Padre Querido
Juan Ortega Lyrics

We have lyrics for 'Padre Querido' by these artists:

Los Castizos de Talca Es un sueño el que llevo si como no Desde niño…
Roberto Morocho Tu también padre querido Mereces nuestro homenaje En pago a …

We have lyrics for these tracks by Juan Ortega:

Feliz Navidad al Mundo Lyrics and music by Juan Ortega Feliz Navidad deseamos al m…
La Hungara Eh-hey Ahí viene la húngara, chiquitos Iba por la calle cua…
Mira Mira Corazón Mira, Mira corazуn, Ya se va lejos de aquн. Pero hazte…

Nació el Nuevo Rey El niсo Jesъs naciу en el pueblo de Belйn, Y…

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Herman Martinez Sr.- I love and miss you jefe!

Comments from YouTube:


This song was sung at my dad's funeral in Raton, NM in August 9 2003. I really like this song because it has a lit of meaning to it. the lyrics really touch your heart. Larry Sanchez, Lincoln Nebraska


Just lost my Dad a few weeks ago! He was an old timer who loved his New Mexican music.. this has always been such a beautiful song but don’t truly FEEL what he’s saying until your father is gone.

Rest In Peace Dad. I love you and will always remember the lessons you taught me!

Navor Roybal
8/26/37 - 7/22/21


My grandpa was the exact same I still cry because this was his favorite song and it played at his services melcore Valenzuela 7/14/2022


I love u grandpa miss u


This song hit me hard. I can’t listen to it. Much, makes my hurt so bad. I miss my best friend, my dad. I know he’s no longer in pain, and in heaven where he wanted to be. Dad please watch over us, especially Jordan, he misses you so much and he needs you. Please let him know, you are watching over him. You are gone but never forgotten💙


2 years later...from this comment. Which makes it 7 years from losing you.. I miss you so much. When Dina passed (my very close friend & boss) at her rosary, I had a vision of you in that casket. I lost it & just couldn’t be consoled..but then realized, you were ok & home. This was Friday, 12.7.13 ..After it was over, I wanted to see you & be w/you so bad, so I picked you up & we went for a drive to get a soda. You asked me, “how did it go?” I told you, “it was exactly how she planned it.. harp & all” then I told you, “I started crying uncontrollably Bc I had a vision of you in the casket” you told me “ala verga..well death is such a natural part of life, but so hard to bare..But when it’s your time, ain’t no one or anything going to change it.”
Then I said, “ I don’t know what I would do without you, I wouldn’t be able to live” you said a few things to me, including - “you have to hita, for my hitos Bc they only have you” I started to cry & said “but I don’t how I would “ you said, “god will help you, he’s always there”. I got tell you what you meant to me & that I love you. For some reason, we never said those things to eachother, we showed it by our actions..I know withOUT a doubt, God have us that moment.. & so that I knew what you expected from me... Bc a few days later, I came home from work , ready to look at coach wallets so that I could buy you one... but find the house full of EMS. I walked into them trying to restart your heart. I have had so many health issues the last few years, I almost lost my life to pulmonary embolisms & it’s been nothing but In & out of hospital stays & Er visits. Everyone seems to think, stress is what has caused all of these issues. I didn’t believe that, but the other day a thought came to me out of nowhere... of you telling me “I have to go on” I realized, I haven’t. I’m surviving, but I’m not living. You were my rock, my support system.. the ONLY person I could tell anything to & you always helped me get thru things & also to see, that things get better.. When L pulled the trigger on
Himself, even though it was literally a miracle that he survived(2cm his brained was missed by) It was so hard to deal with & I had nobody. Seeing him do it, changed me even more... I feel like I’m in this dark hole I can’t get out of. My relationship with god, has grown & is so much stronger..So I have to trust, there is a reason I’m this way. He has sat me down, I know it whole heartedly.. But it doesn’t make it easier.
You loved this song, I never knew what it meant. Every lyric , is how I feel about you. I can’t listen to it much..but There have been those amazing times, when it just starts playing, or like the other day, when I just popped up & I couldn’t take it off my screen.. I have thousands of songs, it’s no coincidence. I know without a doubt, God has used it, to get my attention, or, a sign from you. My heart hurts so bad, I want to be better for the kids , mom & myself. I’m so sorry if I’ve disappointed you. Please help me to feel & get better. God, please help me, you created me , so you can certainly recreate me, allow my sickness to vanish, and if not, please help the Dr.s, to find better treatment for me. I trust you & know somehow, this is a piece, of my life’s puzzle . Thank you for all you’ve done for me, you’ve proven yourself to me, over & over, thank you from my whole heart & soul. Dad, even though my heart hurts so very bad, I am happy for you, that you are where your absolutely deserve to be.✨🙏🏻✞


My Dad just passed away last Sunday and he just loved this song. I keep listening to it over and over I miss him so much. Santa fe Nm


Lost my Dad in 1987 he was raised in PDL, Santa Rosa area. This song hits home.


If there is a song that brings tears to my eyes, this one does. What a great song. Although I lost my dad in 2000, I still come back here to remember him and shed some tears. Some don't show the love that they should to their fathers and then it's too late. The regrets are painful.

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