50 Facts about the movie The Diary of Anne Frank - Facts.net
Agnola Ragland

Written by Agnola Ragland

Modified & Updated: 21 May 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett

Source: Rottentomatoes.com

The Diary of Anne Frank is a timeless and poignant film that portrays the true story of a young Jewish girl named Anne Frank, who documented her experiences while hiding from the Nazis during World War II. This powerful and thought-provoking film captivates audiences with its raw emotions, compelling storytelling, and historical significance. Directed by George Stevens, The Diary of Anne Frank was released in 1959 and is based on Anne Frank’s diary, which she wrote while hiding in an attic in Amsterdam for two years before being discovered and ultimately sent to a concentration camp. In this article, we will delve into 50 fascinating facts about The Diary of Anne Frank, shedding light on the making of the film, the actors involved, and key moments that captivate audiences to this day.

Key Takeaways:

  • “The Diary of Anne Frank” is a timeless film based on the real-life diary of Anne Frank, capturing the resilience and hope of those affected by the Holocaust.
  • This movie brings history to life, reminding us of the importance of empathy, tolerance, and the enduring power of the human spirit.
Table of Contents

Anne Frank’s diary was the inspiration behind the film.

The film is based on the real-life diary entries of Anne Frank, a Jewish teenager who documented her experiences while hiding from the Nazis in Amsterdam.

The movie was released in 1959.

“The Diary of Anne Frank” was released on March 18, 1959, in the United States, captivating audiences with its emotional storyline.

George Stevens directed the film.

Veteran filmmaker George Stevens took the helm as the director, bringing his expertise in capturing human emotions and creating compelling narratives.

Shelley Winters won an Academy Award for her role.

Shelley Winters gave a stellar performance as Mrs. Petronella Van Daan, earning her an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress.

“The Diary of Anne Frank” received eight Academy Award nominations.

The film garnered recognition in various categories, including Best Picture, Best Director, and Best Adapted Screenplay.

Millie Perkins portrayed Anne Frank.

Millie Perkins embodied the spirit of Anne Frank on the big screen, beautifully capturing her innocence, bravery, and resilience.

The movie was shot in a real attic in Amsterdam.

To maintain authenticity, the filmmakers filmed the majority of the movie in an actual attic in Amsterdam, resembling the original hiding place.

Anne Frank’s father, Otto Frank, visited the film set.

During the production, Otto Frank, Anne’s father and the only surviving member of the Frank family, visited the set and provided valuable insights.

The film score was composed by Alfred Newman.

The renowned composer Alfred Newman created the moving and evocative musical score for “The Diary of Anne Frank,” enhancing the emotional impact of the story.

The movie received positive reviews from critics.

“The Diary of Anne Frank” received acclaim from critics who praised its faithful adaptation, powerful performances, and emotional resonance.

The film won three Academy Awards.

In addition to Shelley Winters‘ win, “The Diary of Anne Frank” took home Oscars for Best Art Direction and Best Cinematography.

The diary had been previously adapted as a play.

Prior to the film, “The Diary of Anne Frank” became a successful stage play, written by Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett.

The movie is listed in the National Film Registry.

In 2009, “The Diary of Anne Frank” was selected for preservation in the National Film Registry, recognizing its cultural, historical, and aesthetic significance.

The film brings Anne Frank’s words to life.

“The Diary of Anne Frank” effectively translates Anne’s powerful words onto the screen, immersing viewers in her heartbreaking journey.

The movie serves as a reminder of the horrors of the Holocaust.

Through its poignant storytelling, “The Diary of Anne Frank” reminds audiences of the atrocities committed during the Holocaust and the importance of tolerance and understanding.

The screenplay was written by Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett.

The talented screenwriting duo, Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett, expertly adapted Anne Frank’s diary into a compelling screenplay.

The film’s budget was $3.5 million.

“The Diary of Anne Frank” was produced with a budget of $3.5 million, a significant amount for a film of that era.

The movie was a commercial success.

Despite its serious subject matter, “The Diary of Anne Frank” resonated with audiences worldwide and became a box-office success.

Anne Frank’s legacy lives on through the film.

“The Diary of Anne Frank” continues to be an integral part of Anne Frank’s legacy, ensuring that future generations never forget her story.

The film raises awareness about Anne Frank’s diary.

One of the movie’s key accomplishments is bringing Anne Frank’s diary to a wider audience, spreading awareness about the importance of her words.

The film captures the claustrophobic atmosphere of the hiding place.

The cinematography and set design effectively recreate the cramped conditions of the secret annex, immersing viewers in the tension and fear experienced by the characters.

It serves as a historical record.

“The Diary of Anne Frank” provides a valuable historical record of the Holocaust, showcasing the human impact of this tragic chapter in history.

The movie is emotionally powerful.

Throughout the film, the emotional depth and intensity of the performances leave a lasting impact on the audience.

The film premiered in Amsterdam.

The Diary of Anne Frank” had its world premiere in Amsterdam in March 1959, paying homage to the city where Anne Frank’s story began.

The cinematography captures the beauty and darkness of the story.

The visual elements of the film expertly balance moments of hope and despair, heightening the emotional impact of the narrative.

The movie portrays the resilience of the human spirit.

Despite the harrowing circumstances, “The Diary of Anne Frank” highlights the strength and resilience of the characters as they navigate life in hiding.

The film provides a glimpse into everyday life in the annex.

“The Diary of Anne Frank” offers a realistic portrayal of the challenges and dynamics faced by the inhabitants of the secret annex.

The movie explores themes of identity and self-discovery.

Through Anne Frank’s personal journey, the film delves into themes of identity, self-reflection, and the search for meaning in the midst of chaos.

