Western movies have long been a popular form of Hollywood entertainment since the earliest days of cinema, with the likes of John Ford, John Wayne and even Ronald Reagan making their names there. In the decades since the genre's peak, various filmmakers have put their own spin on the Old West, merging it with other genres and exploring new angles. The 1990s are home to some of the most interesting Westerns, from kid-friendly adventures to dark deconstructions of the genre's tropes.

While the 1990s may not have the reputation of the '50s and '60s when it comes to Westerns, it does boast some of the greatest films in the genre to date. Thanks to the work of some of cinema's best directors, the decade produced some iconic stories, explored legendary gunslingers and added new depth to the genre. Often cited as a turning point for Westerns, the '90s has a variety of must-watch explorations of the Wild West.

How This Landmark Western Starring an MCU Villain Became an Iconic Meme

Robert Redford is best known today for portraying the MCU's Alexander Pierce, but he's also the face of an iconic meme.

10 Wild Wild West Brings Steampunk to the Old West


Year of Release

IMDb Rating

Barry Sonnenfield



Wild Wild West takes place in the aftermath of the Civil War and revolves around the team-up of an Army Captain, James West, and a US Marshal, Artemus Gordon. Both are charged with finding a former Confederate general, who they are led to believe is kidnapping some of the nation's greatest minds in a treasonous plot. Together, they pursue the criminal on a mission to bring him to justice and save the country.

Wild Wild West shouldn't be taken as the character study of Unforgiven, nor the Western epic of The Searchers. Instead, audiences should take it in the spirit in which it was made: a fun steampunk adventure aimed at younger audiences. The film borrows elements from science fiction and the buddy cop genre, delivering a fun, all-ages Western adventure.

9 Fievel Goes West Brings the Old West to Kids' Animation

Fievel in bubble in American Tail


Year of Release

IMDb Rating

Phil Nibbelink & Simon Wells



10 of the Best Westerns You May Have Missed

Westerns are a huge genre of the silver screen. Which ones fell under the radar that are off the beaten path of the classic spaghetti western format?

An American Tail: Fievel Goes West follows the Mousekewitz family as they journey to the Old West, chasing the promise of prosperity and freedom on the frontier. However, along the way, Fievel realizes the family are under threat from a band of cats, under the leadership of an aristocrat named Cat R. Waul. When he's discovered, the cats toss him off the train, forcing him to trek across the desert in the hopes of saving his family.

Fievel Goes West is a cult classic in kids animation, and follows Fievel on a genuine Western adventure, teaming up with a law dog and Tiger to save his family. Borrowing from classic Western heroes like Wyatt Earp to serve as inspiration, the film is actually a great entry point for kids into the appeal of the Old West.

8 Wyatt Earp Cast Kevin Costner in the Iconic Role

Kevin Costner as Wyatt Earp


Year of Release

IMDb Rating

Lawrence Kasdan



Wyatt Earp explores the life of its titular lawman, beginning with his youth when he attempted to lie about his age to join the army in the Civil War. The movie follows him as he ages into a grown man, seeing him go from hunting buffalo to becoming a deputy Marshal. As he deals out justice, he begins building his reputation as one of America's most accomplished lawmen. As his career continues, he makes his way to Tombstone with his brothers, where he faces off with the Cochise County Cowboys in a gunfight at the O.K. Corral.

Wyatt Earp was made almost immediately after the success of Tombstone, offering a deeper look at the life of Earp from childhood to the events outside the Corral. Where Kurt Russell's take on the character offers a compact, action-heavy thriller, Costner's stint as Earp is a great biopic set across the West. Both films should be seen as complimentary, especially for those who want a good look at the full life of Wyatt and his brothers, not just the events shown in the '93 movie.

7 The Newton Boys Follows a Gang of Criminal Brothers

Tim Robbins, Ethan Hawke, Matthew McConaughey and Skeet Ulrich in Newton Boys


Year of Release

IMDb Rating

Richard Linklater



The Newton Boys begins when a young man, Willis Newton, is unfairly sent to prison. While locked up, he meets two men, Slim and Glasscock, who assist him in bank robberies upon release. However, when Slim is caught, Willis enlists his brothers, Joe, Jess and Dock, to assist him in his new criminal enterprise. As they pull off more robberies, the gang's members become public enemies and are pursued by the law.

The Newton Boys is arguably the most underrated Western of the '90s, though it falls more into the Neo-Western sub-genre because of its 1920s setting. With a cast that includes Matthew McConaughey, Ethan Hawke, Skeet Ulrich and Vincent D'Onofrio, the movie boasts impressive star power for its genre.

6 The Quick And The Dead Is A Cult Classic

Sharon Stone in The Quick and the Dead


Year of Release

IMDb Rating

Sam Raimi



10 Best Spaghetti Westerns (That Aren't from Sergio Leone)

Sergio Leone is synonymous with Spaghetti Westerns, but there are plenty of great films within the genre made by other directors.

