Orchid Care - American Orchid Society
Orchid Care

Orchid Care

Explore orchid care tips and tricks from the world's most trusted authority on orchids.
Orchid Care and Culture

Explore Orchids and Their Care (A-Z)

Have you ever wondered if you could grow a Vanda in your home? Discover information about dozens of different orchid genera here.
Troubleshooting Orchid Problems

Orchid Pests and Diseases

Learn to identify orchid pests and diseases with this easy troubleshooting guide. We also give you effective solutions to rid your orchids of these pests.

Frequently Asked Questions

Ask the Orchid Doctor

Join the AOS Chief Science Officer for an informal discussion about orchids. Ron McHatton answers questions submitted to him about orchid care.
Greenhouse Chats and Expert Q&A
Greenhouse Chat Recordings

We have dozens of Greenhouse Chat recordings waiting for you to watch now! Each one has a timestamped list of topics.

Upcoming Greenhouse Chats

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