars because there were times where she was vague and I wanted to know more. it was almost as if I needed to fill in the blanks. Other than that, it was an interesting and thorough read.
Profile Image for Edgle Bennett.
109 reviews6 followers
July 19, 2016
This was a pretty fast-pace book. I'm an 80's child and it just took me back down memory lane. I love each Pointer equally but you always had that one "Diana Ross" chick and for me that was Miss June. I didn't know about her horrific life so sad,but this is an awesome book kudos to Ruth for sharing her stories with us.Bravo girl
Profile Image for Aaron Heinsman.
23 reviews3 followers
October 23, 2019
I loved this book because I love The Pointer Sisters. It was fascinating to read about their upbringing and learn about the road to success tempered with the challenges posed by addiction and abuse. Simple, straightforward, and conversational. Nothing elegant here, but as a super fan from age 12, I’ve waited 35 years for this story.
Profile Image for Goose.
281 reviews7 followers
November 1, 2017
Ruth Pointer tells all in her memoir. She admits to being a drunk, a drug fiend, a neglectful mother, and a pretty bad romantic partner. She also happened to be a big part of a very important singing group while doing some of those things. "He's So Shy", "Slow Hand", "I'm So Excited", and "Neutron Dance" are just some of the very familiar songs The Pointer Sisters recorded. Along with her complete honesty about the mess she made of her life, Pointer also talks us thru the ups and downs of being part of a recording act. She points out that most musical acts reach a high point and then descend from that point. Glad she got her act together before it was too late. Saddest parts of the book is her admitting that some of her children followed her into a life of drink and drugs, she set a pretty bad example, and also the fate of her youngest sister June, an even bigger mess. I've seen Ruth Pointer live with her daughter and her granddaughter and all I can say is, I wanted the show to be longer. Well, worth the read if you are even a casual Pointer Sisters fan.
Profile Image for Khadijah.
Author 3 books10 followers
April 19, 2017
Sex, drugs and rock and roll. Her life story was amazing. Hard work and hard drugs leads to the crash and burn. She shared a lot in this book. I felt like I was in the world of the 70's, 80's and 90's music scene. Thoroughly enjoyed it.
3 reviews
August 13, 2017

It was a little dragging in the first few chapters. But, once I got into the middle of the book hearing about June and Bonnies drug abuse and the struggle to stay on top as Pointer Sisters was wonderful. I enjoyed this book to the end.
Profile Image for Cinda.
61 reviews
March 3, 2016
I enjoyed her honesty

I enjoyed her honesty, and she didn't hold back. I went recently to a Pointer Sister Concert, enjoyed that too. Would suggest both to anybody that asked.
Profile Image for Jill Sassor.
4 reviews3 followers
June 25, 2017
Very good read

I enjoyed it. Fame can make you and break you. Glad to see she came out on top through all her and her sisters went through.
Profile Image for NON.
559 reviews185 followers
December 16, 2018
“As I’ve confessed to God and now to you, I was a mess. And if there’s hope for someone like me, there’s hope for everyone.” -Ruth Pointer

This memoir is Ruth's testament to the turbulent life she lived alongside her sisters. Ruth painstakingly pours her heart out telling her courageous story of overcoming one's demons and taking back control of one's life. Although she got every right to dramatize many episodes of her history but she chooses to deal with humor and much compassion. I love how she holds nothing back and the written manner is quite honest and real; you can hear every word in her own voice as if she's sitting beside the reader and recounting numerous memories of music, disappointments, betrayals, triumphant, etc.

However, I feel like I need to point out that it's unfair and inaccurate to add Michael Jackson's name on the list of celebrities with drugs addiction problems. First of all, Michael Jackson's death was ruled as a homicide at the hands of Conrad Murray who was tried and convicted. Michael Jackson never fed a habit of drug abuse, if anything he was (periodically) dependent on certain prescribed medications in hopes to either control or ease his physical pains due to health challenges, including a severe case of insomnia. I'm not going into details of his medical history but before putting his name into a list that he doesn't belong to, one should research. And by research I mean look into the trial of his killer, not the tabloid headlines who were never known for being truthful.

All in all, this memoir is good. Ruth inspires with her recollections by sharing a first-hand information about the life of a Pointer sister, and the insightful reminiscences with other celebrities and figures including Muhammad Ali.
Profile Image for Tanya.
481 reviews6 followers
March 24, 2019
When I worked at Barnes and Noble and was supposed to be selling Nooks (HAHAHAHAHA), I was usually standing for nine hours straight, dodging horrific customers and surreptitiously reading a celebrity tell-all co-written with a ghostwriter. Which is my way of saying Sister Ruth's book is catnip to me.

