The Trump Card: Playing to Win in Work and Life by Ivanka Trump | Goodreads
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The Trump Card: Playing to Win in Work and Life

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No one is born with these qualities, but they are the key ingredients for reaching goals, building careers, or taking a blueprint and turning it into a breathtaking skyscraper. In The Trump Card, Ivanka Trump recounts the compelling story of her upbringing as the ultimate Apprentice, the daughter of Donald and Ivana Trump, and shares the life lessons and hardwon insights that have made her a rising star in the business world.

From her office in the Trump Organization, where she is a vice president of development and acquisitions and co-founder of The Trump Hotel Collection, to her career as an international model to the launch of her successful jewelry collection, Ivanka offers valuable, practical advice for young women. Whether it's landing that first job, navigating the workplace, or making a lasting impact, Ivanka shows how to:

• Use uncertainty to your advantage: thrive in any environment.
• Step up and get noticed at work: focus and efficiency will open doors.
• Create a strong and consistent identity: your name and reputation are your best assets.
• Know what you want: get the most out of any negotiation.

The Trump Card also features "Bulletins" from Ivanka's BlackBerry that tap into the wisdom of today's leaders, including Arianna Huffington, Tory Burch, and Cathie Black. "We've all been dealt a winning hand," Ivanka writes, "and it is up to each of us to play it right and smart."

241 pages, Hardcover

First published October 13, 2009

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About the author

Ivanka Trump

4 books94 followers
Ivanka Marie Trump is an American businesswoman, socialite, heiress, and fashion model. The daughter of Ivana and Donald Trump, she is Executive Vice President of Development & Acquisitions at the The Trump Organization. Before joining the family business she worked for Forest City Enterprises, and joined forces with Dynamic Diamond Corp., a diamond trading company sightholder, to design and introduce a line of jewelry at the brand's first flagship retail store called 'Ivanka Trump' on Madison Avenue.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 124 reviews
Profile Image for Mary Deacon.
40 reviews62 followers
November 29, 2018
I may lose some Goodreads friends with this review...but fuck this book and fuck the mushroom-shaped sperm donor's dick it rode in on.
Profile Image for Bibi.
1,288 reviews39 followers
January 14, 2021
Update Two: 1/13/2021 Well then

Update One: 3/30/19. I think this review aged well, don’t you?

Original review: 7/20/2015
I work in the cut-throat corporate world of finance so I would never derogate another who is clearly on top of her game.

Although having read this, I come away with nothing. Not a damn thing. What Ivanka fails to convey is empathy and an understanding of the obstacles and disadvantages that other people endure while attempting to get even a tenth of the opportunities that are offered, solely because of the name Trump, to her.

Surely, there are employees at Trump Inc who work harder, are smarter, and would gladly work a year of Sundays; however, I doubt they'll ever attain the exalted position of Vice President, at least not while they're in their 20s.

So yes, I applaud her success but doubt she is in any position- yet- to give advice on "playing to win" in corporate America. If you want a book that does provide invaluable advice to women, may I suggest Women, Work & the Art of Savoir Faire by Mireille Giuliano.
Profile Image for Kimberly Smith.
150 reviews49 followers
October 1, 2012
I must admit, I have judged Ivanka from afar as a spoiled little princess who had everything handed to her on a silver platter. The only reason I picked the book up in the first place is that there are entirely too few books on business that have been written by women. I figured I'd read a few pages and see whether it was worth it to keep reading or not...

I was blown away by how hard she's worked for everything she's got! Yes, it's true that being born into the Trump family came with certain priveleges, it also had it's own challenges. It meant she had to work that much harder to prove herself. One example would be the childhood lemonade stand. Most kids raid their parents freezer and cupboards and keep all the profits. The Trump kids had to purchase the supplies themselves from their parents, figure out a marketing strategy, and account for expenses versus costs. Her parents always had high expectations regarding grades, but also in the workplace too which Ivanka was exposed to all her life.

