Difficulty of exposing UCLA student abuse | UCLA Faculty Information
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"The difficulty will be to force them [UCLA administrators] to reverse themselves due to their unjust decision."


UCLA faculty members' statements show how UCLA is abusing UCLA students—by simply disregarding facts and violating its Faculty Code of Conduct and its Statement of Ethical Values and Standards of Ethical Conduct.  Moreover, UCLA surely knows as well as these faculty members that in dismissing UCLA students in this manner, "the case is clear-cut," that UCLA "had no basis for dismissing you," and that "all this is obvious." (Dr. Robert Brenner; UCLA Department of History)

But UCLA surely also knows as well as Dr. Brenner that, in his words, "The difficulty will be to force them [UCLA administrators] to reverse themselves due to their unjust decision."

Therefore, your response to how UCLA is dismissing its students is crucial in this case. Say nothing and UCLA will continue abusing its students by discarding facts and by violating its academic codes and ethical principles.  But say something and you provide yourself an invaluable opportunity to stop this abusive student termination operation at one of the world's most prestigious public universities. Perhaps more importantly, pursuing this opportunity will lead you to a far deeper understanding of how UCLA operates, not only on its students, but also on its faculty members—because the material for this understanding comes from the real difficulty that arises whenever you confront a globally recognized public university that is abusing its significant power. After all, there is a very good reason for why UCLA's Dr. Brenner says, "The difficulty will be to force them to reverse themselves”: A university that is abusing its power is going to use this same power to fight off challenges to its abuse of its students.  So unless people come together to force UCLA to reverse its unjust decisions, UCLA will simply continue abusing those it perceives have the least power—UCLA students.  Moreover, because UCLA cannot operate except in the names of its faculty and administrators, your response to UCLA gives you an opportunity to find out much more about the role of the UCLA faculty and administrators behind these names.

Indeed, the UCLA faculty statements I've provided here stand as stark testaments to the level of power that UCLA has attained. Because when UCLA faculty are making these conclusive—and damning—statements on how their university is abusing their own students and nobody is speaking out publicly on this abuse, we've all then moved UCLA into the realm of a quasi-religious institution, where revealing how this public university operates on its students is strictly avoided (or when such revelations do surface, they are suppressed) by all those now genuflecting before this now hallowed (and now hollowed out) institution.

My hope is that you respond to UCLA on this case in order to force UCLA to reverse this unjust decision—and end this public university's abuse of UCLA students. However, I would like to emphasize this crucial point: If enough of you work together with enough power to force UCLA to reverse its unjust decision, you need to make clear that my reinstatement to UCLA is in fact merely a consequence of your forcing UCLA to comply with its Faculty Code of Conduct and its Ethical Values & Standards of Ethical Conduct.  The real purpose of your collective force in this case is not only to protect UCLA students and the foundations of a truly public university, but also to publicly demonstrate that your collective efforts here are what's necessary to sustain this vital public university and ensure that it remains in the hands of the people who built the University of California—you, the public.

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