Also, I have borderline obsession with early Pointer Sisters. I do not understand why they are not in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (misogyny and lack of representation in the hall is a big pet peeve). So this book is right up my alley.

What can I say except drugs are bad and crack is whack. I'm glad Ruth is clean and sober, the tragedy is two of her sisters were not and will never be. June's death is a pall over this book, and one keeps asking "what if." But if you've ever had a family member in addiction, you know there is no easy answer.

There's very little about how the sausage was made and I did miss that aspect as a music lover and fan. Not much about Anita but it seems like she was far from the drama sister of the family.

Bottom line, I begrudge Ruth nothing, I wish the ghostwriting had been a little tighter and a few mistakes had been copy edited better. I read this in a weekend so I did enjoy it.
Profile Image for Keith Murray.
1 review
April 24, 2023
The Fabulous Pointer Sisters

If you are a fan of the Pointer Sisters this is a must read. If you don't know the music of the Pointer Sisters this is a great read. As a live act they are right up there at the top in terms of singing ability, energy, stage presence, and humour. This book compliments fairytale written by Anita Pointer. Another fabulous book.
3 reviews
August 17, 2020
A riveting read.

Ruth’s voice is as clear and honest as her magnificent contributions to one of the most accomplished and exciting acts of all time. For the casual reader this is a fascinating look into a show business life, but for the ardent fan, like me, it is a treat, manna from musical heaven.
37 reviews2 followers
October 31, 2021
Great Read

I just recently discovered the Pointer Sisters and realized they were the voices behind so many hits I knew and loved as a kid. They are phenomenal. Ruth is my personal favorite and "Automatic" is a part of my DNA now lol. It was a great read!
Profile Image for Barry Jr..
Author 5 books1 follower
June 11, 2019
An insightful, looking into the life of one of my favorite singing groups.
Profile Image for LORNA MOONE.
35 reviews
August 10, 2020
Interesting read

Good read. It gave insight into the music business and the triumph of overcoming addiction and sadness of not being able to save family from themselves.
13 reviews
October 8, 2020
Tragic story of the rise and fall of the Pointer Sisters.
Profile Image for Lisa.
1,132 reviews1 follower
March 2, 2022
#22 of 120 books pledged to read during 2022
Profile Image for Aaron.
20 reviews1 follower
March 20, 2021
Probably the best music autobiography I’ve read in a long time. Honest and raw! Ruth Pointer laid it out there: the good, the bad, and the ugly. By the end of the book, I was a big Pointer Sisters fan! Loved it!
Profile Image for Wadiyyah Salaam.
41 reviews5 followers
May 17, 2022
In the words of Billy Masters, “if you’re gonna write a book, write a book!”
Ruth Pointer did the darn thing! A page turning and honest tear jerking (in the final chapter) memoir that leaves no stone unturned!
I salute the Pointer Family ❤️🙏🏾❤️.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Anthony.
91 reviews2 followers
June 22, 2017
It was cool learning some interesting things about the Pointers that I never knew. Especially discovering their jazzy music when they were a quartet before their awesome 80s pop stuff. And very sad toward the end when she talks about her baby sister June and June's final hours.
Profile Image for Ann T.
19 reviews
May 13, 2016
Ruth kept it real. What a wild journey. The sassy, jazzy Pointer Sisters who had some great hits. One of my favorite female groups. A survivor, rebel, addict and free spirit. I like her. I liked her honesty and her story is a good one. You will not put the book down until you turn the last page. I just wish the PS would tour more. Good music. RIP June Pointer.
236 reviews2 followers
June 2, 2016
Why do I keep reading these books? I need to just listen to the music and stay away from the back stories. Ruth Pointer puts it all out there and it isn't pretty. The drugs, the alcohol and the men just break your heart.
August 28, 2016
The truth will set you free !

Held my attention, I learned things about the Pointer sisters that I didn't know .
This books takes you on a journey of the Pointer sisters life its ups and downs.
Profile Image for Ellen-itney Berts.
6 reviews1 follower
April 18, 2016
Enjoyed the read.

Hats off for the truth and openness. God bless and keep you and your family. I grew up with your music and still love it.
Profile Image for Gail.
435 reviews25 followers
July 22, 2016
I love the music from the Pointer Sister, and that is all that I have to say!
Profile Image for Donna Scoggins.
530 reviews
August 17, 2016
Love the Pointer Sisters and enjoyed learning about their lives. There were definitely some good times and some bad times. Ruth's story is like their song, "Yes You Can Can"!
Displaying 1 - 27 of 27 reviews

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