Teresa Ribera – Euractiv

About: Teresa Ribera

Green Deal 2.0: Spain’s Ribera lays down vision for next Commission

Est. 4min

Doubling down on climate action and social justice, the restored trust in European democracy, and a proud Europe on the international stage: This is the vision set out by Spanish Vice-President and Ecological Transition Minister Teresa Ribera, the frontrunner to become Spain's next commissioner in Brussels.

French-led nuclear alliance calls for new ‘low-carbon’ directive

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Eleven EU countries have called on the EU to take full account of "all fossil-free energy sources" when elaborating future energy and climate policies, according to a joint statement issued on Tuesday (19 December) by the French-led Nuclear Alliance.

Beer makers lament Council’s wine, spirits exemption from EU packaging rules

Est. 5min

Wine and spirits should be exempt from future EU repackaging rules, EU environment ministers decided on Monday (18 December), angering beer producers who will have to comply with the new rules which include a new deposit system.

Climate change 31-10-2023

Ribera: COP28 must commit to peak emissions, stop new coal

Est. 6min

The next international climate conference, COP28, needs to lead to concrete pledges to peak global emissions and stop building new coal power plants, according to Spanish deputy prime minister Teresa Ribera, who will represent the EU 27 at the summit.

Electricity 20-06-2023

Electricity market reform: New front opens in Brussels on nuclear energy

Est. 6min

The EU's 27 energy ministers could not agree on extending state aid to investments in existing nuclear assets when they met on Monday (19 June), with Germany, Austria and Luxembourg warning this will heavily benefit France and distort the EU's internal market.

Energy 24-11-2022

EU gas price cap proposal deemed ‘unworkable’ and ‘a joke’, even by advocates

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France, Spain and other member states have called on the European Commission to "significantly raise its ambition" on a proposed EU gas price cap ahead of an extraordinary meeting of the bloc's 27 energy ministers in Brussels today (24 November). 

Energy 14-10-2022

Spain confirms intention to withdraw from Energy Charter Treaty

Est. 3min

Spain has initiated a procedure to withdraw from the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT), which protects investments in fossil fuels and other energy infrastructure, official sources confirmed to EURACTIV's partner, EFE.

Energy 16-09-2022

MidCat pipeline stand-off puts EU’s energy solidarity to the test

Est. 5min

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen's call for greater EU "energy solidarity" during her State of the Union address could be difficult to achieve, as the Franco-Spanish MidCat gas pipeline project – on hold due to France's continued opposition – already shows.

Energy 26-08-2022

France keeps blocking MidCat gas interconnection with Spain

Est. 4min

Spain, Portugal and Germany have revived talks on the MidCat gas pipeline project linking the Iberian Peninsula with France, but Paris remains reluctant, calling the future of the project into question.

Energy 16-03-2022

Teresa Ribera reproaches France for lack of engagement in gas interconnection

Est. 2min

Spain's energy Minister, Teresa Ribera, assured that "it is very difficult to make progress" with France on the construction of a gas pipeline that will allow Spain to export its stored gas to the rest of Europe.

Spain calls on EU to endorse renewable energy contracts for industry

Est. 8min

The Spanish government has called on the European Investment Bank (EIB) to provide financial guarantees for long-term fixed-price supply contracts for renewable energy, known as Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs).

Climate change 15-05-2020

Beware of jobs vs. climate clash in virus aftermath, EU warned

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Governments in Europe and beyond should pay “utmost attention” to avoid a “jobs versus climate” confrontation in the recovery phase from the COVID-19 crisis, said Fatih Birol, the executive director of the International Energy Agency (IEA).

Climate change 21-02-2019

Spain in last-ditch attempt to submit EU climate plan

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Madrid lawmakers are racing against time to sign off on an energy and climate plan for 2030 before domestic politics derail the process. Spain is now the only member states that still has not submitted its national plan, originally due by the end of 2018.

Climate change 15-01-2019

EU climate plan no-shows submit excuses instead

Est. 4min

EU nations that missed an end-of-2018 deadline to submit their draft energy and climate plans to the European Commission have started to offer up their excuses for their lateness.

Energy 15-11-2018

Spain to nix nuclear and coal power by 2030

Est. 3min

Spain will close the last of its nuclear reactors and coal power plants before 2030, according to State Secretary for Energy José Dominguez, who made the announcement shortly after Madrid pledged to work towards a completely renewable electricity system.

Electricity 21-09-2018

Spain drops opposition to EU limits on coal power

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The Spanish government has begun winding down state aid for coal power, saying it now sides with a European Commission plan to prohibit so-called capacity payments for plants emitting more than 550g of carbon dioxide per kilowatt hour.

Energy 03-07-2018

Spain to lead the energy transition in Europe?

Est. 5min

The creation of the new ministry for ecological transition in Spain brings fresh air not only at the national level but also at the EU level as Spain can give a push in the fight against climate change, writes Ana Barreira.

Climate change: An opportunity for EU-China cooperation

Est. 5min

It's time to shift from the well-known statement that climate change is one of the biggest challenges facing humankind to a new affirmation, argues Teresa Ribera.

Teresa Ribera

Europe’s piece in the puzzle of global climate cooperation

Est. 6min

The European Commission has just proposed Europe’s ‘contribution’ to the international climate negotiations that should be finalised with a new agreement in Paris in December 2015. Overall, the Commission’s proposed contribution, and the vision it provides for the Paris agreement, is an encouraging first step. Some points may require further clarification, writes Teresa Ribera.