Talk about someone who has it all together!!!! She is extremely responsible, making sure to arrive EARLY wherever she goes. The clothes are ready, the transportation schedule worked out or *PRACTICED* in advance, in fact, preparations begin the following night when she chooses NOT to go out drinking or partying so she'll be able to be up early and ready for business the following day. Staying up too late would be unacceptable within the high standards she sets for herself. She is the first to arrive at work, and generally the last to leave the office in the evening. She doesn't walk into ANY meeting unprepared, even researching potential new hires on FaceBook, and perusing their pictures. Is that person someone who would represent the Trump brand well? Are there wild bashes and drinking parties? Inappropriate behavior, talk, or comments? Prior to any meeting with another company or leaders whether it's a potential business deal or a negotiation, Ivanka will walk into that meeting with enough research done to know what the market closed at the night before. She'll know the company's motto and objectives. She will have Googled everything she could about the leaders and the history of the company. I was VERY impressed with her. Not afraid to shake things up, she will stand up for herself whenever she needs to.

One of my favorite things she shared, is that whenever she hears of something amazing, like a real estate agent or someone in business accomplishing something remarkable, she'll send a hand written note on Trump stationary letting them know she read about this or that in the New York Times, and was very impressed with their accomplishments, and lets them know that she's following their career. She does the same basic thing with people in all fields, celebrities, government leaders, etc... I thought that was an incredible idea for networking and developing connections, especially in a world where hand written notes have become very rare.

There are several tips for better interviews, navigating the office, how to have better working relationships in the office, networking, and for more productivity. She doesn't advocate multi tasking and collects Blackberry's in a box so that as a group, their energy can be focused toward productivity and solutions in meetings. There were many excellent tips and I looked at several things in a different way after hearing her point of view.

One thing I also didn't expect from this book was also a new respect for Donald Trump as a person, father, and businessman. Ivanka as a child had spoiled little schoolmates from school who demanded things from their parents. Ivanka, taking a cue from her playmate, asked for her father's credit card to purchase a new swimsuit. Her father told her no, she already had a swimsuit that would do just fine. She said, but dad, my friend is getting a new swimsuit from HER dad! Donald Trump looked at the friend and said to the little friend that she really didn't need a new swimsuit either. He has accomplished incredible things in life, is incredibly disciplined, and has instilled an incredible hard work ethic in his children.

If we could rate 1/2 stars, I would have given this book a 3.5 for interesting content and business tips.
Profile Image for Princess  Pottymouth.
148 reviews23 followers
March 31, 2015
I think this book was targeted at high school kids...? Beyond simple no-brainers, I found very little serious business guidance within these pages. It is difficult to take advice about hard work and perseverance from someone whose assets were handed to them; also the fact that they're a "big fan" of Kanye West.
Profile Image for Kristen.
2,354 reviews69 followers
August 6, 2012
I picked this up because when I saw it, I was curious what a young woman like Ivanka Trump thought she had to say that merited a book deal. After all, she isn't even 30 years old yet, and just because she happened to be born with the surname "Trump" hardly means she has vast stores of wisdom to impart at such a young age.

However, both she and her two brothers, despite their wealth and priviledge have managed to stay largely out of the public eye, as well as completely away from any scandals or bad behaviour. So I decided to see what she had to say for herself that convinced a publisher to lay out the kind of money it takes to get a book green-lighted. The book does not disappoint.

Trump deals - head on and very early in the book - with every cliche, assumption and underestimation she has faced as not only Donald Trumps daughter, but a young woman who also happens to be quite beautiful working in the traditionally male world of real estate development. In fact, she presents and then calmly, honestly, systematically, and in a very self-effacing and understated manner explains why you underestimate her at your peril - not because she'll yell: "You're fired" or some other invective at you, but because she will simply shrug her shoulders at your inability to see the business acumen she has to offer, and move on to the next deal. Your loss.

The book is written in a very easy-going, casual and entertaining style, much like a conversastion between girl-friends might go over Thursday night drinks. Ivanka also shares lots of interesting and funny stories about not only her own experiences growing up in her famous family, but also the many other famous, or well-known people in her business and social circles.

Trump is very obviously a highly intelligent, thoughtful, respectful and very hard-working young professional, who may have benefitted by being born a Trump, but has certainly not been exclusively defined by that relationship. She has taken every opportunity to learn from her famous parents, but has made her own unique path to success, and she shares quite generously details, observations and lessons she's learned - good and bad - about how she did it for other young women hoping to make it in business. In fact that is one of her stated reasons for writing the book - to offer business information and advice to other young women FROM another young woman who's made a successful career. There aren't many [are there any?] other business books out there written with this unique perspective and there is some very good advice offered throughout the book.

