Robert Rauschenberg--Man At Work

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Robert Rauschenberg--Man At Work - Currently Unavailable

American artist Robert Rauschenberg (b. 1925) is considered to be the founder of Pop Art. This profile follows his career from the 1950s when he arrived on the New York art scene, to his present sculpture and printing work. Rauschenberg talks about his childhood in Texas, his relationship with his father, and his early realization that he was an artist. He also recounts how he came to include a goat in one of his most famous works, and discusses for the first time on camera his relationship with fellow artist Jasper Johns and the subsequent break up of their friendship. Interviews with friends, artists, and critics --including Calvin Tomkins, Barbara Rose, Leo Castelli and Ileana Sonnabend-- help tell the story of his life and work. Examines his major work in progress (since 1981), The 1/4 Mile or Two Furlong Piece, which may be the largest art work in the world. Filmed in Port Arthur, Texas, at the artist's studio in Captiva, Florida, and in New York during the installation of his major 1997 retrospective at the Guggenheim Museum. The Late Show series/BBC TV.

Curator's Comments: Rauschenberg is an outgoing, likeable personality on camera. His comments offer a unique insight into his working process.

DATE: 1997

COUNTRY: Great Britain

Director/Producer: Chris Granlund
Producing Agency: BBC TV; RM Arts; Guggenheim Museum

57 minutes Color

Pop art

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