Alicia Silverstone on coparenting with Christopher Jarecki
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Alicia Silverstone talks co-parenting with her ex during the pandemic

The "Clueless" actress explains how her zen parenting style involves no yelling at her son.
/ Source: TODAY

Alicia Silverstone loves that her 9-year-old son, Bear, goes back and forth between her house and his dad Christopher Jarecki's house.

“We ask Bear where he wants to be,” Silverstone, 43, told TODAY Parents at the BlogHer Healthy at Home Summit on Wednesday. “But then I started to wonder if that was too much pressure. So, I checked in with him and he said, 'I love that I get to decide.' We both have different perks!"

The “Clueless” actress and Jarecki, who separated in 2018 after nearly 13 years of marriage and 20 years as a couple, remain friends.

“Bear and his daddy and I flow really well together,” she revealed.

Silverstone’s parenting style is just as zen. When Bear is acting up, she gently explains how the behavior is making her feel and he stops.

“I’ll use a serious voice but I never yell. I’ll say, ‘Sweetheart, Mommy is getting upset,’” Silverstone explained. “I’ve been yelled at and I’m not a fan of it.”

Silverstone, who famously wrote that placing a child in a crib is “tantamount to child neglect,” credits her choices for their unique bond.

The pair still share a bed.

“The respect we have for each each other is just incredible,” she gushed. “We’ll wake up and snuggle for two or three hours laughing and talking. Then we’ll go make pancakes.”

Vegan, pancakes of course. Both Silverstone and Bear stick to a strictly plant-based diet.

The food I choose for myself and for him keeps us calm and centered. That is my parenting trick, that’s my tool,” she said. “When I eat well, I sleep well and then I can be really really patient for each little morsel of his being. We only have so much time with these monkeys.”

Silverstone is so passionate about “pure food” that she co-created, mykind Organics, a line of certified organic, non-GMO, vegan vitamins.

“No sugar, no chemicals, no gelatin,” she told TODAY Parents. “I’m so proud of these products.”