You can say what you like about Donald and/or Ivana Trump, but in this book, Ivanka demonstrates indisputably through any number of stories and anecdotes that she shares about growning up Trump, that they raised their children to understand and value hard work, respect and earning your success. All of Trump's children work - and work hard for their livings, but also have grown into intelligent, well-rounded adults, with not a nipple slip, a DUI or an out-of-wedlock love child to be found. In the rarefied world Ivanka Trump grew up in, that's something of an accomplishment!

I would definitely recommend this book as an excellent resource for younger women hoping to make a career in the business world - not necessarily in the same field as Trump is in - after all, how many young women could land the kind of high-profile job Ivanka got in her mid-20's. But her advice is smart and savvy and thoughtful for any woman working in any "business" environment. I was pleasantly surprised by Ivanka Trump's book, and have even more respect for her now that I've read it. Not only because of the things she's accomplished in her career, but also HOW she has comported herself as a dedicated, hard-working professional instead of the vapid, self-absorbed party-girl she could have elected to become. Well worth a read.
Profile Image for Hera Barton.
264 reviews16 followers
March 29, 2017
This book is about someone who has never had to overcome anything telling you how to "win". This book is about someone so vapid and selfish that she pats herself on the back for having a lemonade stand as a child, which was failing until (genius!) she and her brothers begged their maids for spare change. As she puts it, those maids sure "dug deep into their change purses" for those kids.

Oh, Ivanka, you dolt.

She also thinks she and her brothers were super clever for lying to their friends and cheating them out of their money. The bait? Their friends got to dig in the mud for fake arrowheads!

She then goes on to talk about how hard she has worked under her father, how she sounds like him because she's a daddy's girl, which is an uncomfortable phrase from a woman her age.

And she talks about how tenacity and passion are essential...and they are. Okay? They are. She is absolutely right. If there is one saving grace in this book, it's how clearly she writes about it. But it all rings a little hollow when it's coming from someone who has never actually started from the bottom rung, who has never even been at risk for going hungry, who has never been desperate. So...not a lot of inspiration to be had here. No common ground with most of her target audience, and she is so blind to life outside her class that I could almost hear her say those immortal words: Let them eat cake.

(FYI: I read this well before the election, back when I was perusing books from successful women in business and my opinion has not changed at all since her daddy (her word for him) won the White House and gave her that strange, "untitled" position. I really hope she doesn't someday write a book congratulating herself on "fighting her way into Washington".)
9 reviews
December 26, 2015
I thought the book was just ok. I expected a lot more business advice and a smart read but instead I got a sprinkle of practical business advice and a whole lot of Ivanka's upbringing, her life and general thoughts on most things and many references to who her father is and her "model looks". It was a lot slower than I expected and I did not get much out of it. Disappointed.
1 review1 follower
January 13, 2010
This book gave great suggestions on how to be a successful business women. Some highlights that I thought were significant:
1. Read The New York Times, Wall Street Journal everyday.
2. Network with people that you may not know personally but have read about.
3. Travel was an important part of her education
4. Her father thought it was important for her to do hands on work.
5. Her parents didn't spoil her and mader her earn things.
6. Her parents splurged when it came to education and sent her to what they thought were the best schools.
7. Attention to detail is very important.
8. She has a piece of software that can mimic handwriting. She uses this to write notes that appear handwritten.
9. Ivanka says confidence is her greatest asset and she received the belief from her parents.

This book is an excellent read. I can't even begin to do it justice in a short review.
Profile Image for Charles.
141 reviews3 followers
April 12, 2017
Sometimes, I listen to a book and wonder: why did I choose that book? This was one of those books.

Nothing is particularly offensive or wrong in The Trump Card, it's just not particularly interesting. And perhaps it was the narrator, but Trump comes off as mildly condescending and mildly self-important, especially the name-dropping "Bulletins from my Blackberry" section.

