The full first season of Ncuti Gatwa's Fifteenth Doctor is imminent, and the excitement is palpable. With the BBC and Disney putting in extra work to market the upcoming outing, there has been more discussion surrounding the show and its cast than ever before. The recent trilogy of 60th-anniversary specials and the subsequent Christmas special introduced new faces and brought back fond friends as the ensemble plans for the fourteenth season were put in place.

Now Gatwa, Gibson, and co are ready to take on the universe and all its wondrous delights and devilish demons, with showrunner Russell T. Davies promising surprises galore, including the Doctor's biggest challenge yet. So, with all that in mind, here is a look at the cast and characters in Doctor Who Season 14.

Nucti Gatwa

The Fifteenth Doctor

Thanks to the recent Christmas special, "The Church on Ruby Road," Doctor Who fans have already had their first taste of Gatwa flying the TARDIS, and early reception was more than positive. Bombastic and energetic, Gatwa looks to be breathing new life into the role, something akin to how many felt Matt Smith approached portraying the Eleventh incarnation.

Having appeared infrequently in small roles on British television during his early career, Gatwa shot to fame following his breakout role as Eric in the Netflix hit Sex Education. At the time, many thought that would be his magnum opus, although it already seems as if Gatwa is ready to put his stamp on one of television's biggest franchises and prove that his career is only just getting started.

Millie Gibson

Ruby Sunday

Ruby Sunday's first appearance in the Doctor Who universe reminded many of the original revival companion Rose (Billie Piper). Having had a difficult upbringing as a 'foundling,' Ruby used her strength and determination to forge herself a path in a cruelly cynical world, with her guts sure to keep her up with the ever-running, ever-thinking Doctor.

Starting life as a young star on British children's television, Millie Gibson's burgeoning career may have only contained a handful of adult roles, but her stock is already so high that Davies and the BBC have taken a chance on her as the next companion in Doctor Who. Gibson's most notable role to date is as Kelly Neelan in the British soap opera Coronation Street, a role that earned her the award for Best Young Actor at the 2022 British Soap Awards.

Bonnie Langford

Mel Bush

Image via BBC

First appearing back in 1986, Mel Bush is a character fondly remembered by fans of the classic series as a companion to Colin Baker's Sixth Doctor and Sylvester McCoy's Seventh Doctor. Always smiling and impressively intelligent, Mel's return to Doctor Who during last year's 60th-anniversary specials was met with high praise, making her inclusion in the fourteenth season a warmly welcomed one.

Beginning life as a child star in the 1970s, Bonnie Langford rose to fame thanks to her role on Doctor Who, which she is still most well-known for. Alongside on-screen appearances in the likes of EastEnders and Just William, Langford's Broadway career has also been a point of great acclaim for the performer, with notable performances in the likes of Cats and Chicago.

Michelle Greenidge

Carla Sunday

Michelle Greenidge carrying a baby as Carla Sunday in Doctor Who
Image via BBC

Already adored by Whovians, Carla Sunday is the foster mother of Ruby, and also a foster mother to 32 other children, although Ruby is the only one to have stayed permanently. With her and her daughter's bond strong, Carla will likely have many a word to say to the Doctor should Ruby inevitably get into trouble.

A star of both stage and screen, Michelle Greenidge's past decade has been nothing short of remarkable, with everything she touches seemingly turning to commercial and critical success. From After Life, to It's A Sin, and I May Destroy You, Greenidge's great run of television series is set to continue with Doctor Who.

Anita Dobson

Mrs. Flood

Anita Dobson as Mrs Flood in the Doctor Who Christmas Special
Image via BBC

The mystery surrounding the true identity of Mrs. Flood has gripped the entire fanbase. From first looking like a lovely old neighbor to Ruby at the start of the Christmas Special, Mrs. Flood soon became the subject of many a fan theory after it became clear that she knows much more about the Doctor than first thought. Is she the Master, the Rani, or perhaps something new altogether?

The wife of legendary Queen guitarist Brian May, Anita Dobson's most iconic role is most certainly in EastEnders, where she played the fiery Angie Watts. Beyond EastEnders, Dobson has appeared in the likes of Hotel Babylon, Red Dwarf, and Urban Gothic.

Jemma Redgrave

Kate Stewart

Doctor Who Jemma Redgrave
Image via BBC

No stranger to Whovians, Kate Stewart is the head of UNIT and the daughter of Classic-era companion the Brigadier (Nicholas Courtney). Having been a part of several Doctor Who tales to date, Kate has fought the Flux, tackled a strange invasion of cubes, and, most recently, helped defeat the Toymaker (Neil Patrick Harris) with the help of not one but two Doctors.

Jemma Redgrave's most notable role to date is certainly as Kate Stewart, although she has had other on-screen success in the likes of The Grid, Silent Witness, and Howards End. Many may have recently heard her as the Narrator in Red, White & Royal Blue.

Jinkx Monsoon


Jinkx Monsoon in Doctor Who smiling maniacally at the camera with hands outstretched
Image via BBC

Although certain details regarding Maestro are not yet known, Davies has confirmed they are the most powerful enemy the Doctor has had to face yet, which is more than enough information alone to get the anticipatory juices flowing.

An exciting addition to the upcoming ensemble, Jinkx Monsoon first rose to fame after they won the fifth season of RuPaul's Drag Race, followed by a win in the seventh season of spin-off All Stars, making them the first-ever two-time winner. Although their acting career is still in its early stages, the role of Maestro will do nothing but great things for the professional future of Jinkx Monsoon.

Jonathan Groff

Unnamed Role

Doctor Who
Image via BBC

Although the name of his character is not yet known, it has been confirmed that Jonathan Groff will play a key role in the upcoming season, and, with a musical episode heavily rumored, it's likely the iconic Broadway performer will be involved.

Whether it's as Kristoff in Frozen, Holden Ford in Mindhunter, or Jesse St James in Glee, Groff always gives his all and delights with every performance. Supremely talented and just as strong at portraying a villain as he is a hero, Groff's addition to Doctor Who Season 14 is nothing short of thrilling.

Golda Rosheuvel


Golda Rosheuvel standing with her arms folded in front of several pink security monitors in Doctor Who
Image via BBC

Having only just been announced as joining the ensemble, little is known about the character of Jocelyn, but the casting of Golda Rosheuvel is another exciting one.

Just as talented a singer as she is an actress, Rosheuvel's on-screen career has always been impressive, but her biggest break came just recently in the Bridgerton franchise where she portrayed the now-iconic Queen Charlotte. Nominated for a Screen Actors Guild Award and Black Reel Award for Television for the role, Rosheuvel will only hope to add to her legacy with an appearance in Doctor Who.

With the trailer available above, Doctor Who officially returns on May 11, with episodes available to stream on Disney+.

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