The Meaning Behind The Song: Wah-Wah by George Harrison - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Wah-Wah by George Harrison

The Soulful Wah-Wah of George Harrison

The Genius and Humble Beginnings of George Harrison

George Harrison, the guitar legend from The Beatles, was one of the most innovative musicians of the 20th century. Born on Feb. 25, 1943 in Liverpool, England, Harrison gained instant popularity with his strong passion for music and love for the guitar at an early age.

Throughout his career with The Beatles, Harrison wrote some of the most unforgettable songs that still resonate with music lovers today. “Wah-Wah,” one of his most revered compositions, holds a special place in the hearts of many.

Uncovering the Meaning Behind the Song

“Wah-Wah” was Harrison’s first solo single. It was released in 1970, after Harrison became frustrated with the band’s internal struggles and bitter feuds. The song’s title was inspired by the Wah-Wah effect pedal, which was used to create the sound of the guitars.

However, the lyrics of the song reveal a deeper meaning. Harrison used the metaphor of the Wah-Wah pedal to represent the confusion and frustration that he felt as a member of The Beatles. He was tired of the constant bickering and power struggles that were tearing the band apart.

In the song, he sings, “You’ve given me a hard time all along/It’s such a dirty trick/All I can do is hang on/To your Wah-Wah.”

The lyrics make it clear that Harrison was struggling to hold onto his sanity while dealing with the pressures of fame, fortune, and infighting with his bandmates. The song is a reminder that even the most successful of us can feel lost and alone at times.

The Growth and Evolution of George Harrison

After leaving The Beatles, Harrison focused on his solo career and released several critically acclaimed albums. He also explored spirituality and became a devout follower of Hinduism.

His spirituality helped to shape his music and the themes that he explored in his songs. Songs like “My Sweet Lord” and “What is Life” are just a few examples of how Harrison combined his passion for music with his faith.

Harrison also became an advocate for humanitarian causes, and he used his position to draw attention to important issues like famine and poverty in third-world countries.

The Legacy Left Behind by George Harrison

George Harrison passed away in 2001 after a long and brave battle with cancer. However, his music and legacy continue to live on.

Even today, his songs are still inspiring new musicians and attracting new fans. His message of love, peace, and spirituality is still as relevant as ever. And, his selflessness and dedication to humanitarian causes serve as an inspiration for us all.

In the words of fellow Beatle Paul McCartney, “He was a lovely guy and a very brave man and had a wonderful sense of humor. He is sorely missed, but he will always be remembered by his music.”

In Conclusion

“Wah-Wah” is not just a song, it’s a reflection of the inner turmoil and frustrations that George Harrison felt during his time with The Beatles. It’s a reminder that even the most successful and talented people can feel lost and alone at times.

However, Harrison’s legacy serves as an inspiration for us all. His passion for music, his commitment to spirituality, and his dedication to humanitarian causes set an example for us to follow. His music will continue to inspire and touch the hearts of people for generations to come.

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