The film celebrates the indomitable spirit of Anne Frank.

“The Diary of Anne Frank” immortalizes Anne’s courage, intelligence, and unwavering optimism, inspiring audiences to embrace hope even in the darkest times.

The movie showcases the importance of storytelling.

Through her diary, Anne Frank’s storytelling becomes a beacon of light and a way for future generations to connect with her experiences.

The film honors the memory of Anne Frank and her family.

“The Diary of Anne Frank” serves as a tribute to the Frank family and the millions of lives lost during the Holocaust.

The movie features a talented ensemble cast.

In addition to Millie Perkins and Shelley Winters, the film boasts a talented ensemble cast that brings each character to life with authenticity and depth.

The film remains relevant in today’s world.

The themes of prejudice, discrimination, and the importance of standing up for what is right continue to resonate with audiences, making “The Diary of Anne Frank” a timeless classic.

The movie portrays the horrors of war.

“The Diary of Anne Frank” does not shy away from depicting the brutal realities of war, showcasing the devastating impact it has on individuals and communities.

The film serves as a powerful educational tool.

Teachers often use “The Diary of Anne Frank” as an educational resource to teach students about the Holocaust and foster discussions on human rights and tolerance.

The movie reignited interest in Anne Frank’s story.

Following the release of the film, there was a renewed interest in Anne Frank’s diary, emphasizing the enduring impact of her words.

The film received numerous accolades.

In addition to Academy Awards, “The Diary of Anne Frank” was nominated for and won several other prestigious awards, further cementing its place in cinematic history.

The movie underscores the importance of documenting history.

Through Anne Frank’s diary, “The Diary of Anne Frank” highlights the significance of preserving personal narratives as a way to understand and learn from the past.

The film captures the bonds formed in extraordinary circumstances.

As the inhabitants of the secret annex face ongoing threats, their relationships deepen and evolve, exemplifying the resilience of human connections.

The movie showcases the power of hope.

Despite the constant fear and uncertainty, “The Diary of Anne Frank” reminds viewers of the enduring power of hope and the human capacity for resilience.

The film serves as a tribute to Anne Frank’s enduring legacy.

“The Diary of Anne Frank” ensures that Anne’s story and her message of love, tolerance, and understanding continue to resonate with audiences around the world.

The movie has inspired subsequent adaptations.

“The Diary of Anne Frank” has inspired several additional film adaptations, stage productions, and documentaries, reaffirming the lasting impact of Anne’s story.

The film transports audiences to a different period in history.

Through its meticulous attention to detail and authentic production design, “The Diary of Anne Frank” immerses viewers in the time and place of Anne’s experiences.

The movie celebrates the strength of the human spirit.

“The Diary of Anne Frank” serves as a testament to the resilience, bravery, and unwavering spirit of Anne Frank and all those affected by the Holocaust.

The film highlights the importance of empathy.

By showcasing the experiences of those in hiding, “The Diary of Anne Frank” encourages empathy and understanding towards others who have faced persecution.

The movie showcases the power of storytelling.

Through her diary, Anne Frank’s storytelling becomes a beacon of light and a way for future generations to connect with her experiences.

The film honors the memory of Anne Frank and her family.

“The Diary of Anne Frank” serves as a tribute to the Frank family and the millions of lives lost during the Holocaust.

The movie features a talented ensemble cast.

In addition to Millie Perkins and Shelley Winters, the film boasts a talented ensemble cast that brings each character to life with authenticity and depth.

The film remains relevant in today’s world.

The themes of prejudice, discrimination, and the importance of standing up for what is right continue to resonate with audiences, making “The Diary of Anne Frank” a timeless classic.

The movie portrays the horrors of war.

“The Diary of Anne Frank” does not shy away from depicting the brutal realities of war, showcasing the devastating impact it has on individuals and communities.

In conclusion, “The Diary of Anne Frank” is a significant and deeply moving film that brings Anne Frank’s poignant words to life. Through its powerful storytelling, exceptional performances, and enduring relevance, this film continues to captivate and educate audiences around the world. The legacy of Anne Frank and her remarkable diary lives on through this cinematic masterpiece, reminding us of the importance of empathy, tolerance, and the power of the human spirit.


In conclusion, The Diary of Anne Frank remains a powerful and poignant film that brings to life the harrowing realities of the Holocaust through the eyes of a young girl. With its compelling performances, haunting cinematography, and emotional storyline, this movie has touched millions of hearts and continues to be a significant piece of cinematic history. The Diary of Anne Frank serves as a reminder of the resilience of the human spirit and the importance of remembering the atrocities of the past. Whether you are already familiar with the story or discovering it for the first time, this film is a must-watch for anyone interested in history, human perseverance, and the enduring power of hope.


1. Is The Diary of Anne Frank a true story?
Yes, The Diary of Anne Frank is based on the real-life diary of Anne Frank, a Jewish girl who went into hiding with her family during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands.

2. Who played the role of Anne Frank in the movie?
In the 1959 film adaptation of The Diary of Anne Frank, the role of Anne Frank was played by Millie Perkins.

3. How long did Anne Frank stay in hiding?
Anne Frank and her family stayed in hiding for a period of two years, from July 1942 to August 1944, in a secret annex of a building in Amsterdam.

4. What were the awards and nominations received by the movie?
The 1959 film adaptation of The Diary of Anne Frank received several awards and nominations, including three Academy Awards and four Golden Globe nominations.

5. Is the movie suitable for children?
The Diary of Anne Frank deals with sensitive and mature themes related to the Holocaust. Parents may want to consider the emotional impact it may have on younger children before deciding to watch it together.

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