'Ozark' Characters, Ranked Best To Worst

Ranker TV
Updated May 23, 2024 34.3K views 36 items
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28.8K votes
4.0K voters
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Vote up the characters you love and vote down the unlikeable ones. 

There is no denying the magnetic power of the intricate, compelling and often unexpected characters that inhabit the murky world of Ozark. Viewers find themselves drawn into the complex lives of these individuals while being effortlessly captivated by their thrilling narratives, character depth and development. These well-crafted personalities are not only a testament to phenomenal writing but also have been determined as essential driving forces behind the show's unrivaled success.

The allure of Ozark lies not only in its nail-biting plotlines and dark themes, but it’s also anchored in an array of dynamic and engaging characters brought to life by a stellar cast. As an intricate web of lies, deception, and unlikely alliances unfurls before our eyes, we can't help but become invested in their turbulent journey. So, why is this series worth watching? It's simple really - these remarkable characters invite us into their morally ambiguous world, keeping us on edge from start to finish.

As an homage to these fascinating individuals who have truly redefined the landscape of modern television, we have curated a ranked list highlighting the very best characters on Ozark. It's time to dive in and get acquainted with these masterfully created personas. Furthermore, let your voice be heard by voting for your personal favorites and ultimately help us in determining the true standout characters that make Ozark a series worth every minute spent watching.

Most divisive: Omar Navarro
Over 4.0K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of 'Ozark' Characters, Ranked Best To Worst
  • Marty Byrde

    Marty Byrde

    1,427 votes

    Marty Byrde is the undisputed protagonist whose quick wit and ability to adapt shine through in every episode. As a financial expert, he's constantly navigating the treacherous waters of working with money laundering schemes alongside dangerous criminals. It's impossible not to root for him as he tries to balance his own survival with that of his family, but also his moral compass, which often wavers under the strain. His intelligence and resourcefulness will leave you on the edge of your seat.

  • Ruth Langmore

    Ruth Langmore

    1,784 votes

    A spitfire from a troubled family, Ruth Langmore quickly becomes one of the show's most compelling characters. Despite her rough exterior and questionable choices, it's hard not to be drawn to her resilience and fierce loyalty to those she loves. Her determination to break free from her family's criminal past makes for an enthralling character arc that keeps us hooked at every turn.

  • Buddy Dyker

    Buddy Dyker

    1,294 votes

    Buddy Dyker is an enigmatic presence who serves as both confidante and comic relief throughout the series. As a terminally ill man, his frank outlook on life provides both wisdom and levity to some of the show's darker moments. His mysterious past hints at deeper layers yet to be uncovered, leaving viewers eager for more Buddy exposure.

  • Jacob Snell

    Jacob Snell

    980 votes

    As half of the formidable Snell duo, Jacob exudes equal parts menace and sophistication in a seamless blend that leaves audiences captivated by his every move. The patriarchal figure navigates intricate power plays within their rural empire while dealing with personal and marital struggles. Jacob's intelligence, cunning, and ruthless business acumen make him a fascinating character to follow.

  • Jonah Byrde

    Jonah Byrde

    1,077 votes

    Jonah Byrde isn't your typical teenager; this young man faces challenges way beyond the realm of high school drama or growing pains. He exhibits incredible maturity when dealing with extreme circumstances brought about by his parents' criminal activities, while still grappling with teenage angst in heartfelt ways that make him relatable and endearing.

  • Tuck


    899 votes

    Tuck adds heartwarming moments to an otherwise dark show with his genuine kindness and compassion towards others, despite his own disabilities. As Ruth's loyal friend and confidant, he offers innocence amid chaos and provides opportunities for her more tender side to shine through.

  • Ben Davis

    Ben Davis

    717 votes

    Wendy's unpredictable brother, Ben Davis, bursts onto the scene like a whirlwind of raw emotion. His erratic behavior is initially chalked up to mental illness but soon becomes evident that his emotional outbursts result from his intense moral compass in the face of rampant corruption. His tragic downfall serves as a powerful reminder of the potential consequences for those entangled with lawlessness.

  • Wyatt Langmore

    Wyatt Langmore

    967 votes

    Wyatt Langmore is a bright spot in the murky world of crime and deceit. This bookish young man dreams of escaping his family's criminal past while maintaining an unwavering loyalty to them. His inner turmoil is palpable throughout the series as he grapples with conflicting desires for both love and vengeance.

  • Camino Del Rio

    Camino Del Rio

    784 votes

    Camino Del Rio is a chilling figure who effortlessly exudes power without lifting a finger, making him an undeniable force on screen. Known as "The Mexican", this seasoned drug lord has mastered manipulation tactics – using both charm and intimidation – ensuring that no one underestimates him or stands in his way.

  • Helen Pierce

    Helen Pierce

    665 votes

    As Navarro's icy attorney, Helen Pierce commands attention whenever she enters a room with her steely demeanor and calculated moves. Underneath her professional exterior lies an intriguing complexity as she balances loyalty to her boss with her own ambition and familial responsibilities.

  • Wendy Byrde

    Wendy Byrde

    1,275 votes

    Wendy Byrde evolves from a desperate housewife into an assertive partner-in-crime alongside her husband. Her intelligence, ambition, and willingness to do whatever it takes contribute to the chaos that ensues, making her character development a wildly addictive ride.