Profile Image for Keep Calm Novel On.
467 reviews68 followers
September 6, 2017
How did she get a book deal. There are so many talented authors that are unable to get a deal. Don't waste your time.
Profile Image for Travis.
Author 21 books97 followers
June 20, 2020
An excellent companion to AMERICAN PSYCHO.
Profile Image for Elizabeth.
28 reviews1 follower
January 10, 2010
I read this more out of sheer curiosity than anything else. I am torn about how I feel about it, now that I'm finished with it. I really want to like Ivanka as she is out working and doing her own thing in addition to working with daddy. I love her jewelry collection - if only I could afford it. I appreciate that she is doing something with her life, unlike Paris Hilton. Throughout the book, she talks about all that she has been given and how lucky she is to be born into her family. However, thinking that she is adding immense value to the Trump organization and being placed as a VP of Real Estate Acquisition and Development at age 25 is just too much. She truly believes she is adding value and deserves to have the position. While I'm sure she is on some level, I can't imagine being a 40 something reporting to her. I like her and the book was an easy, enjoyable read, but there's something that makes it just too over the top for someone who just turned 28.
Profile Image for 23skadoo40.
36 reviews24 followers
April 21, 2016
Ivanka comes across a smart articulate woman who took advantage of her parents' teachings. It was a pleasure to hear her voice. She seems to appreciate the lessons she learned from her mom and dad. She had her own identity and offers sound advice for anyone especially young women entering the workplace. She does make references often about her father yet it remains her story.
Profile Image for Nasty Lady MJ.
1,082 reviews16 followers
May 6, 2017
Note troll and be blocked.

Better known as Nepotism: It Pays if Daddy is Rich and Gives You Security Clearances even though you're not even qualified to design cheap ass shoes that will sit on the clearance rack forever at Marshell's.

And no, she is not a feminist. She is not a feminist. I don't know how often that has to be said.
Profile Image for Da277.
230 reviews3 followers
July 4, 2011
I found the insight into the Trump family more interesting than the business strategy or lack there of. wonder I found it on sale for $2.99
Profile Image for Sally.
496 reviews54 followers
July 15, 2019
ETA 15.07.2019: The year is now 2019 and honest to God, this is the only book I've ever owned that I've actually considered burning . Way back in 2013, 24-year-old me could have never dreamed of the dystopian nightmare that is Donald Trump in the White House and Ivanka Trump occupying some vanity position within it -- they were just some people I watched on a reality TV show on the tele. The review I wrote below makes me cringe now, to read it, honestly, but I shan't delete it, because it's obviously what I thought at the time.

I bet Ivanka didn't even write this and got some ghostwriter to write it like her dad did.

Original Review:

I confess that I have a little bit of a girl-crush on Ivanka Trump. I am a firm fan of the American version of The Apprentice and over the course of the few series I have watched, I have always been impressed by Ivanka's acute business acumen and obvious talent coupled with her ability to look so effortlessly glamorous, charismatic and compelling all the time -- effectively she is everything I aspire to be in business. On the other hand she is undeniably privileged and lucky enough to be born into an extremely wealthy, well-placed family, so of course she's going to have had a massive leg up somewhere... Ivanka spends much of the book effectively apologising for being born wealthy and stressing how hard she has worked in order to obtain what she has achieved and why she is qualified to give advice, and often this felt unnecessary. If anything it kept drawing my attention to the fact that she works for her father, has been exposed to all his ridiculously influential and wealthy contacts from a young age and has a famous name to band about to get what she wants. As I said before, I have great admiration for Ivanka. If I wasn't interested it what she had to say, I wouldn't have bothered reading this book.

More often than not though Ivanka knuckles down to offering some serious and extremely useful business advice for young women looking to forge their early career path in a desirable direction, such as myself. The chapters that dealt specifically with the business environment, such as interviewing tips, the art of negotiation and keeping your options open when scouting about for your first job definitely rang true with me as a fairly recent graduate currently making her way through the precarious male-dominated world of finance! I also feel like I've definitely taken on some of her advice in terms of the way I present myself at work and how to be assertive without being aggressive in order to get the most out of my job. Since I've read this book I've noticed a real change in my attitude to change at my job as well. Generally a lot of really great stuff has come out of me reading this book.

Other parts however really rubbed me up the wrong way, most notably her advice to go to the office for a couple of hours on a Sunday. Whilst I see the benefits of doing a little bit of prep work for the week ahead at the weekend, I'm sure it must be very easy for Ivanka to do this given that she lives within the very building that she works in and doesn't have to do a one and a half hour commute into the city like myself!! I also disagreed with her views on non-conservative dress within the workplace. Whilst I agree that you should dress professionally at work and make an effort with your appearance, I also believe that there is room for a bit of creativity. My superiors truly do not care that I dye my hair a bit of a too-bright red and wear the odd weird necklace; if anything, coupled with the fact I'm good at my job, it helps me stick out from the crowd and I'm always the one that people remember within my immediate team.

