Prescreen Auditions | Circle in the Square Theatre School

Prescreen Auditions

Step 1: To apply, first read all the requirements below.

Step 2: Once you have read and fully understand what you need to prepare, go to THIS LINK. 

Step 3: Once there, follow every step. Make sure to read everything to ensure nothing is missed before submitting your prescreen.

Step 4: Have fun! We are rooting for you! 

If you are an Actor applying for the Professional Theatre Workshop just submit the Monologues portion of the Prescreen  as described below.  Note: We do prefer Shakespeare as your classical piece. You Do NOT need to submit songs.

If  You Are Applying for Circle/Eckerd BFA: Please note all Eckerd admissions deadlines and submit your prescreen accordingly. To see those deadlines visit Eckerd BFA.

Overall: Each piece should be filmed/uploaded as a separate piece of media. No continuous videos. Acceptd does a wonderful job of explaining what is required of you HERE.

Read below to see anything specific we may also ask of you. 

Slate: Should appear at the beginning of each piece.

  • The proper slate for a song is to share your name, the title, and show in which it applies.
  • The proper slate for a monologue is to share your name, the title of the play, and the playwright

If you are auditioning for the Musical Theatre Program or Both Acting and Musical Theatre Program

  • One song should be written prior to 1970. This song can be either the up-tempo or the ballad (student’s choice).
  • One song should be written after 1970 and contrast the style of the first
  • 1 Contemporary (written after 1900); Contemporary monologue should be filmed in a “close-up” shot which means the top of the head to the chest should be visible in the frame.
  • 1 Shakespeare Monologue; These monologues should be filmed in a “full body” shot which means the top of the head to the feet on the floor should be visible in the frame.


If you are only auditioning for the Acting Program

  • Two 60-90 second contrasting monologues
  • 1 Contemporary (written after 1900); Contemporary monologue should be filmed in a “close-up” shot which means the top of the head to the chest should be visible in the frame.
  • 1 Shakespeare Monologue; These monologues should be filmed in a “full body” shot which means the top of the head to the feet on the floor should be visible in the frame.


Students should prepare 2 contrasting pieces:

  • One song should be a ballad and one song should be an up-tempo
  • Each song file should be 60-90 seconds (this time limit includes the slate at the beginning of the piece and is strictly adhered to; please do not upload media files longer than 90 seconds)
  • Songs should be filmed in a ¾ shot which means the top of the head to the knees should be visible in the frame.


  • Monologues must be from a published play.
  • Monologues cannot be from musicals, television shows, or movies.
  • Each monologue file should be 60-90 seconds in length (this time limit includes the slate at the beginning of the piece and is strictly adhered to; please do not upload media files longer than 90 seconds)