William Cecil: Biography, Facts & Contributions | Study.com
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William Cecil: Biography, Facts & Contributions

Instructor Christopher Muscato

Chris has a master's degree in history and teaches at the University of Northern Colorado.

English history is full of powerful kings and queens. However, even the most powerful needed their advisors. In this lesson, we're going to explore the life of William Cecil and see how this royal advisor impacted the reign of Queen Elizabeth.

Queen Elizabeth ruled over England from 1558 to 1603 and in this time, earned a reputation as one of the most powerful monarchs in British history. Her reign changed English history, but even Elizabeth couldn't do this all by herself.

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William Cecil was born in 1520 to a well-off family. He was very well-educated, having been introduced into elite academic circles by the time he was a teenager. By his early 20s, he was working for the Duke of Somerset, who was Lord Protector of England. So you could say that Cecil was pretty well-connected. After the Duke lost favor with the lords and was imprisoned, Cecil managed to talk his way out of jail, made good with those in power, and in 1550, was named as one of King Edward's secretaries of state.

William Cecil was starting to take a pretty active role in English politics, at a time when this was not necessarily a safe position. Since the death of Henry VIII, England had been in turmoil as Anglican and Catholic monarchs each took time on the throne and violently oppressed the other. Cecil worked hard to remain basically neutral in these conflicts, keeping favor with whoever was in power, and tried to stay out of trouble.

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Under the Catholic Queen Mary, William Cecil had been appointed to manage the lands of the queen's half-sister, Elizabeth. Then, in 1558, Mary died and Elizabeth became Queen of England. She was only 25 years old at the time, but already seems to have known that she wanted a more moderate, less divisive reign than those that preceded her. From the beginning, Queen Elizabeth looked for strong counselors to advise her and immediately put her faith in William Cecil.

William Cecil (left) with Queen Elizabeth and another lord

Domestic Policies

Cecil had a range of influences on Elizabeth's policies, both foreign and domestic. In terms of policies at home, Cecil helped Elizabeth establish a vision of a more unified and (basically) Protestant England. As a Secretary of State for Elizabeth, he oversaw education reforms as well as reforms to the bureaucratic administration of the kingdom.

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William Cecil died in 1598, having spent 40 years as the most influential advisor to one of the most powerful monarchs in English history. So, where does Cecil stand in history?

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Queen Elizabeth relied heavily on her trusted advisors and no single person influenced her more than William Cecil (1520-1598). Cecil was born into wealth and quickly found his way into royal politics.

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