There were a couple of nice family anecdotes in here as well that I could really relate to. Ivanka seems to have a similar relationship with her father as I do with mine, and given that Donald Trump is one of my father's business heroes, the parallels left me feeling warm and fuzzy inside (it was in fact my dad who bought this book for me, and he even asked Ivanka to sign it!).

Overall I really enjoyed this book. It wasn't perfect and did whiff a bit of privilege, but Ivanka makes some good points and her words have definitely had an effect on the business side of my life. She's still one of my business heroes and I love her.
Profile Image for Lei Yu.
19 reviews1 follower
March 7, 2017
过去的一年,发生在美国最大的事件,应该就是特朗普(Donald Trump)在超高民意的支持下击败竞争对手希拉里当选第四十五任美国总统。这个结果让很多国家包括美国在内的主流媒体舆论大哗,因为在特朗普提出竞选总统的时候,大部分人是把这当成一个笑话来看的:一个搞金融房地产没有任何政治经验的七十岁老头子怎么可能当选美国总统?而当笑话变成事实,场面就有些尴尬了。

让人印象深刻的是,特朗普的女儿伊万卡(Ivanka Trump)登台进行助选演讲,这个美丽端庄从容淡定的女人一下子抓住了很多观众的心,中国的公众号争先恐后对她进行报道,各种鸡汤文也拼了命的紧随其后,突然呈现出井喷的趋势,简单说来就是生女当如伊万卡,永远的女神,成功的女性,下一届美国总统之类的。演讲的内容很精彩,作为范文来欣赏是极好的,随便摘抄一段都是精华:
We have a chance this year, to reclaim our heritage as a country that dreams big and makes the impossible happen. Fortunately, Donald Trump is incapable of thinking small. When I was a child, my father always told me, Ivanka, if you're going to be thinkng anyway, you might as well think big. As President, my father will take on the bold and worthy fights. He will be unafraid to set lofty goals and he will be relentless in his determination to achieve them.

几年前我还在北京的时候,通过网络看过美国广播公司(NBC)制作的一档很火的美国真人秀节目,名字叫《学徒》(The Apprentice),又名《飞黄腾达》。其中地产大亨特朗普作为主持人在节目中那句口头禅“You are fired”成为了节目的金句,而作为评委出场的儿女(小唐纳德特朗普和伊万卡特朗普)更是让人印象深刻,他们不苟言笑,点评极其专业。作为男性观众,伊万卡特朗普的颜值、身材、学识、谈吐、涵养都给我留下了极其深刻的印象。

她的这本书,《The Trump Card-Playing to win in work and life》,我不记得是在哪里看到这本书的推荐,遍寻网络电子书不得的情况下,花了十六块钱人民币从中国亚马逊购得电子版,而现在这本电子书的价格水涨船高到了接近一百元的价格。在这本半自传半商业的书中,伊万卡谈到了她的家庭、她的教育、成长经历、她的职场生涯、商业上的一些个人感悟等等,内容翔实。其中还穿插了一些各行业商业领袖的洞见,对于正在职场打拼的人群来说颇具参考价值。


伊万卡特朗普(Ivanka Trump)出身于1981年10月30日,是美国房地产大王唐纳德特朗普(Donald Trump)的女儿。伊万卡特朗普既继承了妈妈的美丽,又是爸爸巨额财富的继承者之一。在这个拥有豪华游艇、一座有140个房间的豪华别墅和21亿美元继承权(这个数字现在应该更多)的女孩身上,没有一点娇生惯养的坏毛病。在她35年的平坦前途上,有30%是借了家族的光,而剩下的70%则全靠自己打拼。

My father made time for me at wok, too. He'd stop whatever he was doing, at least for a few precious moments, whenever I called. Even if he was in the middle of an important meeting or call, he'd make me feel as if he had all the time in the world for me. And it wasn't just an act; he really did make the time. Years later, I learned that he had actually been putting me on the speakerphone if someone happened to be in his office. Politicians, athletes, union leaders, bankers, visiting dignitaries of one stripe or another - it didn't matter to my father.

