The Meaning Behind The Song: That Lovin’ You Feelin’ Again by Emmylou Harris with Roy Orbison - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: That Lovin’ You Feelin’ Again by Emmylou Harris with Roy Orbison


The Meaning Behind The Song: That Lovin’ You Feelin’ Again by Emmylou Harris with Roy Orbison


That Lovin’ You Feelin’ Again is a powerful duet performed by two iconic musicians, Emmylou Harris and Roy Orbison. The song was released in 1980 as part of the album Duets, and it perfectly combines the soulful voices of both artists. The lyrics, penned by Chris Price and Roy Orbison himself, delve into the complexities of love, longing, and the enduring desire to reconnect with a lost love.

Lyrics Analysis

The song opens with Orbison reminiscing about a chance encounter on the street with the person he once loved. He immediately feels the pull of desire and acknowledges the inability to hide his feelings. Harris then chimes in, voicing her struggle to resist the familiar allure of this person. Both artists come together in the chorus to describe the overwhelming sense of being swept away by that loving feeling once again.

In the third verse, Orbison reflects on the emotional distance between them and the lost opportunity to build a lasting relationship. He muses that perhaps without the lingering memories of their shared past, they could have remained together. This verse adds a bittersweet layer to the song, as it reveals the pain of missed chances and the haunting impact of nostalgia.

The chorus is repeated multiple times throughout the song, emphasizing the cyclical nature of these intense emotions. It speaks to the never-ending cycle of longing, rekindling, and heartache that comes with intense love and passion.

The bridge delves into the difficulty of moving on and letting go. It acknowledges the struggle of saying goodbye and highlights the challenges of trying to forget someone you once loved. The repeated phrase, “That loving you feeling again,” reinforces the resilience of these emotions, despite the pain they may cause.

In the final verse and outro, the chorus is repeated once again, solidifying the theme of eternal longing and the inability to escape the powerful hold of past loves.

Personal Reflection

Every listener brings their own personal experiences and interpretations to a song, and That Lovin’ You Feelin’ Again resonates deeply with me. The combination of Emmylou Harris and Roy Orbison’s incredible vocals, coupled with the poignant lyrics, evokes a sense of nostalgia and yearning that anyone who has loved and lost can relate to.

The song captures the complex emotions that come with reencountering someone who once held a special place in your heart. It beautifully encapsulates the ambivalence of wanting to forget and move on, while simultaneously desiring to relive the love and connection that was once shared.

I find myself transported to a time in my own life when I experienced a similar situation. The lyrics evoke memories of a lost love I had almost forgotten, yet suddenly resurfaced when I least expected it. The emotions stirred within me, just as the song suggests, that old loving feeling can never truly be extinguished.

The repeated chorus serves as a reminder that love, like a rollercoaster, has its ups and downs. The feeling of falling in love again can be overwhelming, bringing back memories and emotions that were believed to be long gone. This song encapsulates the rollercoaster ride that is love, acknowledging its complexities and the power it holds over us.


That Lovin’ You Feelin’ Again by Emmylou Harris with Roy Orbison is a timeless song that beautifully encapsulates the multi-faceted nature of love. The lyrics delve into the depths of longing and emotional vulnerability, resonating with listeners who have experienced the rollercoaster of love and loss. Harris and Orbison’s voices intertwine, adding an ethereal quality to the song and elevating its emotional impact. Whether it’s nostalgia for a past love or the yearning for a renewed connection, this song captures the complexities of human emotion and the enduring power of love.

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