Urban Dictionary: Smudge
Another Cat youtuber Brett Thompson has. He is half brothers with Zazzles
Smudge and Zazzles.
by BrettZazzles May 20, 2022
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Verb. To covertly take a photo of something/someone. UK slang.
We've been smudged Gov'nor.
by Granstander2 January 5, 2010
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Local retard

Usually bumsjakes
Whoa smudge has had that finger up his nose since this morning
by Kenneth Branagh February 16, 2019
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A fat, fluffy, grey, lazy beast. That spends most of her time inside, curled up into a ball in front of the warmth of a fire. And has long ear hair. But most importantly is a cat the has a smudge on her right lower arm.
Damn is smudge get away from the milk
by Izzy.... October 29, 2018
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Smudge (ad•jective)

Meaning sloppy, gross or skank.
Boy: she's hot.
Girl: no she's not, shes a smudge!
by Hoemerica September 30, 2014
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A derogatory slur referring to left-handed people that references their tendency to smudge their writing as well as their impact on society.
"Susan's smudge elbow keeps on knocking into mine while we eat!"
"Jimmy's getting a third stack of french toast? He's such a smudge."
"Quit being a smudge and learn how to use some normal scissors!"
by swingfox July 28, 2013
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A person who is considered as generally a smudge upon soceity.
"That guy just killed three babies!"

"Damn what a smudge."
by Briabane Crimwatch July 27, 2010
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