It was time well spent, though, because it taught me a valuable lesson: just because the other girls enjoyed something didn't mean I had to, too. I could still dress like a girl, act like a girl, and certainly look like a girl, but I had to be true to what actually interested me, not to what was supposed to interest me. I was never going to be happy living up to someone else's expectations.

Somehow my parents managed to be civil to each other in our presence, through the very worst of it. They never fought in front of us. In fact, they went out of their way to keep things pleasant and loving and on an even keel. Despite all the tension and animosity and difficulties that had apparently surfaced between them, we never heard either parent say a bad word about the other. We never heard a door slam. And we were never put into a position where we'd have to pick sides.


开卷有益,伊万卡特朗普《The Trump Card》推荐给大家。
Profile Image for Bianca.
127 reviews1 follower
January 31, 2018
I checked this out from my local library. I am not a Trump family fan but I like to be informed & feel it best to get info direct to form opinions. That said this was an easy read. It was interesting enough. I would say it was more of a short biography with a business setting but not really a business book per se. Ivanka breaks down each chapter according to a different business philosophy or angle but its still mainly a biography. Shes likeable enough and shes clearly smart and articulate (sorry, she is though). However I would definitely say this book does not apply to most people. I mean, billionaire daughter giving life advice to us regular working folk might seem good because obviously shes successful right? But most of us dont have the life shes had and billionaire family background either. I appreciate her "pull yourself up by your bootstraps and you can accomplish anything" attitude but it does seem a bit silly coming from Ivanka. Its well established in her book that her parents expected all of the children to work & Be successful and ensured they had the tools to do it. This books a bit like Gossip Girl set giving life advice to the Full House kids or something. Read if a Donald bio would be too painful for you.
Profile Image for Maria Gebhardt.
14 reviews2 followers
July 20, 2010
A regular on the Celebrity Apprentice, Ivanka Trump was born into fortune and has now soared to her own fame. With wit, humor, and insider details, Ivanka shares growing up as a Trump in her very first book.

An introduction advises readers to “Get over it” referring to her family name and connections that have helped her reach great heights while only in her twenties. The nepotistic influences might have helped her attain the corner office, but Ivanka explains how her drive, dedication, and ethics have kept her on the path to success.

The Trump Card tells how she grew up admiring the New York skyline and learning from her parents who made the Trump name exceed expectations whether it was negotiating an incredible real estate deal or noticing every detail including a single light bulb blown in an ornate chandelier.

She explains how her famous father spent 15-hour days at the office proving the importance of having a strong work ethic and not just talking about it. She also discusses the importance of education compared to constructing a great building. She compares the investment in tuition at exclusive schools such as Choate and Chapin as the same as buying the best materials for construction – they provide the foundation for future returns.

Ivanka also feels that traveling is an educational experience in itself saying her passport is one of her most treasured possessions. Traveling to one hundred countries and having real, first-hand experiences has exposed her to new ideas and cultures. Ivanka has used her travel experience to help land deals around the globe expanding the family business with her two brothers.

However, Ivanka did not start her professional career with a position in the Trump organization. Despite a personal telephone call and job offer from iconic Vogue editor, Anna Wintour, she began her career at a real estate development firm, Forest City Ratner, to prove she could do it on her own.

Ivanka also shares items for the reader to take away such as interviewing tips, strategies to concentrate without technological disruptions, why Sundays are great days to go to the office, and negotiating Trump-style.

Reader extras:
Ivanka includes Bulletins from my Blackberry as an extra feature for readers. The blurbs are excerpts from powerful people with meaningful insight. Russell Simmons, hip-hop mogul, explains how it is easier to give so that “you don’t trick the world, you feed the world”. Roger Ailes, President of the FOX News Channel, discusses the importance of positive people and how negative people directly impact you and your goals. Mark Burnett also tells the story of how The Apprentice came to fruition and the importance of keeping your word in a business deal.
Profile Image for Cindy.
349 reviews65 followers
March 14, 2011
"A man has to be Joe McCarthy to be ruthless. All a woman has to do is put you on hold" Marlo Thomas

“It’s also curcial for women to be really supportive of one another. We should build “fearlessness tribes” by surrounding ourselves with women – and men, of course – who will always be in our corner, always there for us, whether we succeed or fail. It’s very important for older women, those who have gone before, to give a hand up to and to mentor their younger colleagues” (Arianna Huffington – Cofounder and editor in chief, The Huffington Post.) (29)

Ivanka describes herself as a young girl who was "sugar-and-spice-and-all-things-nice and snakes-and-snails-and puppy-dog –tails, all at once” (41).

