Welcome to WASA, Lahore | WASA, Lahore

Challan of Rs. 10,000/ - will be served to the service station which are non-complaint towards instructions passed by Pakistan Judicial and Environmental Commision regarding water wastage. In case they continue to breach the orders, they shall be sealed forthwith with the help of local police station.


As per Honourable Lahore High Court decision, water violation be revised as 5000/- for car washing by pipe domestically. 


WASA Lahore is directed to serve notices on all housing societies within Lahore District in order to inform that henceforth fine of Rs.5000/ - shall be imposed on persons who are found involved car washing by pipes at their residences.


In war against COVID-19, wasa is playing its due role by taking different initiatives. WASA's dedicated team introduced the use of Hypochlorous acid  (HOCl) as a human friendly disinfectant.  Wasa collaborated with Itehad Chemicals and joint effort results in the introduction of safest disinfectant HOCl. This is now widely using in disinfection tunnels/gates at different places around the city.


In war against COVID-19, frequent hand wash is being recommended. Keeping  in view, Public awareness campaign is launched by WASA for water conservation in this pandemic.


Another remarkable initiative taken by WASA, disinfection tunnels/gates have been installed in different offices. The safest disinfectant namely Hypo chlorous acid (HOCL) is being used in these disinfection tunnels which ultimately minimizes the threats of COVID-19.


The present COVID-19 pandemic demands high protection. Keeping in view, wasa with the kind support of UNICEF took an initiative to ensure the protection of its frontline workmen who are working in field and exposed to high risks. Personal Protection Equipment (kits, masks and gloves) have been distributed to field staff for the sake of their protection and  in the best interest of public.


WASA is pleased to announce the launch of “MIST QUEEN”, another initiative for the welfare of people of Lahore. Two Mist Queens of WASA are working for disinfection of city roads alongwith Mist Queens of MCL.


Wasa has taken a step for disinfection of doors and surfaces in offices. Sodium hypo chlorite solution on 500ml bottles has prepared for use by WASA and other service providers.


WASA lahore with the the help of UNICEF has placed chlorinated water tankers with hand washing facility at 20 different points around the city. The citizens of lahore can wash hands at these points free of cost. According to stats around 115549 people have washed hands from this facility so far. This initiative is being taken to fight against corona virus.


WASA lahore with the the help of UNICEF has placed chlorinated water tankers with hand washing facility at 20 different points around the city. The citizens of lahore can wash hands at these points free of cost. According to stats around 115549 people have washed hands from this facility so far. This initiative is being taken to fight against corona virus.



During the present regime, due attention has been paid to the neglected areas such as D-Block Tajpura, part of Dargohawala Areas, Muhammadpura, Aziz Road to Chah Miran and Ichhra. Besides these 31 numbers, small sewer works have been completed.

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Precautionary Measures
All the major concerns that a consumer must be aware of includes:
  • Installation of Water Connection
  • Retrieval of Bills Misplaced by Consumers
  • Issues Pertaining to the Cash Receipt or Payment