  • Omar Navarro

    Omar Navarro

    414 votes

    The elusive drug lord Omar Navarro casts an ominous shadow over the series as its primary antagonist. His ruthless tactics and seemingly untouchable status leave viewers eager for the day when his enemies finally get their shot at him.

  • Nelson


    397 votes

    As Navarro's cold-blooded hitman, Nelson carries out his orders efficiently and mercilessly. Despite his chilling demeanor, there's something intriguing about this grim figure – perhaps it's the glimmers of humanity beneath that steely veneer that keep us guessing.

  • Sam Dermody

    Sam Dermody

    579 votes

    The anxious and lovable real estate agent Sam Dermody provides comic relief throughout the series as he becomes inadvertently embroiled in money laundering schemes and danger beyond his wildest imagination – proving that even good-hearted people can find themselves in over their heads when surrounded by illegal activities.

  • Jim


    393 votes

    Jim is a stabilizing force within Marty's life; as Wendy's loyal father-figure, he exerts a calming influence in times of crisis. His grounded nature offers respite from the chaos swirling around him, though we're left to ponder how much he truly knows or understands about his family's dirty dealings.

  • Charlotte Byrde

    Charlotte Byrde

    839 votes

    Charlotte Byrde embodies teenage rebellion against a backdrop teeming with criminal activity. As she navigates her own path through adolescence amidst her parents' escalating problems, she brings moral ambiguity into sharp focus while offering refreshing normalcy amongst all of the turmoil.

  • Rachel Garrison

    Rachel Garrison

    687 votes

    Rachel Garrison stands out as an everywoman caught in crossfire between criminals vying for control over her town and livelihood. As proprietor of Blue Cat Lodge, she grapples with conflicting desires for both success and justice while struggling under the weight of secrets far too heavy for any one person to bear.

  • Darlene Snell

    Darlene Snell

    923 votes

    Darlene Snell is the embodiment of a woman not to be trifled with; her volatile temper and unyielding determination make her as unpredictable as she is frightening. This fierce matriarch will stop at nothing to protect what she believes is rightfully hers – even if it means leaving a trail of bloodshed in her wake.

  • Maya Miller

    Maya Miller

    346 votes

    Maya Miller brings a breath of fresh air into the show as a tenacious and morally upright forensic accountant assigned to take down Marty Byrde once and for all. Her unwavering pursuit of justice creates an engaging cat-and-mouse dynamic that keeps both characters on their toes at every turn.

  • Russ Langmore

    Russ Langmore

    655 votes

    Russ Langmore's story arc is undeniably tragic, as he falls in love with an undercover FBI agent who exposes his deepest secret – being gay. The misguided attempt to turn his life around in the face of betrayal ultimately leads to his grisly demise, leaving viewers reeling from the heartache within this hardened criminal's final moments.

  • Three Langmore

    Three Langmore

    443 votes

    Three Langmore often flies under the radar but shouldn't be underestimated by any means; with hidden depths lurking beneath his initially dim-witted facade, he adds nuance and complexity to an already fascinating family dynamic.

  • Grace Young

    Grace Young

    388 votes

    Grace Young shines as Pastor Mason's devoted wife, whose brutal murder sets in motion events leading up to an inevitable showdown between good and evil forces vying for control over their quiet Ozark community.

  • Sheriff John Nix

    Sheriff John Nix

    367 votes

    Sheriff Nix straddles a fine line between law enforcement and criminal collusion in his attempts to maintain peace in an increasingly dangerous town teetering on the brink of chaos after cartel activity takes root within its borders.

  • Charles Wilkes

    Charles Wilkes

    295 votes

    As a powerful businessman with political aspirations, Charles Wilkes deftly navigates through smoky backroom deals and moral dilemmas when faced with the alluring world of money laundering and corruption – forcing him to wrestle with his own ambitions and moral compass.

  •  Frank Cosgrove Jr.

    Frank Cosgrove Jr.

    277 votes

    The ambitious yet reckless son of Kansas City mob boss Frank Cosgrove Sr., Frank Jr.'s hothead behavior often lands both himself and others in hot water – making it clear that this apple hasn't fallen far from the tree.

  • Pastor Mason Young

    Pastor Mason Young

    500 votes

    Pastor Mason Young is a powerful, charismatic figure who struggles to balance his faith with a desire for justice after experiencing harrowing personal loss. His battle between vengeance and forgiveness adds a compelling layer of depth to the show's ongoing themes of morality versus survival.

  • Roy Petty

    Roy Petty

    590 votes

    Roy Petty is the tenacious, manipulative FBI agent determined to bring down the Byrde family at all costs. His lack of boundaries, questionable tactics, and obsession with catching criminals make him more than just your average law enforcement officer – leaving viewers torn between rooting for or against him.

  • Ash


    501 votes

    Ash serves as Jacob Snell's right-hand man, but his loyalties are ultimately tested when he finds himself in an impossible position that forces him to choose between self-preservation or staying true to his longtime mentor.

  • Trevor Evans

    Trevor Evans

    375 votes

    FBI Agent Evans provides a foil for Roy Petty's manic energy by serving as a voice of reason amidst chaos throughout various investigations within their tumultuous partnership.

  • Bruce Liddell

    Bruce Liddell

    287 votes

    Bruce Liddell sets in motion the series' central conflict by double-crossing Marty Byrde, resulting in an explosive turn of events that leaves nobody unscathed – proving that betrayal among friends comes at a high price.