“Some people turn whining into a career, but those people can be so depressing. They’ll bring you down, and you’ll never be at your best when you’re down” (Roger Ailes – President, FOX News Channel, 47).

“The other important thing I tell people is to be nice. It sounds so simple, but you’d be surprised how rare that is these days. People respond to you if they get the feeling you respond to them. If you’re polite and businesslike. If you don’t throw your position around. If you take the time to talk to people and actually listen.” (Roger Ailes – President, FOX News Channel, 47).

"If you're truly interested in someone you meet, with the goal of building up a friendship instead of trying to get something out of that person, the funny thing is that something almost always happens later down the line that ends up benefitting either you or your business" (Tony Hsieh - CEO,, 99).

"It's crucial that you foster an environment that includes everyone in the ideation process and doesn't punish an individual for an idea or strategy that fails" (Chris DeWolfe - Co-founder, co-creator, and former CEO, MySpace, 122).

Ivanka Trump worked the manual levels on a bulldozer when she was 6 years old ~ building was already ingrained in her!

"When you ask a question, you gain another point of view to couple with your own.." (128).

"There was a time in my career, early on, when I thought it was a sign of weakness if I asked questions, but I've come to believe that that's really a sign of strength" (129).

Ivanka takes classes to continue her professional development if she feels she needs more experience in a certain area (129 - 130).
Profile Image for Debbie.
106 reviews5 followers
August 29, 2012
I didn't have high expectations for this book. Having observed Ms. Trump in several situations, there was no doubt in my mind that she is intelligent, has good innate business sense, and a lot of valuable experience in the business world. However, I wasn't sure how relevant her advice would be to my own life and I expected it to be dry and somewhat dull.

It was a pleasant surprise to find that she has written this book in a comfortable, relatable style. It's full of good advice and information, but she also injects enough of her own personality, humor, and family stories to keep it interesting. She never sounds condescending - just truly helpful - and I liked the way she tackles the subject of nepotism head-on rather than avoiding it. Her advice to use your own Trump card - whatever that may be - struck me as sensible and empowering.

Some of her advice, as it turned out, does not apply to me or to many other people, I imagine. Her strong suggestion of going into work on Sundays, staying late, etc. sounds good, but is impossible at a company that forbids employees from working on or off the clock any longer than 40 hours per week. I doubt Ms. Trump has ever been in that kind of working situation. I was also slightly bothered by what seemed like too much advertising for Trump companies and her own jewelry line. There is a bit of overkill in those areas. However, I took quite a few notes while reading this book, and even though I'm many years older than she is, I feel that I learned a lot. Most of her advice is very good, and she shares insight and observations from some of her very successful and well-known friends as well.

I really enjoyed her Trump family stories. She provides some interesting and fun background and anecdotes, but never stoops to anything approaching scandal or tell-all. This book is a nice combination of several components, and I was pleasantly surprised. I think it would make a wonderful gift for college graduates, job-seekers of any age, and anyone hoping to advance in their current career.
August 10, 2016
I really liked the book, but I guess it could be better.
Before I bought it, I read a lot of reviews. I have to say that I agree with most of them: the book doesn't provide much information about how to be successful in your own way or how to develop your own skills. It's more like an autobiography, where Ivanka shares really interesing events but to be honest, nobody can relate to that. She had a lot of tools that most people don't have. And though I think it was interesting to read about her life, I hoped to get more useful advices for myself too.

Anyway, I think that I liked the book because I was interest in Ivanka since I saw her in "The Apprentice". I thought she was an intelligent businesswoman and I wanted to know more about her. But if you're not interested in her at all, you might get bored by reading this book.

What I didn't like is that she talks A LOT about how she had a life of privilege, like she needed to make clear that she worked really hard to get what she has and we get it by the 2nd chapter, but there is a moment when it's really annoying to read the same thing over again.
I think the most interesting part of the book is nearly the end, when she offers a few tips. It's really what I expect from this type of book and in reality is only about 15 pages.