Set in 1881, The Quick and the Dead takes place in the town of Redemption, where a tyrannical mayor, John Herod, forces people to compete in a shooting contest. He attempts to force an old gunfighter, Cort, into the tournament, despite him having renounced his violent past. When Herod tries to have the man killed, he's saved by a woman, the Lady, who enters the contest for the money. At the same time, a young man named the Kid signs up under the belief that Herod is his father, and hopes to earn his favor.

The Quick and the Dead became a cult classic after release, despite flopping at the box office, and features Russell Crowe, Gene Hackman and Sharon Stone. As one of Sam Raimi's more underrated films, it features a veritable battle royale in the Old West, with various gunfighters standing off for the prize money and the heroes standing up to Herod.

5 The Mask Of Zorro Reintroduced A Classic Hero


Year of Release

IMDb Rating

Martin Campbell



The Mask of Zorro begins with the original Zorro, Don Diego de la Vega, being arrested by the one of the republic's tyrannical dons, Rafael. However, when he inadvertently causes the death of the hero's wife, takes his daughter as his own, and has Diego imprisoned. There, he languishes in silence and anonymity until Rafael's return, prompting him to stage an escape. Now an older man, he turns to a young thief, Alejandro Murrieta, who seeks vengeance against his brother's killer. Diego attempts to train Murrieta into a disciplined, gentlemanly hero, guided by justice rather than simple revenge.

The Mask of Zorro is a brilliant tale of legacy and heroism, as the two Zorros team up to liberate the people of California and put an end to an oppressive mining operation. With Diego de la Vega caught in a heartbreaking predicament involving his daughter, unaware that he exists, Alejandro romances her, wooing her with the excitement of his new mantle. The movie is a great callback to classic swashbuckling adventures, following the rise of a new swordsman hero and champion of the people.

4 Young Guns II Continues The Regulators' Story

Kiefer Sutherland, Emilio Estevez, Lou Diamond Phillips headline the cast of Young Guns II


Year of Release

IMDb Rating

Geoff Murphy



Young Guns II picks up in the aftermath of the Regulators' fight during the Lincoln County War at the end of the first movie, with the young antiheroes now outlaws from the government. After rescuing his friends from execution, Billy the Kid and the remaining regulators flee the government, learning there are warrants out for them for their part in the events of the first film. When one of their friends, Garrett, becomes a reluctant deputy, he's tasked with finding Billy and the gang and bringing them in.

Young Guns II is a fun adventure, retold by an older Billy in 1950 as he attempts to secure a pardon for his past deeds. While not as strong as the first film, seeing the tables turned on the Regulators as they go from being deputized lawmen to fugitive outlaws made for a great manhunt-themed story.

3 Back To The Future Part III Was The Perfect End To The Perfect Trilogy

Doc and Marty wearing cowboy outfits in Back to the Future 3


Year of Release

IMDb Rating

Robert Zemeckis



Back to the Future follows Marty McFly as he steps into Doc Brown's DeLorean time machine to explore the past and future, fixing mistakes along the way. The second film concludes with Doc being inadvertently transported back to the Old West. The third movie opens with Marty finding 1950s Doc, recruiting him to help send him back to 1885 to find his future self and bring him home after they find a tombstone marking his death as shortly after he was sent back. Donning a Clint Eastwood-inspired costume, Marty heads back, and implores his friend to come back to the future with him.

Back to the Future Part III is a brilliant combination of Western, comedy, science fiction and even steampunk, with Doc working as an inventor in the Old West. When he and Marty cross paths with the violent outlaw Buford Tannen, they must find a way home before he shoots them. The film is one big love letter to the Western genre, replete with callbacks to the films of Clint Eastwood and others. As the concluding chapter in Zemeckis' iconic trilogy, the film is basically the perfect send-off.

back to the future 3
Back to the Future Part III
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2 Tombstone Glorifies the Earp Brothers

Kurt Russell in Tombstone


Year of Release

IMDb Rating

George P. Cosmatos



10 Best Western Movies for New Fans of the Genre

The Western genre's rich history can be daunting for new fans; thankfully, many of its greatest films serve as a natural introduction.

Tombstone begins with the arrival of the famous Earp brothers in the titular town, where they serve as the local law enforcement. While there, they cross paths with the Cochise County Cowboys, a band of violent, rowdy outlaws in the territory. After befriending Doc Holliday, the Earps are forced into a shootout with several of the Cowboys, which leads to an escalation in violence -- culminating in the murder of Morgan Earp. With the final straw broken, Wyatt assembles a posse of honest lawmen to hunt down and kill the remaining Cowboys.

Tombstone marks a flash point in the Western genre as it produced a more mainstream-friendly, shoot-em-up style of Western — one known for its all-star cast and iconic dialogue. When combined with a tale of Western-style justice and revenge, the film rightly earned its status as one of the best Westerns ever made.