Queens of the Stone Age - Lullabies to Paralyze review by tommy_lindsey - Album of The Year
Queens of the Stone Age - Lullabies to Paralyze
Apr 24, 2024
Following up their previous album which broke them into the mainstream, Queens of the Stone Age release an album that has just as much punch as their last with "Lullabies to Paralyze". It's definitely not their best album but it has some songs on here that I think are some of their best. "Little Sister" has always been one of my favorites by the band, that guitar solo near the end is so cool, clashing with those drums and of course that cowbell throughout the song. Really one of their best tracks because of how simple and fun it is. That three track run near the end kills a lot of the momentum though, I think those three songs are the only reason this record hasn't reached an 80+ score on here yet. But, I think it's still really good despite that. It's a really catchy and memorable album.
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