The Meaning Behind The Song: This Is It by Kenny Loggins - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: This Is It by Kenny Loggins

The Meaning Behind The Song: This Is It by Kenny Loggins

When it comes to iconic songs, few can top the power and passion of “This Is It” by Kenny Loggins. Originally released in 1979, this hit single remains a beloved classic to this day, inspiring listeners with its soaring melody and emotionally charged lyrics. But what is the real meaning behind this powerful anthem? In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the history, relevance, and inspiration behind “This Is It.”

A Song of Empowerment and Possibility

At its core, “This Is It” is a song about taking action and seizing the moment. Inspired by legendary choreographer Twyla Tharp, who was working with Loggins on his “Nightwatch” album at the time, the song urges listeners to step up and take control of their own lives. “This is it, make no mistake where you are” Loggins sings, urging listeners to “seize each day” and “live and love” to the fullest.

This theme of empowerment and possibility is bolstered by the song’s upbeat, energetic melody and powerful hooks. From the triumphant opening chords to the soaring chorus, “This Is It” brims with energy and optimism, making it an ideal anthem for anyone looking to take control of their own destiny.

A Pivotal Moment in Loggins’ Career

While “This Is It” remains a beloved classic to this day, it’s worth remembering that it was also a pivotal moment in Kenny Loggins’ career. At the time of its release in 1979, Loggins was already a well-established artist, but he was facing increasing pressure from his label to create a hit single. “This Is It” proved to be that hit, reaching number 11 on the Billboard Hot 100 and earning Loggins critical acclaim and renewed commercial success.

It’s also worth noting that “This Is It” was not a solo venture for Loggins. The song was co-written by Michael McDonald, an accomplished singer/songwriter in his own right who had previously worked with Steely Dan and the Doobie Brothers. McDonald’s contributions to the song can be felt in the distinctive piano riffs and soaring harmonies that underpin Loggins’ powerful vocals.

A Song with Surprising Relevance Today

While “This Is It” was written over 40 years ago, its message of empowerment, possibility, and seizing the moment remains just as relevant today as it was back then. In an era where people are increasingly concerned about their place in the world and their ability to make a difference, Loggins’ song serves as a powerful reminder that we all have opportunities to create change and make our own mark on the world.

Moreover, “This Is It” has taken on a new relevance in recent years thanks to its association with sports and other high-pressure situations. The song has been used as a motivational anthem by countless athletes and teams, including the Pittsburgh Pirates and the U.S. Olympic men’s basketball team.

The Legacy of “This Is It”

Even four decades after its initial release, “This Is It” remains a beloved classic and a testament to the enduring power of music. In addition to its commercial success and critical acclaim, the song has been covered by countless artists over the years, including Michael McDonald himself, as well as jazz legend George Benson and pop star Shawn Mendes.

But perhaps more importantly, “This Is It” has touched the lives of millions of fans around the world, inspiring them to believe in themselves, embrace their power, and seize the moment.

In the end, it’s this legacy of empowerment, passion, and possibility that truly defines “This Is It.” Whatever your goals and dreams may be, Loggins’ timeless anthem serves as a reminder that the power to achieve them lies within us all. As Loggins himself sings in the song’s closing moments: “This is it, your life, don’t play it small.”

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