I thought the book was really inspiring. It's really nice to see people with passion and strenght and I give her credit for it.
620 reviews47 followers
February 1, 2010
Ivanka Trump’s polished success manual

Since many heirs achieve celebrity for nothing but their famous last names, it’s refreshing to read Ivanka Trump’s autobiography and career-advice manual. Donald and Ivana Trump’s daughter comes across as an earnest, hardworking young woman who loves her parents and brims with pride over their accomplishments. In addition to fame, fortune and beauty, Ivanka also inherited a solid value system and work ethic. She became a fashion model in her teens, but the glitz of the runway didn’t seduce her, perhaps because, as she acknowledges, she was born into privilege. She continued her education with her eye on her ultimate goal – joining the family enterprise. Now a successful executive, she offers business advice to her contemporaries. If you enjoy business biographies or seek career-building guidance, getAbstract recommends this book to you. You’ll also learn what it’s like growing up in Trump Tower, but if you’re hoping for inside dirt about a famous family, you’ve come to the wrong place. This squeaky-clean portrait – like the sculpted cover shot – could have been the product of the Trump Organization’s public relations department. It’s just as self-promoting, though Ms. Trump does provide sound, useful career advice. She directs it to young women, but any up-and-coming professional could benefit from her counsel.
Profile Image for Nik Nur Adila.
13 reviews27 followers
August 15, 2015
I read this book after I graduated whilst applying for jobs/going for interviews, and this is definitely a good read and companion during that period. Reading the book felt like talking to your rich best friend. She's helpful, insightful and offers good advice. Ivanka takes you with her through the different points in her live. Privileged? yes definitely. But you can't deny she is headstrong, accomplished, intelligent and hardworking.

I have to say, I do like certain parts of book better than the other. She offers advice both on what she did as an employee, and how we can learn from her experience; and also from her point of view as an employer, what she expects. Some parts of the book just felt like she's lecturing you, some other part felt like she's defending her upbringing. But in her words, "move on"lol!

All in all, this is an inspiring read. Though not all can relate to her privileged upbringing, but we can definitely learn from her experience, mentality and work ethics. I would suggest this read to college/univeristy students, recent graduates looking for a job, anyone who needs a pick me up to become more motivated at work or just anyone who wants to know about Ivanka ;P
Profile Image for Christina.
1,220 reviews
May 26, 2010
Ivanka Trump is fascinating- she's had every privilege, yet she has not turned out like so many children of ultra-rich parents. She is obviously a hard worker, driven to make her own name in the business and wise beyond her years. I did enjoy parts of the book but overall I was a bit disappointed. I probably don't share a lot of the same values as Ivanka when it comes to work, and I do think being married and eventually having children might change some of her views. She is still a good role model for many, and it is refreshing to see someone who has not wasted their fame and fortune in their 20's. There is some great career advice here for the recent college graduate, especially regarding networking. I have no doubt her father's business will eventually be in good hands.

Also of note: It is evident throughout this book that Donald Trump took more of a Warren Buffett approach to raising his kids: Give them the finest education your money can buy, but make it clear once they're grown, they are on their own. It is interesting to see how this "sink or swim" philosophy plays out as opposed to lifetime "parental support".
Profile Image for Jill Tool.
179 reviews10 followers
May 28, 2016
Ivanka Trump gives some great advice here for those that are wanting to become more professional at their job. The daughter of Donald Trump, also gives insight as to how her parents raised her and her sibling. If you think this girl was born with a silver spoon in her mouth, you are so totally mistaken. Other than being give a good education, the Trump children were not given to at their every whim. Ivanka shares many different stories about lessons being taught to her, even though she didn't understand them at the time, she does now and see's how those lessons have helped her shape her life, not only as a business woman, designer (which I have looked at her jewelry a would love to own some, very pretty!), and yes, even a mother.

She gives tips on how to succeed in a interview, how to move up the ladder, and even more importantly how to be a better employee. The book moves at a good pace, well written, and an enjoyable read. This book isn't just written for those in the business world, but for everyone. I am giving this book a 4.5 stars. I encourage others to read this book as it might inspire or is a self help book for ways of looking at life.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 124 reviews

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